The feelings i never thought i had

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As Kris walked away, I felt, that I should forget about Jeff and hang out with Kris for a while. After Francine got out the office we began to talk.

"So, what happen?" I asked her

"They just gave this damn warning, like for real." She said while raising her hand up like some old church woman. "So what happened to you?" she asked me.

"Nothing." I said while blushing.

"C'mon, you're not a good liar, not at all." She told me while giving me daggers.

"Okay, I met a guy named Kris, with a K." I said while screaming. Francine said while screaming also, suddenly a female voice scared us.

"What we screaming about? 'Cause I really want to know?" As I turned around, there she was dark skinned, junior plus, blue skinny jeans, a fusion V long sleeve shirt, with purple and white converse. I looked up and found that it was Joyce. "Oh, boy, I've, missed that girl so much."

"Joyce!!!" I said while I squealed and jumped as I hugged my best friend.

"LiLi!" As she hugged back. "And you must be Francine." She said while shaking her hand.

"So what does he look like?" She asked him.

"Well… he has hazel eyes, nice hair, and get this, nice muscles!!!" I said while Joyce screamed and pointed and said "That must be him." As I looked behind me, it wasn't Kris, no it was Jeff, in his wife-beater and his jeans, boy, and he could be the most immature person I now and still date him.

"Hey Lily, um... you still up for the car ride?" Jeff asks me dryly. "Why is he acting all nervous with me?" I asked myself, but my most inner thoughts got interrupted when Joyce let out this embarrassing comment.

"Car ride, Wow Lils, you work fast." She said as she snickered. As I turned around, I found myself, looking at Jeff, blushing.

"Are you okay dude?" Brandon said while snickering on the side, apparently he saw Jeff blush too.

"Y… Y… Yeah" Jeff stammered.

"I since love in the air!" Francine said while sounding like some hopeless romantic watching a – already know what's going to happen- movie. I playfully punch Francine in the arm, knowing that she would stop talking.

"I still haven't met your friend." Brandon said while giving Joyce "I know you want me" kind of look. In response, Joyce was smiling too much, I mean if she any lighter, she'll look like a red tomato.

"Joyce" she said before I could open my mouth.

"Brandon" he said while shaking her hand. They really had an eye to eye moment, you know what I mean.

"So, why did you come so early?" I asked Joyce as she was getting out the eye to eye moment.

"Well, mii daddy, saw how much pain I was when you left, and… HE MOVED HIS JOB HERE!!!" she said while screaming to the top of his lungs.

"Well, well, well, we have a daddy's little girl on our hands" Brandon said whole having a smirk on his lips. After school, Brandon, Francine and Joyce walked to Joyce's house and Jeff and I promised to drop by, as soon we were done with my joy ride, not like the movie when the freaky truck driver follows these young adults and make them suffer. The whole time we were on the ride I kept on getting these texts like:

Joyce: Did u kiss yet? : 2fas4u

Me: No! Can 1 ride n a car b innocent?: Lily

Francine: Iz he sweatn?: Francdanerd

Me: IDK, can u get out of mii biz: Lily

Joyce: No! u+boy+dream car= Luv: 2fas4u

"Um, everything alright?" Jeff said sounding left out

"Yeah, love the view." I said while feeling my hair through the breeze.

"So, are you going to the Bac2Skol dance?" he asked me while putting his hand on mine, boy was he sweating. I text Francine back:

Me: Yeah, he iz.: Lily

Francine: Hez n 2 u gurl: Francdanerd

I stopped texting knowing I as being totally rude to my host.

"Are you sweating?" I asked while looking at him. He quickly pulled his hand away.

"No!" he said while blushing.

Jeff's POV

"Jeff you're a total idiot, you know that." I thought to myself replaying the scene in the car wishing I could just run myself over.

"Dude, you got something for her" Brandon said while looking at me in the mushiest way as possible.

"Shut up dude, I do not and I don't want to hear a single word." I said while putting my earplugs in to my IPod Touch. Selena Gomez came on with a Year without rain. I know but my little sister put this on my IPod, to annoy me to buy her an ITunes card, and I still haven't.

"Can you feel me, When I think about you, with every breath I take, every minute, don't matter what I do my world is an empty place."

Ever since Jazmine broke up with me for that Hispanic speaking dude, three years ago, I never found the right girl and now… a freshman making me nervous and scared.

"Like I've been wondering in a desert, for a thousand days (oooh), don't know if it's a mirage, but I always see your face baby."

But hearing that song just took me places, like maybe I had a chance with this girl, maybe I didn't, but one thing was for sure, I had feelings for this girl.

I'm missing you so much, can't even help it now, a day without you is like a year without rain, I need you by my side, don't how else to find, but a day without you is like a year without rain."

No matter how you put it, Jeff was putting his heart out in the world again, after three years.

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