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Clary's nerves haven't died down.

She stands shifting on her feet, rocking against the heels of her boots beside Princess Leia, who's looking out into the dark entrance of the Rebel base, expression unreadable. Her brows are narrowed, though, and her lips remain a thin line. Clary knows she isn't the only one anxiously awaiting the Rebel heroes' return. She follows Leia's gaze into the dark abyss and shivers noticeably as a gust of cool air rushes past her face. She rubs her hands together and hears Leia sigh from beside her.

Chewbacca remains mumbling nearby, resting his head against a ladder leading up to the Falcon. He had climbed down earlier after finishing altering the motor, but after seeing Clary's impatient expression and the hangar doors still wide open, the light of dusk now darkened to night, he had remained leaning against the ladder for a while, using the bars as support.

Clary turns her head at the sound of Major Derlin approaching Princess Leia once more. She barely glances his way, her eyes remaining locked on the empty entrance. Derlin opens his mouth to say something, perhaps some words of comfort, but he's cut off as an unfamiliar Rebel lieutenant approaches them. Clary watches him with a vacant expression as he quickly salutes the major.

"Sir, all the patrols are in. There's still no contact from Skywalker or Solo."

His words are like ice shards that pierce their way into Clary's heart. She turns her head, unable to listen to the conversation any further as she steps closer to Chewbacca, staring blankly ahead at the entrance. She starts to feel angry with Han; why did he have to be the hero all the time? The moment he had requested to go out himself and save Luke sparked worry in Clary. Although she was still fretting over Luke's absence, she didn't need to have Han leave as well. At least with him around, she knew one of them was safe. But now Han was gone as well, and Clary's mind will not stop racing. Her worst fears seem to weigh heavy in her heart and she tries to ignore the negativity threatening to seep through her. Han is still alive, she tells herself. Luke is still alive. They will be okay. It will always be okay.

"Your Highness, there's nothing more we can do tonight." Clary is pulled out of her thoughts at the sound of Derlin's voice. She glances over to see Princess Leia look up, eyes glazed over in thought as she meets the major's gaze. "The shield doors must be closed."

"No!" Clary feels her heart slam into her chest as she starts forward. She gains the attention of nearly everyone surrounding her and she feels her mind racing. "You can't close the doors—there must be something we can do! Major, please!"

He meets her gaze evenly and a look of sympathy crosses his face. By the way he stands and clenches his jaw, though, Clary knows he isn't going to change his mind. She turns to Princess Leia now, hoping she'll be able to act on her empathy.

"Princess, please, Luke is still out there...My brother is still out there—" Clary's voice catches in her throat as she sees the faded look in Leia's eyes, knowing that she can't and won't be able to do anything. She glances the major's way once more, feeling her body shake with the last plea of hope she will be able to gather, before he turns to the lieutenant standing nearby, expression solemn.

"Close the doors."

"Yes, sir," he answers, giving a short bow. He walks away, calling to a few other men standing nearby the doors and Clary watches with wide eyes. She barely hears Chewbacca howling mournfully beside her as her mind blanks completely—she can't live without Han. He's always been there for her, and with him being gone like this, she feels vulnerable and restless. She needs her brother with her like he's always been. She has never realized until now how secure she's felt in Han's presence until now, being gone like this.

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