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T W E N T Y  T H R E E

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T W E N T Y  T H R E E

Clary doesn't know if she should feel grateful or worried for the heavy silence that's seemed to have formed over Han, Luke, and herself. They crouch through the forest, senses heightened, as they scan the area for Leia. Clary's mind is racing. She doesn't think it'll ever stop. She knows it won't ever stop.

She tries to focus on finding Leia, searching through the unfamiliar forest of the harvest moon, but Clary can't help but let her thoughts trail back to her conversation with Cal, with Obi-Wan — the turmoil she feels growing, festering, within herself. She's not a Solo. Her whole life, she had believed Han to be her brother. But she wasn't a Solo. She was an Aldrin — a Kenobi. The darkness that had been growing within her, threatening to take over until every part of Clary was no longer the same...she doesn't know if she can fight it any longer. She had always been scared of being vulnerable, but now, Clary knows there's no escaping it. The darkness from Dagobah, the whispers in her head, they won't ever go away. They'll become her, eventually. It's only a matter of time.


Han's voice echoes throughout the forest, pulling Clary out of her thoughts. She looks over her shoulder to see her brother standing a few feet ahead of her in front of a wreckage of a speeder bike — its remains stay sprawled across the grass, next to the tree it had hit, charred beyond saving. Worry spikes in Clary as she hurries over to Han, with Luke appearing from the other side of the clearing, a sullen look on his face as he carries a helmet. Leia's helmet.

"Oh, Master Luke," 3PO says.

"There's two more wrecked speeders back there," Luke tells Han and Clary as he approaches them. He stares at the helmet in his hands as he adds, "And I found this." He meets Han's gaze as he tosses it to him. Han blinks, turning the helmet as he inspects it, expression unreadable.

R2 lets out a small beep as 3PO says, "I'm afraid that Artoo's sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia."

Clary stares at the floor of the forest. A surge of anger rushes through her suddenly, nearly pulling her off balance, and she refrains from digging the heels of her boots into the dry earth.

"I hope she's alright," she hears Han mutter from beside her, a grave look flashing in his eyes. Clary looks at him, feeling her heart ache at the sight and nudges him.

"She is. We'll find her," she says. Han holds her gaze for only a moment before looking back at the helmet, playing with the strap. Clary knows her words haven't convinced him.

Chewbacca suddenly lets out a short growl as he steps forward, sniffing the air. Letting out a short bark, he hurries deeper into the forest, disappearing past the trees.

"Chewie!" Clary exclaims. Han glances up, eyes narrowed.

"What the hell?" he mutters. "Chewie, come back!"

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