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Zacks P.o.v

Ashley called me and told me her dad found my mom a really good rehab in downtown LA and that his friend owns half the business so she can stay there for free.

I told my mom and she was so excited, I think she's really happy to make a change.

"I really can't wait to go. It's going to be so good. Then when I get out we can be a real family." My mom says as she pours all her beer down the drain

"Yeah" I say

She stops dead in her tracks.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I can't go." She says

"What why?"

"Where will you guys stay."

"Here." I say

"Whos going to pay the bills?"

I never really thought of that, I guess she has a good point. My mom can't miss this opportunity she really needs to go.

"Mom, you have to go. You're never going to get a chance like this again, Maybe we could stay with Steph." I say

"She can't take care of you guys full time, She's almost 70." She says and sighs

"I will figure something out."

We really should have thought about this before asking Ashley's dad for help.

We don't have much family, all the family on my mom's side live in the south. My dad's side of the family doesn't talk to us much, ever since my dad was sent to prison. They don't believe us that he was abusive.

I guess we could call my mom's mom. I know she would let us stay with her, but do I really want to move to West Virginia and leave Ashley and the baby?

I head to school on my bike and try to think of somewhere me and Mary could stay. We don't really have anyone.

I run into Dylan as I'm walking to class.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say

"So, you date my sister?"

Sister? Since when was he her brother.

"I don't know." Is all I say

"Better not hurt her." He says

"Trust me, I'm not."

"Okay" After that he walks away

Yeah, that wasn't weird at all. He doesn't even know Ashley.

I head to my first class, not really focused on school at all. I guess I could talk to the school social worker and figure something out.

Instead of heading to my first class I head to the social workers office. I knock on her door and she answers on the first knock.

"Come in" She says "oh hi Zack. "

She knows me well since I used to see her all freshmen year when my dad first went to prison.

"What can I help you with?" She says

"My mom finally decided to go to rehab."

"Wow that's fantastic."

"I know..."

"But?" She says knowing there's a catch

"Me and Mary have know where to go." I say and look down

"Oh wow, Can't you guys stay with family."

"We have no family here, Only in west Virginia."

"You guys could stay at a group home just until she gets back." She says

I really don't want to stay at a group home, but if that's our only option to get our mom better than I will.

"I guess we could." I say

"I can call around and find one that's not to filled." She says and picks up her phone

I walk out of her office feeling defeated. This is really going to suck staying in a group home for 6 months of longer if that's what my mom needs.

Ashley wants me to come over so I head over to her dad's house. I've been going over there a lot lately since she hasn't been going to school.

It's weird not seeing her at school everyday, but it's also nice that I get to spend more time with her at her house.

I knock on her door and her dad answers.

"Hey, Zack." He says as he lets me in

"Hi Mr. Smith" I say

"Call me Ken."


"Your mom's treatment starts next week." He says

"I know." I say and sigh

"What's the matter? I thought she really needed to go?"

"She does that's not it. Me and my sister Mary, she's only 5 we're going to have to stay in a group home for 6 months until she gets out."

"You don't have any family to stay with?" He asks

"Only in west Virginia."

"Well you know what, You guys could stay here."

"No, Ken you've already done enough." I say

"Zack we have plenty of room." He says

"I don't want to burden you."

"You won't be, but you will not be staying in the same room as my daughter." He says in a stern voice.

It would be nice to stay here since I could help Ashley with the baby and they really do have the room, It's a 8 bedroom house and they only use 3 of them.

"I don't know.." I say

"Come on Zack. Give me your mom's number, I will call her myself." He says

I give him my mom's number and she starts crying on the phone saying how thankful she is. He had it on speaker so I heard the conversation.

"You guys will move in the day your mom goes to the rehab." He says

"Thank you so much, Ken."

"It's really no problem. This house is so empty anyway."

I walk upstairs to tell Ashley the good, but weird news.

I walk into her room without knocking.

She's laying on her bed watching friends.

"Guess what?" I say as I shut the door

"What?" She says and pauses her show

"Your dad said me and Mary could stay here while my mom's in rehab."

"Wow really? My dad said that?"

"Yeah." I say

"Oh my god. That's amazing, I'm so happy. Now you can always help me with the baby." She says


I guess this is happening. I just hope Mary likes it here. I don't see why she wouldn't, this house is way bigger than anything she's used to. Shes just so young I don't want to confuse her, but this is good. We will finally have a mom, I hope.

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