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The moment Clary opens the door to the recovery room she's still stumbling forward, attempting to slip on her shoes that she had managed to grab from her room. Dana is the first person she sees, standing near the door, and the older girl gives a small, wren-like smile. The expression on her face has become more relaxed and natural than before, and Clary manages to return a sheepish grin before the door slides shut behind her. She notices as Dana's gaze flickers from her face to her shoes before a familiar smirk stretches across her lips. Feeling her own face warm, Clary turns, eyes landing on her brother. He's leaning over a bed, which appears to be holding Luke, as he slaps him on the shoulder. Stepping back, Clary is able to get a glimpse of Luke's face, and she barely hears the words leaving Han's lips as she watches Luke, her heart racing.

He seems to notice her staring and his vivid, glittering eyes land on Clary. They're intoxicating and whenever he holds her gaze, she feels as if it's only the two of them in the room. He shifts slightly where he's lying, face straining from his weak state, but he manages a smile nonetheless. Clary's eyes search his face. Terrible wounds scratch and graze his cheeks like sharp edges on wood, but despite his injuries, he seems strong and lively.

Han follows Luke's gaze, a small smirk appearing on his face as he steps back, shooting Clary a pointed look. Upon his teasing, Clary would have blushed a furious red color, but her joy for Luke's safety is overwhelming as she steps forward, reaching with her arms and she hugs Luke tightly. He grunts slightly from her sudden pressure, but seems to succumb to it, as if it's almost comforting, and manages to reach up with his own arms to hold her with as much strength as he can muster.

"I'm so glad you're safe," Clary whispers after a few moments of silence. She feels as if she should say something. She can feel Han and Dana's eyes on her as Chewbacca roars something from behind; she ignores the Wookiee, though, and reluctantly pulls away from Luke's warm and tender grasp. She meets his gaze once more, feeling as if she could drown in the intensity of his blue eyes; they're glittering, familiar and kind. Luke's honest smile beams back at her as he nods to Han.

"Thanks to Han," he says. Clary glances back at her brother as he steps forward once again, a wide smirk spread across his face in a smug manner.

"That's two you owe me, junior." He claps Luke on the shoulder once again. Luke grunts once again, exchanging a look with Clary, as someone scoffs from the farther end of the room. Clary turns, meeting Dana's sharp gaze. The girl rocks on her heels, eyes flashing in Han's direction.

"Let's not forget who actually saved your freezing ass on this damned planet." A smirk plants its way across her lips when Han's eyes narrow at her tone. He opens his mouth to spit a stinging retort, but he's cut off as the doors slide open once more, revealing Leia. She steps forward, a look of relief setting on her pretty face at the sight of Luke, safe and sound, but before she can make it towards him, Han's devilish grin greets her.

"Well, Your Worship, looks like you've managed to keep me around for a little while longer."

Leia laughs haughtily. "I had nothing to do with it." She holds his gaze evenly as she adds; "General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield."

A silence settles under the growing tension between the princess and Clary's scoundrel of a brother. Rocking on her heels, Clary finds her eyes landing on Luke once more. He meets her gaze still smiling. Clary returns it, although she knows hers isn't as genuine as his: she feels grateful, in a sense, that she, Han and Chewbacca are staying a while longer with the Rebels, but at the same time, she feels her heart ache uneasily with unsettling anxiousness—Jabba the Hutt won't rest until Han gives him the money he desires, and until then, Han is in danger. Clary's mind won't stop racing until he's finally safe.

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