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Being home schooled is not fun! No social life, no friends, I'm bored out of my mind.

I really miss being around people all day and seeing all of my friends. I don't have much friends since everyone found out I was pregnant by someone who wasn't popular, but I still have the ones who count. I used to think social status mattered so much, but it really doesn't. Zack isn't popular and he's one of the nicest people I've ever met, being popular doesn't mean anything.

I miss eating lunch with Zack and seeing Maria everyday. She works after school so she doesn't come over much. This just sucks all over, What also sucks is seeing Dylan a lot.

He's been really nice checking on me when my dad and Miranda aren't home, but I don't know just something about him I don't like. I think it's just I'm not used to having a brother.

I've been used to having only a little sister so it's weird having a brother.

Zack was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago to hang out with me, but I guess he's late.

"Hey" Zack walks into my room an hour later looking very stressed

"Hi" I say and hug him "what's wrong?"

"My mom" is all he says

Zack told me all about his mom, how she's a alcoholic and about his abusive father. It's sad hearing the things he's been through growing up. I wish I could help him out.

"What happened?" I ask him

"Nothing really actually. She said she wants to go to rehab to be a good mother and grandmother."

"Isnt that good?"

"Yes and no. We can't afford that." He says and sighs

"Maybe my dad can help?"


"Yes, I can ask him for you."

"No, Ashley, I haven't even met your father I don't want to ask him for money." He says

"Fine, you can meet him then when you go home I will tell him about it." I say

Me and Zack walk down stairs, we go into my dad's office where he usually is.

He's on the phone when we walk in so we wait until he's done.

"Yes, Ashley. " my dad says when he sees me standing there

"This is Zack." I say and wave my hands towards Zack

"Nice to meet you, sir." Zack says

"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you. I hope you're as good as a guy as Ashley makes you out to be."

"I hope so."

After my dad and Zack meet, Zack says he needs to head to work so he leaves. I stay in my dad's office wanting to ask him for help. I really want to help Zack's family out, They deserve a better life.

"Dad" I say

"Yes, honey." He says and looks away from his computer

"Zack's family needs help."

"With what?"

"His mom needs to go to rehab." I say

"What am I supposed to do about that?" My dad says and sighs

"His family is really poor, that can't afford for her to go."

"I see. Ashley I really don't know his family. I can't just loan them money without knowing them."

"Please dad. They really need this."

"I can make some calls to some people I know too see if we can get her into the best rehab in the city. " he says

"Thank you, dad. " I say and give him a big hug

I'm so happy my dads willing to help.

After laying in bed for an hour I go over and knock on Dylan's door. I'm so bored, I need someone to hang out with.

He answers on the second knock.

"Yeah" He says just standing there

"Wanna hang out?" I say

"And do what?"

"I don't know. Play a game?"

"What kind of game?"

"Black ops?" I ask and his face lights up

"You know how to play that?" He asks


We go down to the game room, which is in the basement and play black ops for about 3 hours until I get to tired and end up almost falling asleep on the basement couch.

As I'm walking up the stairs to go to bed Dylan stops me.

"Do you mind if I ask your friend out?" He asks



"If you want" I say and I walk away

I doubt Maria will say yes. I mean she does think he's cute but she's always had this strict rule of only dating guys older then her.

So I guess we will see where that goes.

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