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Today's Ayden turns 7 months.

I know it's really not something worth celebrating, but to me it is. It's been a month since Zacks been out of a coma and this month has been amazing, So many great things have happened.

Zacks mom is out of rehab and doing amazing, She's working so she should have a house anytime now.

Miranda and my dad are going to be parents again soon. Ethan has been coming around a lot. I've got to know him, he's really a nice guy.

Zacks really happy now that he has more family around. He's even started to remember bits and pieces, He remembers Dylan a little.

I dress Ayden in a blue shirt with a pair of jeans,Then I place a sticker on his shirt that says 7 months. I lay him down on a white blanket.

"Ayden, look at mommy" I say

He looks down at his hands and sticks them in his mouth.

I tickle his stomach, That makes him look at me.

I snap a few pictures of him.

I've done this every month of his life so far, I plan on doing it all the way until he's 2 years old.

I can't believe that he'll be a year old soon, I think I'm going to cry on his birthday.

I can't wait to plan his party though, I think I'm going to make it dinosaur themed.

I place Ayden in his high chair, Then go over to the fridge to get him some baby food. He still drinks bottles, but he eats little bits of baby food throughout the day.

Dylan walks into the kitchen moments later.

"Hey Ash." He says to me and sits down beside Ayden

"Hi" I say and start to feed Ayden

"You look beautiful today."

I look down at my outfit and laugh, yeah I look beautiful in pajamas and a tank top with my hair in a messy bun.

"Thanks?" I say confused

"You always look beautiful. " He says and smiles big at me


I'm starting to get creeped out.

"Just being honest."

I wipe Aydens mouth off and pick him up and walk out of the kitchen. I look back at Dylan and he winks at me, My stomach turns when he does that.

What's going on with him?

I run into Zack at the top of the stairs.

"You okay?" Zack asks "You look scared."

"Yeah, Dylan's just being weird." I say and go towards my room

"Weird? How?"

"I don't know. He just keeps calling me beautiful. "

"You're mine." Zack says and wraps his arms around my waist

I just laugh at him, That's such a guy thing to say.

Ayden starts to cry which breaks up the moment. Zack grabs him out of my arms.

"Come here little guy." He says and hugs him "What's wrong?"

"He's probably tired." I say

Zack lays him down in the crib and he instantly starts to fall asleep.

"Let's go somewhere. " Zack says to me

"Where?" I ask

"I don't know. Let's get away for the weekend."

"Sounds temping"

"We haven't had much along time since I've been out of the hospital, It wold be good for us " He says

"What about Ayden? "

"I can get my mom to watch him."

I don't know if I feel comfortable with that.

"Maybe my dad will watch him since he needs to practice having a baby around again." I say

"Yeah your dad could, I guess."

"Where would we go?" I ask

"I've been looking online at this cabin you can rent. It's about a 2 hour drive."

"That would be fun." I say "let's go ask you dad."

I walk down stairs and go into my dad's office, That's where he spends most of the day.

"Hey dad. I have a question."

"Yeah?" He asks and looks at me

"How would you feel if me and Zack went to a cabin for a weekend?"

"Eh, I don't know Ashley. " He says and sighs

"Pleaseeee" I say

"Fine, as long as you bring Dylan along. He's been acting weird lately. I think him and Maria had a fight, Maybe bring her too?" He asks


I go over and hug my dad

"Thanks, dad. Love you" I say and walk out of his office

I really don't want to bring Dylan with us but it's better then nothing.

I Can't wait to finally be somewhat alone with Zack. 

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