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I walk into the room where they're keeping Zack. He made it out of surgery yesterday. I wasn't allowed to see him until today. The baby is 1 day old and all I want is Zack to be able to see him and hold him.

It doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon.

I look at Zack laying on the bed. He doesn't look like himself, Bruises under his eyes, broken jaw wired shut.

It brings tears to my eyes looking at him like this. He must be in so much pain but there's nothing I can do about it.

The doctor said Zack had bleeding on his brain. He's in a coma, We don't know how long it'll take for him to get out of it.

It could take days, weeks, months. No one knows and that's what's killing me. Not knowing is the worst part.

I wanted to at least bring the baby to see Zack, but the doctor said I'm not allowed to take him up here.

I grab Zack's hand and a tear falls down my check.

"Hi. The baby's here." I say

I want to talk to him just in case he can understand what's going on.

"He's so perfect, and healthy. He looks just like you. It's crazy, he has brown hair just like yours. " I smile

I start to cry again, that's all I've been doing ever since I found out about this, All I do is cry.

"Visiting hours are over" The nurse says as she comes in

"Oh okay" I say and get up to leave

"He's going to be okay" She says and smiles at me I smile back then leave

The next day

Today I'm getting released from the hospital and so is Dylan. I don't really want to go home without Zack, but I can't just stay here.

I have to stay strong for the baby.

I've decided to call the baby Ayden, That's what Zack wanted to name him. I've grown a liking to it.

I walk into my room and look around. It feels so much different being in here now that the babies home. It doesn't just feel like my room now, it feels like our room.

I grab Ayden out of the carrier and sit him in his crib. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep.

I never thought I would be able to love someone as much as I love him. I fell in love with him so fast. From the second I laid my eyes on him, he's become my world. I couldn't imagine my life any other way.

I lay down on my bed, I also never thought I could be this tired. I'm exhausted, giving birth took every ounce of energy out of me.

I close my eyes and within seconds I find myself falling asleep.

I wake up and look at the clock, 10 p.m. When I fell asleep it was only 3 pm. I haven't heard the baby cry once.

I get up and go over to his crib and he's not there, I instantly start to panic.

"Dad" I start to scream

He comes running to me within seconds.

"Yes" he says

"Where's Ayden?" I ask on the verge of tears

"He's asleep with Miranda."

I sigh.

I'm still not 100% comfortable with Miranda having the baby all alone. I still fell like she could kidnap him at any time, but I'm thankful they let me get some rest.

I can't believe I slept for that long.

I go grab Ayden from Miranda and cradle him in my arms. He's all I have that reminds me of Zack.

Ayden opens his eyes and stares up at me. I smile and look down at him, I really don't see myself in him at all. He's a spitting imagine of his dad and I love it.

If only Zack could be here to witness this.

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