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"Come on out, Solo!" exclaims Jabba the Hutt. Clary exchanges a worried look with Chewbacca before Han appears in sight, jaw clenched yet assertive as ever as he nods to his boss. Clary's gaze scans the pirates standing around Jabba and she suppresses the urge to grab her blaster and do away with them all. Han steps farther away from the corner he appeared from as he raises his arms. Jabba the Hutt turns to face him; he is a slimy, slug-like creature that disgusts Clary to many extents. She never hated anyone as much as she hates Jabba—she knew if her brother didn't watch his mouth (and he didn't, often) he'd be in trouble.

"I've been waiting for you, Jabba."

"I expected you would be," Jabba gurgles. Clary was taught his language by Han when she was younger—it was the only other foreign language she knew, besides Wookie-talk.

"I'm not the type to run," Han replies, smiling.

Jabba slithers closer to him. "Han, my boy, there are times when you disappoint me...why haven't you paid me? And why did you have to fry poor Greedo like that...after all we've been through together."

Clary shoots Han a look—of course he did away with Greedo. Any servant that Jabba sent to scare Han into getting more money never worked out the way he planned.

"You sent Greedo to blast me," Han retorts.

Jabba blinks, pretending to be surprised. Clary narrows her eyes, feeling disgust as he continues, "Han, why you're the best smuggler in the business—you and your pretty sister, that is. You both are too valuable to fry. He was only relaying my concern at your delays. He wasn't going to blast you."

Han scoffs, meeting Jabba's gaze evenly. "I think he thought he was. Next time, don't send one of those twerps. If you've got something to say to me, come see me yourself."

Clary turns her gaze away, climbing up the ramp into the Falcon. The last words she hears is Jabba calling out, "If you disappoint me again, I'll put a price on you and your sister's head so large you won't be able to go near a civilized system for the rest of your short, pitiful lives!"

Plopping herself down in the pilot's seat, Clary glances back at Chewbacca. He makes his way towards the cockpit, giving Clary a curious bark. She forces a smile, nodding to him.

"I'm okay, Chewie. Promise."

Chewie yelps something as he shakes his head. Clary narrows her eyes.

"Hey, don't give me that attitude. You know I'm always okay."

Chewbacca mutters something again, but before Clary has the chance to say anything back, he turns, exiting the ship. Clary lets out a groan as she leans forward, resting her elbows on the edge of the control panel. Staring out of the big mirrors of the Falcon, she spots Han telling Chewbacca a few directions before the Wookie takes off. Han then turns, glancing up at the window, noticing Clary watching before he gives a salute. Clary smiles, mimicking it as she raises her two fingers when Chewbacca returns, the blond boy and older man from before following after him.

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