A poem about you

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Today at English, I was transferred to AP English because my teacher calls my work "extraordinary". So when I walked into the room, I swear it sounded like crickets inside the room. The first thing I notice was that Jeff was sitting there. "Oh shit this can't be happening!" I told myself while walking to the teacher's desk. Her name was Mrs. Louise (who names their daughter Louise.) Fuller. She started to speak.

"So, you must be the new transfer!" she said so loud that the class could hear. I saw Jeff look up and his pen was slipping out of his hand. As I look across the room, I saw an empty seat, next to Kris!!

"But before you sit down…" she continued ruining my thoughts, "… you have to give your new fellow classmates a poem." She said while pointing her ruler at the podium.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking nervously. She slapped her ruler on the desk, which scared the heck out of everybody and pointed at the podium.

"This poem is called "Lazy Eye"" I huffed to myself and began quoting something I wrote

"Sitting on the bench

In the night wondering,

How and why I got here.

With you my dear,

Everyone seems to have a Lazy Eye


But unfortuenely, your Lazy Eye follows you

To your grave.

But somehow, I don't see you Lazy Eye

Under those deep green eyes in disguise,

Piercing my soul as we kiss

Lips to Lips,

Tongue to Tongue

Your fingers run through my hair

But now I'm totally aware

That my feelings towards you

Is more than just a friend?

But a lover who would never be torn

Between you and another guy again

And as I look up I don't see

That Lazy Eye anymore

Because the Lazy Eye finds it's me

Who it adores

And we hug passionately and we

Can't abide

That it was I who fell in love with

That Lazy Eye"

As I finished my poem, the whole room was silent. I mean you could drop the damn pencil and you can turn and seen the person, actually dropped a pencil and guess that it was… Jeff. I clear my throat and took my seat.

"Okay will anybody want to guess what the moral of Ms. Becken's poem?" Mrs. Fuller said looking across the room. No one wanted to comprehend my poem, was it good? was it bad? Damn I was so nervous, I was shaking all over. Kris saw mw and put his hand over mine. It was warm, soft and gentle. I looked at him and mouthed "thank you". In response he just smiled. Boy, I just loved his teeth, just so straight and white, and his "K-9" teeth were so pointy. I just wanted to kiss him, his lips looked so kissable. And I wanted to brush my fingers against his hair…

"Well since no one wants to volunteer, I randomly choose Jeff." Said Mrs. Fuller pointing the ruler at Jeff. Jeff slowly walked to the podium. As he spoke, I thought "He really knows me, like he knows my innermost thoughts."

Jeff's Pov

"Since no one wants to volunteer, I randomly chose Jeff." Mrs. Fuller said while pointing the ruler at me. "What the hell!" I said to myself. I slowly rose up out my seat, and slowly walked to the podium.

"Well I think that she means that she has feelings with him and when they kissed, she felt like she had all the attention." I said while the class was silent. Finally the bell ringed and I rushed to get my stuff. When I went to my locker, I saw Jasmine standing there.

"What are you doing?" I asked her feeling annoyed. "

Well Jeffy, I was wondering what you was saying about the Back to school dance." She said sounding all pity. She moved out my way while opening up my locker.

"I'll said I think about it okay?" I said while slamming my locker.

"Wow what crawled up your ass and died?" she said. Cleary, she wasn't alone when I heard someone snickering behind them. I walked in a rush to nowhere, wondering shall I ask or not, but this was one hard decision to make.

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