If you really knew me pt 2

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Lily's POV

Everybody seemed to have their date: Joyce with Brian, Francine with Jordan. Everybody seemed to have it all. I was just the only one stuck with the decision: Kris or Jeff. Each and everybody wanted me to choose their picks.

"Pick Kris" Jordan said.

"No! Jeff is into you! Pick him" Francine says. I'm just mixed up in it all and my parents, they argue all the time. My mom and dad come into my room. They stand stiff like, I don't know. My mom has puffy eyes and sniffles, as my dad stands there, no tears no remorse.

"Lil, we have to tell you something." My mom said. I already know what it is, I just need conformation.

"Your mother and I are getting a divorce." I nod my head as I let down hot tears from my eyes.

"Who's moving out?" I say.

"I am" my dad said in reply. I know how these divorces go, but I know that my brother and sister will be separated, forever.

My dad leaves that night. I call Joyce and Francine to come to visit me. They bring Brian Jeff and Jordan too.

"I'm so sorry, for all five of you." Francine says. Jordan orders some pizza from Papa Ramono's and some ice cream from Dairy Queen. We watch movies including "Superman Returns", and many more.

"Miss Beckons, don't worry, my mom got divorced and she dates every day." Jordan says. My mom slightly chuckles at the thought of it.

"Mom, please don't listen to Jordan." I say while rolling my eyes.

"I went to see Cass." Joyce says.

"Cass Tech?" Brian said.

"Yeah their marching band is sweet, and plus I saw this cute boy…." Joyce says while Brian clears his throat.

"Oops, did I leave you out or something?" Joyce asks while sounding like she was talking to a 2-year old child.

"You're with me. Remember?" he said in an attitude.

"Whatever "Joyce said while putting her hand up to his face. We laughed at both of them. My mom was finally beginning to cheer up. Who knew freahmens and sophomores could make a late 30 year old woman. I suddenly began to feel close to mother now. As the days passed, we painted each other's toenails and went to the salon to get our hair done. During that time, my mom talked about how dad and she met. She said that they hated each other at first because he called her. "Snaggatooth Sydney", as they grew up hating each other, they're love began to grow stronger, until they got married and three beautiful children: Lily, Sam and Samantha. I smiled to hear such a story. Too bad my mom and dad are getting a divorce.

Jeff's Pov

"Should I ask her?"

"Yeah, you should, she likes you, and every girl does."

"Now you sound like a douche, a tool and one of those High School Musical jerks."

"Ugg! What should I do?" I've been going back and forth in my mind all day long of what to do. Should I ask Lily before it's too late? Or should I give up and let Kris take her. I might look like a wimp, or an uninterested guy which I'm not and Lily knows that too.

"Lily I know that we've… no that's too. ok Lily.."

"Hey Jeff." Someone called me. I jumped, it was Lily.

"Hey Lily, so…"

"So…" I look down at the floor. I was such a nervous wreck. I sound like one of those singing groups even though I could not sing for crap.

"Have you seen Francine?" she asked. Her long red hair flowed in the wind. I was such in a revire state that she repeated the question.

"So have you seen Francine today?" she asked. I shooked my head in response as she walked away, I never really thought about Francine. I did ask myself where she would be. During that day in school I went to Vincent, the "stuff" dealer in the back hallway that nobody uses anymore.

"You got some?" I ask he gives me a bag full of white powder. I gave him a bundle of twenties as we went our separate ways. I sniff a little here and there. I cannot take the pressure as I used to. It all started when I was little and my parents just gush over me about everything.

"Wow Jeff you got an A+!"

"Look, our son got first place." And so on. I always have to prove myself to them. If I make one slip up, they will hate me for the rest of my life plus eternity.

Francine's POV

I stay at home today strictly because I didn't feel well. I look at the old scars on my wrist, my forearm, my ankle, my neck, anything to make this pain go away.

"Mommy, Daddy look! I got first place in ballroom!"

"Oh, that's nice sweetie let's put it next to Brians's" they put it behind Jeff's huge baseball trophy."

The pain of me not being great for my parents makes me invisible. They don't even care about my tennis matches. I'm going to nationals next month and they don't care. I begin to cry at first but the tears don't seem to come. So I began take the pain killers, but the pain never goes away. Then I begin to cut myself. Every time I do it, every dripping blood I see, it makes me painless, it makes me happy. I don't feel anything. I just smile at the blood, because I know that the blood will be free, from the hurt, the pain, the sorrow. I put my earphones on as I slit myself one more time. This time I cut a little deeper I feel a little pinch, but the blood begins to drip

Drip drop drip drop drip drop

I cannot hear the sounds, but I just imitate what sound I would hear. Wondering if would be the last thing I see, feel, hear, touch or do.

Joyce's POV

"Fat girl! Eat a pig" those comments make me cry as I sit in a bathroom stall. I mess up my mascara, I don't why they made front of me. Teens always think about the weight and the hair and their outside but not the inside. My mom or dad doesn't know I get bullied, they don't know anything about what I do. I want to run away, but Lily needs me, her problems are much worse than mine. I wipe my face and reput my makeup in and hold my head high and smile big and wide.

Brian's POV

"One more time!" my father yelled after school, I run up a big hill and back up for literally the twentieth time. I'm breathing hysterically swearing that I would die now. I cannot lie down, he will yell at me. Sweat dripping from head to toe.

25 more pushups!!" he yelled by far I've done about 1,000 so far sweat is dripping from me now I cannot breath I lay down. I close my eyes as an open them again I see I tree branch whack me in the face. I feel a pain on my face. I feel the pain. It thumps with a steady breath. I feel hot tears down my eyes.

"Don't cry! You wimp" he says "You're nothing but a loser!!" he said. I look in the mirror and the scar was dark red.

I wish my mom would come and visit. With my mom on rehab and my abusive dad, I don't know which one is worse

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