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Zacks P.o.v

I can't believe I was in a coma for 6 months. I missed the birth of my son and so much of his life. The first year of a kids life is the most important year.

They change so much and grow everyday, To think that I missed half of that kills me. I don't remember the accident at all. All I remember was being at the baby shower, then waking up in the hospital.

I really hope they let me out of here soon. I just want to be home with my family, taking care of them like I should be.

I still have to stay in the hospital for a few days just to be sure I'm okay, I feel great though.

Ashley was here for awhile, I could tell she really missed me. I want to say I missed her to, but I can't remember anything.

Everything still seems like a blur to me, the day of the baby shower. I guess me and Dylan were driving Maria home and got into an accident. Who's Maria and who's Dylan..?

All of that doesn't matter anymore, I just want to see Ayden. I can't believe she named him the name I wanted.

By the pictures Ashley showed me, he does look just like me. You can see Ashley in him to, but mostly me.

The doctor walks in.

"How are you feeling, Zack?" He asks

"Great" I say and smile

"Well, you can go home tomorrow morning, but no more visitors until then. I want you to be 100% okay going home."

"Why can't I have visitors?"

"It was enough seeing Ashley, you could still not remember everyone, I want you taking it easy." He says then leaves the room

I guess I won't be seeing Ayden until tomorrow when I'm discharged.

I wake up the next morning and am in a rush to leave. I really want to get out of here. I can't take another day of not seeing Ayden.

The doctor said I'm good to go, I just shouldn't do a lot of activities.

I think I'll be okay. I'll probably just stay home most of the time with Ayden anyway.

Ashley walks in the room and smiles.

"Ready to go?" She asks

"Yes, where's the baby?" He asks

"Oh, he's at daycare."

"I thought you were going to bring him so I could see him"

"We can pick him up on the way home" she says

We drive for about 5 minutes then pull into a daycare center.

"I'll be right back"

Ashley gets out of the car and my heart starts to beat really fast.

I can't believe I'm going to see my son. It seems like I've been waiting for this moment forever. I don't remember much of Ashley's pregnancy, I just remember being excited to become a dad.

To never let him down, To always be there for him.

I look out the window and see Ashley walking towards the car with Ayden on her hip. He's pulling at her hair, he's so adorable.

I smile at the two of them, I love my little family.

Ashley buckles Ayden into his car seat and I instantly look back at him.

"Hi buddy" I say and grab his little hand

He pulls my fingers towards his mouth and starts to chew on my hand.

I feel my eyes start to water, I never knew what it would feel like to finally meet my baby, but it feels amazing. I love him more than words can express and I don't even know him yet.

I turn back around towards Ashley.

"He's so cute'' I say

"He is" she says and laughs

"I can't wait to spend everyday with him"

"You're going to be a great dad"

"I hope so." I say

"It's going to be hard at first but you'll get used to it" Ashley says as she pulls into the drive way

I get out of the car and open the back door, I just want to hold him, I get Ayden out of his car seat and look into his eyes, He's starts to cry.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask

"Of course not." She says and grabs him from me "he's just not used to you"

He has to get used to his dad?

This might be a little harder then I thought.

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