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Zacks P.o.v

I wake up bright and early on Saturday morning, I have to get to work. I probably should have told Ashley that I'm working, so next time it's not a shocker when I show up at her door with pizza.

I head to the small bathroom, it's the only one in the house. I shower than put on some fresh clothes. I go back into my room to get my shoes and I see Mary curled up on my bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"Mommy." Is all she says

Great, probably my mom drunk at 7 in the morning. This always happens, I feel so bad for Mary seeing her mother like that.

I go down stairs and see her slumped over on the couch. I really hate leaving when she's like this, but I have to go to work. Good thing I can leave Mary at the neighbors house so she's safe.

I help my mother sit up.

"What are you doing?" She slurs

"Helping you sit up." I say

"Dont touch me you bastard."

I ignore her, I've grown used to her insults when she drinks. I know she's a completely different person sober.

"I can't believe your stupid ass is going to be a dad." I ignore her once again

"You're going to be just like your father" That I can't ignore, I'll never be like him

"I will never be like him, I would never do that to my son!" I scream at her

"Son?" She asks


"Great another male."

I'm not helping her anymore, I head back upstairs. Mary feel asleep so I pick her up and take her next door. The women next door is really old, but we've known her for years and she always has watched us when times were hard.

After that I head to work. I can't let what my mother said get to me, I know she really didnt mean it. She just takes her anger out on us, all the pain from her past gets to her when she drinks. I hate seeing her like this, but I know I can't help her, no matter how much I try.

After a long 9 hour shift at work, I'm still not looking forward to going home.  I know I have to though, I don't have anywhere else to go.

I text Ashley to see what she's up to.


I text her.

Watching the baby kick me. Haha

She replies and I smile.

Wanna hang out?

I ask.

Come to my dad's house.

After that I ride my bike to her dad's house. Its kind of weird how her dad lives a few blocks away from her other house? Rich people are confusing sometimes.

I knock on the large door and her step brother answers.

"Yeah." He says

"Is Ashley here." I ask

"Are you the delivery guy from last night?"


"Then why do you want Ashley. Did she not pay enough or something?"

"We go to the same school."

"Oh" is all he says

"Shes upstairs." He says and let's me in as if I know my way.

I head up the stairs hoping for the best. Couldn't he have showed me her room? I knock on a door and no one answers so I'm assuming that's not her room. After searching the very big hallway for about 2 minutes Ashley walks out of a room at the very end.

"Zack what are you doing?" She laughs

I can't help but laugh back. "I couldn't find your room."

"Dylan didn't show you?"

That must be his name.


Sho leads me back to her room and shows me the baby bed that her dad bought. It's nice that he did that, I wouldn't want The baby staying at my house unless it was for short visits.

"The baby's kicking again." She says

Then she grabs my hand and puts it on her stomach, For a second i don't feel anything then out of no where i feel a big kick.

"Wow" I always sound so amazed.

"I know"

After a few minutes he stops kicking.

"I've thought about a name." I say to her

"Oh really what?"

"I like the name Ayden."

"Thats cute. I haven't really thought of any boy names yet."

Wee hang out for awhile, I see it's starting to get dark outside. I know I probably should go but I just really don't want to go back there, I hate it there.

"I don't want to leave" I say and look at the floor, I can't believe I just admitted that

"Why not?" She asks

"My mom"

"Your mom sucks too, huh?"

"Pretty much, she's a drunk so it's kind of hard being around her. "

"You can stay here" she says

"What? No, I couldn't ask that." I say back

"You're  not asking, I'm telling you, you can. My dad won't care, as long as you don't sleep in my bed. Plus my dad won't be back for another week."

It's kind of temping, but i know I shouldn't.

"I shouldn't." I say

"Come on." She says and gives me a pouty lip

"Fine" I say after a couple of minutes


I text Steph, my neighbor. Telling her I wont be home so she will keep Mary over night so I won't have to worry about her.

We watch movies for hours and just enjoy each others company, we sit there so long that I don't even notice myself starting to fall asleep. I look at Ashley and she she's already sound asleep.

I look down at her, she's so beautiful. I sigh I know she said I can't sleep in the same bed, but she fell asleep on my chest and I don't want to wake her.

So I don't, I snuggle up closer to her and fall asleep.

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