Start of a wonderful friendship

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Lily's Pov

During lunch, I asked Jazmine to come join to sit with me and Francine, she rejected. Something about how she's a sophomore and we're freshmen and just doesn't work out.

"So, are you gonna go second base?" She asked me while I bit into my burger.

I quickly spit out my burger. "No!! I bet he has his eyes on juniors, than so random freshman whose new here." I said while putting my hand up in the air.

"Hey did you know if that Jeff sweats if he's nervous. " Francine said while looking at him.

"And why are you telling me this?" I said sounding annoyed.

"If you and him holds hands, it feels like sweat, just he's into you too." She told me as he was looking over here.

"What is he looking at?" I asked in couristy, suddenly there was a shadow behind us, it was Jazmine

Jeff's POV

"This isn't good man." I said while pointing at is baby sister and her friend.

"What is she doing over here?" he asked me like I should know

"I don't know, but I'm not going to find out, that's for sure." I told him as I sipped my drink. As far as I'm concerned, I sense that Jasmine's a little jealous.

Lily's POV

We just sat there in silence with the "What the f**k are you doing here?!?!" Facial expression.

"Are you going to speak?" Jazmine asked as if we were in jail.

"What are you doing here?" Francine snapped at her. Apparently Francine hates Jasmine's guts

"I'm here to send a warning… to Lily" she said I was just about to open my mouth, when she cut me off. How dare that 304(hoe) cuts me off, but I wanted to stay classy, so I just sat there.

"I'm here to warn her to stay away from my man." She said as she continued

"And who might that be?" Francine quickly snapped back

"Um… I think my pal Lily knows who I'm talking about." She said while holding her hands on her hips. It was a minute to process what she had just said. As I happened to look at the table across the room, I see Brandon and Jeff looking this way. Luckily Jazmine wasn't paying no mind to me while she was bickering with Francine.

"Why in the hell do you cause soo much drama?!?!?" I heard one voice say, I found out that was Francine.

"Oh, let me think, because I rule you and this school." Jazmine said while getting up in Francine's face.

As I was looking at Jeff when he motioned with his mouth "What did she say to you?"

I mouth back "She said to stay away from her man." After I said that he looked nonchalant. After Lily came back to earth, I saw my friend Francine lounging after Jazmine, but first she pulled her hair into a bun and took her 4ct diamond hoop earrings out her ear. First she socked her, I got up and pretended to go to the bathroom, and I guess that's what Jazmine gets for running her mouth. I chuckle to myself and knocked into another freshman.

"Hey I'm sorry." I said while he handed his hand out to me. I kindly agreed as I got up. "Gosh, he's muscular." I told myself.

"No prob." He said while shrugging his shoulder and giving me a small grin. "Man look at those hazel eyes."

"Shut up, hey look at his hair." Man me and this second voice. But he did have good hair, no great hair, no AMAZING hair. His hair was a blondish brown, it was long but not too long, you know. It was to his ear and every time he moved his neck, it swayed in his direction.

"Hey, I'm Lily." I said while giving my hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Kris, with a K." he said while shaking my hand

"That sounds sexy." I blurted out. Gosh me and this blurted out thing.

He only giggled. Wait, he giggled and he said "I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship." He said kissing me on the cheek. Wait, I'm bushing, OMG I like two boys!

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