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Zacks p.o.v

I'm driving down the road after me and Dylan dropped Maria off.

Dylan wanted to take a short cut down a bumpy old road, so I thought why not. What's it going to hurt?

Dylan punches my arm.

"You're about to be a dad" He says

"I know" I say back

"You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Aye man watch out" Dylan says as the car starts to spin out of control

The car keeps spinning, I'm hitting the break but nothings happening.

I look over at Dylan and see him doubled over.

"Dylan" I scream as the cars still spinning

The car then tips over and I'm still pressing down on the break.

I hit my head really hard on the steering wheel.

I see a face.


I wake up with sweat dripping down my face.

Ever since I got out of the hospital that's the same dream I keep having. I guess my mind is trying to tell me something. I still don't remember what actually happened, so I guess that could be what happened.

I get up and go to the bathroom to get some water, My hearts still beating pretty fast.

I walk by Aydens room and don't see him in his crib, so he must be with Ashley.

I look in her room and see her sound asleep with Ayden on her chest. I go in and grab Ayden and cradle him in my arms.

I lay beside Ashley and just look at her. She's such an amazing mother. She's done a really great job with Ayden.

"I love you guys." I whisper as I pull Ashley closer to me.

She just wraps her arm around me.

I know I'm not supposed to be in her room at night, but I can't help it. I want to be close to her.

Today's the day. My mom gets out of rehab. After being in there for so long, I'm really excited to see her and for her to finally meet Ayden.

I pace the kitchen back and forth, nervously waiting for Ken to get back with my mom.

He should've been here about 15 minuets ago. I can't help but think that something happened and they're not letting her out.

Since she's had such a good recovery my older brother Ethan is finally coming to visit after 2 years.

He left when he turned 18 because he was sick of the family problems. He called me and said he would stop by later on tonight, I'm nervous to see him too. He knows I have a kid but he doesn't seem too really like the idea.

I hear the door creek open.

Then seconds later I see Ken and my mom walk into the kitchen.

"Oh, Zack" She says and hugs me "I was so worried about you being in a coma, they wouldn't let me leave to see you. Don't think I didn't want to see you"

Tears start to well at the bottom of her eyes.

"I know, mom. It's okay." I say and hug her back.

"Where's my mary?"

"Probably in her room. I'll go get her." Ken says and heads up the stairs

"Wow, they have such a nice home." My mom says

"They do."

Ken comes down the stairs with Mary pinned to his side.

"Mary come to mommy." My mom says and holds out her arms.

Mary stays glued to Kens side not budging.

"It's okay, Mary. She's better." I say because I know she'll listen to me

She hugs my mom still a little scared. My mom hugs her and picks her up.

"Can I go play now, Daddy?" Mary says to Ken

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention Mary calls Ken dad now. I think it's weird since he's my girlfriends dad, but she doesn't understand that and she loves ken. He's the closest thing to a real father she's ever had.

"Yes, sweety" Ken says

"Daddy?" My mom asks with disgust "You are not her father."

"I know, I know. She just started calling me that when Zack was gone. She was scared and confused. " Ken says

"It's okay, I guess" My mom says and puts her hands on her hips

Thank God Ashley walks into the kitchen with Ayden in her arms. A reason for it to not be awkward anymore.

"You must be Ashley." My mom says and opens her arms for a hug.

Ashley hugs her back

"It's really nice to meet you. Want to hold Ayden?" Ashley asks my mom

"Of course"

Ashley hands my mom our son and my mom starts to cry.

"He's so big and handsome. Look at these chubby cheeks. Oh my Ayden you sure do look like your daddy." She says in a baby voice.

The rest of the afternoon is me, Ayden and Mary hanging out with my mom.

She's a lot better and it's good to see her happy again. She hasn't put Ayden down, I'm glad that she loves him.

I hear the doorbell ring and know it must be Ethan since everyone else left so we could spend the day together.

I answer the door and there he stands. He looks so much different so grown, he looks just like our dad.

I'm speechless. I can't even move.

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