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I wake up with a sharp pain in my side. Ow, this really needs to stop. I lay down and try to go back to sleep.

When I can't go back to sleep I look at the time 6am. Almost time for school, I feel the pain go all over my stomach.

I start crying this hurts so bad.

I hear a knock at my door.

"Are you okay?" Isabelle asks as she enters my room

"I don't know. My stomach hurts so bad. Ow, ow it's hurting again." I say

"I'll take you to the hospital"

She helps me up and leads me down stairs and into her car.

The way to the hospital is quick since we don't live to far.

I walk inside and the pain starts to get worse.

"How may I help you?" The nurse asks

"I have really bad pains in my stomach. I'm only 6 months along." I say

"Okay we'll get you back right away."

They get me back into a room very quickly. I'm laying in the hospital bed, I haven't called anyone because I don't want to scare them Isabelle is here with me.

They've ran what seems like a million tests on me before they can give me an answer.

The doctor comes into the room 5 minutes later.

"So it looks like you're going into labor." He says

"What? No, I can't." I say

"We're going to give you an I V with medicine to stop the labor."

"Okay" I say

This is really scary. I can't believe I'm actually going into labor. Did I do something wrong?

I text Zack and he comes to the hospital as quick as he can.

"Are you okay?" Zack asks rushing to me side

"I don't know, their giving me medicine to stop the labor."

"This is so scary." Zack says and sits down.

No kidding, I'm so scared right now, I can't believe that I'm in labor. I don't want to hurt my baby.

The doctor comes back into the room.

"Okay we got the labor to stop. You shouldn't have this problem again. You really need to take it easy. You can't go to school, that's to much walking you need to be on bed rest the rest of your pregnancy. We're still going to keep you over night just to make sure you're 100% okay" He says

"Okay thank you" I say and he leaves the room

I'm glad that I'm going to be okay. This was still a really big scare and I'm still pretty shook up over it.

"Well that's good that you and the baby are okay." Zack says

"Yeah, I was so scared that I did something wrong."

"This isn't your fault. These kinds of things happen all the time."

The next morning my dad comes and picks me up from the hospital. I'm still pretty bummed that I can't go to school. I enjoy school, even though I'm not the smartest person.

"Thanks for coming to get me" I say

"You're welcome, but you should have called me yesterday. I would have stayed the night with you." He says as he drives into our gated community

"I know, I'm sorry but Zack stayed with me so I was just fine"

"I want to meet that kid some day."

"Okay, dad."

I'm staying at my dad's house, since he and Miranda offered to take care of me. I would have much rather had Isabelle take care of me, but I really didn't want to be rude.

I'm going to do online school, starting next week. I planned on going to online school after the baby came, but not this early.

I head up to my room. It's going to be really hard staying here everyday and not going anywhere. I hate sitting in the house all day. I just need to remember that I'm doing this for the baby.

I lay down and almost fall asleep when I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey" Miranda says as she enters my room

"Hi" I say and sit up

"You doing okay?"


"You know I will do anything for you, Ashley. I know we really don't know each other, but I love you like my own daughter and I really love your father." She says and almost starts crying

I don't know what brought this on, but I'm glad that I was wrong about Miranda. I really thought she was a gold digger, just out for my dad's money.

"I love you to, Miranda. I'm glad you married my dad." I say and hug her

"Me too. I really hope you and Dylan are getting along well. "

"We are, so far."

"That's good, He really likes you. He told me himself." She says and smiles

I just smile back. I don't know how I feel about Dylan, I don't really know him that well but deep down I get an odd feeling from him.

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