Chapter Fifteen

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I freaking loved this place. Never been here before, but I love it. The minute we walked through the double doors into the diner and the smell of burgers and grease and warmth hit my skin, my mind cleared and my shoulders relaxed. I was totally at home now.

A jukebox stood in one corner, playing old songs from the eighties, stuff I loved to listen to. "I love it here."

Will snorted. "You'll want to live here by the time we're through."

I smiled at him.

Jordan and Blake had already gone ahead of us and were currently flirting with a couple of waitresses who had the biggest grins on their faces - and the reddest cheeks. I knew the feeling.

"Girls!" An elderly lady scolded, "you can't allow yourselves to be distract-"

"Hello, Muriel," Jordan said, giving the lady a sweet grin, one I'd never seen him wear before.

"Oh, Jordan. You need to stop distracting my girls."

"Sorry Mrs. Grady. They're just too pretty."

"Just like you," Blake piped up.

Lord, it was funny to watch them flatter an old lady into giggles and blushes.

"Guys, guys. I think we've spread the love, yes?" Will cut in when Mrs. Grady started looking particularly red.

Mrs. Grady cleared her throat and forced a frown. "You boys are trouble. Your table is this way."

"Are you with these buffoons, dear?" She addressed me.

"I am," I replied.

She chuckled, shaking her head. "I fear for your sanity. Don't let them corrupt you too much, okay?"

"I won't."

"Aw, we already have, haven't we Hailey?" Jordan and Blake sandwiched me between them as they put their arms around my shoulders.

"Nah, I've corrupted you."

"Yeah, just keep telling yourself that."

We were lead to a little booth in the back, right by one of the windows that were placed all around the building.

"Here are your menus. Cindy will be around to take your orders soon."

"Thanks, Muriel. Sorry about these jerks here," Will smiled apologetically. God, it was cute. The bad boy of West Falls High was apologizing. And was surprising sweet.

Mrs. Grady smiled back at him and left us with our menus.

"Okay," Will clapped and rubbed his hands together. "We're ordering everything."

"What?" I sputtered. "You're kidding, right? We can't order everything!"

"Why not?"

"Well, for one, it's beyond expensive. And...and, well, um..."

"Okay, so all we've got is that it's expensive, right?"

"And other things!"

"Like what?"

"It-it's wasteful!" There. I thought of something else. I can eat good, but I couldn't eat all that.

"Nuh-uh. Jordan and Blake are bottomless pits. You're covered."

"Yeah, Hailey, have some faith!"

I looked at both Blake and Jordan. Neither looked like they ate like pigs. Both were built, with thick arm muscles and broad chests. And they did not have potbellies.

I looked back at Will. "Seriously?"

Will chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "Look at it this way, sweetheart. Would I ever steer you wrong?"

Would he?

Honestly, I didn't know. He may have been talking more about this moment than in the future, but I took it both ways. He was dangerous and could certainly lead me into a trap without me knowing, he had me wound into so many knots. But did I trust him?

Somehow, the answer was yes.

And so, I knew my answer. "No."

"That's my girl." Will's eyes twinkled from my admission of trust.

"What can I get for you guys?" Our waitress, a perky brunette, asked.

"Hey Cindy," Will greeted her.

She beamed at him. "Hi Will." A look in her eye when she looked at him had me wondering if they knew each other.

"We'll start with all the appetizers and one of every flavour milkshake you have," he continued.

Cindy's eyes bulged. "Everything?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yup," Will answered, popping the 'p'. "Ask Muriel. She'll know what's going on."

"Okay..." Cindy turned back on her heel and walked away slowly, swishing her hips, much to Jordan and Blake's delight. Will's eyes just stayed on the menu.


I wished Cindy hadn't been our waitress. She and I had history - that I doubted Muriel had known about - that I would prefer not to have mess up any chance I had with Hailey.

"Any allergies?" I asked Hailey, still perusing the menu. It struck me how much I didn't know about her, even though I felt like I knew her.

"Nope," she replied.

"Good." I grinned across the table at her.


Later, when we'd ordered everything on the menu, no longer to Cindy's shock - I was sure Muriel had explained our ritual - Hailey's favourites were nailed down and Jordan and Blake were sufficiently stuffed.

"So, why did we have to order all this food?" Hailey finally asked.

"It's our initiation process. The VIP thing?" Hailey nodded. "It's to figure out your favourite things in every category here."

"That's cool. Thanks."

"Don't sweat it. It's fun for all of us."

We headed out to the truck after I paid the tab. "Thanks Muriel!" I called over my shoulder as we headed out, shooting her a wink.

"You're welcome, Will. Be a good boy, now!"

"Always am, Mrs. Grady."

We dropped Jordan and Blake off first, so that it was just me and Hailey in the truck. The radio played country - a station that Hailey had requested. I couldn't blame her. I liked country myself. It was the guys that like rock and roll. She sang along softly, her voice like warm butter. As we got closer to her street, one thing kept nagging at me. We turned onto Mossy Drive, Hailey's street. I reached over and turned the radio off, nodded toward the house and asked, "Are they your real parents?"

Our Broken Pasts [Editing] | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now