Kris's Epiphany

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Lily's POV

My mom had gone to see her lawyer today. They said she was supposed to be the best yet. I still think about my siblings and I being torn apart. I cannot help but cry. I still cannot believe that mom and dad are getting a divorce.

"Sweetie don't cry." My mom said coming from behind me. I cannot help but sniffle a little longer. She hugs me tightly.

"I know it hurts me too." She whispers. We entered the court. I see a blonde woman, about late thirties and I see a boy, about my age from the back, sandish brown hair I stand frozen. I cannot breathe.

"Kris?" my voice shakes. The head turns. His green eyes pierce my soul with a sympathy look.

"You knew?" I ask. His hangs his head down.

"How could you Kris!" The guard has to drag me out the court... "I trusted you!" the court case seems longer and longer as I sit outside on the bench. Soon enough Kris comes out to sit next to me.

"I had to go along with it." He said shuffling his feet.

"Why? I mean I did nothing to you but be kind to you." I said looking at him.

"My mom, she always wanted but the best for me, even if it was to hurt the people who claimed that they loved us."

"Even the people that started to care?" he looked up at me.

"You? You started to care, about me?"

"I did… until now."

"You know, I never knew my dad if it helps. My slut of a mom thought that my dad was a poor unworthy of a man so one day she packed a few clothes of ours and left my dad, wifeless and sonless. That was until two years ago, when I saw my dad, an entrepreneur looking for his son. I called him, he was so happy to hear from me until my mom found out and she started to ask for money from him for him to just to see me!" he laughs, but it was not a laugh full of humor.

"I am so caught up in my mom and how she is so devious that I didn't see how devious she was..." he shook his head he began to get up.

"Where are you going?" I asked him

"I'm going to testify so your mom can get custody of all three of you guys."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do, after all I've done to you…"

"Kris it's not your fault, nor your moms, it's my dad. Even in the beginning when your mom was trying to get with my dad, he should've known that this, this was going to ruin his family, his wife and his three kids." I said. I could feel my hands ball into fists as I begin to talk about my dad in that way. Kris held my hand as my grip released.

"Hey, step sis, its gonna be okay." I hysterically laugh.

"Step sis? How about too fast." We begin to laugh. We hug knowing that we got into a deeper understanding with each other.

That night my mom went out with a couple of friends for a pre divorce party. Thanks to Jordan, she went to plenty of speed dating. She actually started an old fling back in college, his name was Darren, and so far, he has been nice to all of us, my siblings and me. The next day, we all sat at the table, all except Kris, he was not feeling well today so he just stayed home. I knew it was not the problem. The problem was that he really did not want to see everyone else after what happened. I slid next to Jeff and smile widely in his face.

"May I help you?" he asked

"Didn't you tell me something; yeah you said you wanted to ask me something."

New High School, New AdventuresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora