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Climbing into the top gun of the Falcon, Clary situates herself so she's in the right position,  reaching forward as she pulls her headset on, straightening it. Han's voice blares in her ears.

"You ready, sis?"

"Yep," Clary shifts in her seat, resting her hands on the control of the gun. "Let's do this."

She hears Han laugh loudly before her attention is diverted to the Death Star. She watches through the window, feeling adrenaline rush through her veins as she gains view of the trench; three enemy speeders are following an X-fighter. It has to be Luke. Clary spins around in her seat, aiming the gun as she fires—blasts of light shoot from the side of the Falcon, causing the enemy ships to explode.

"Nice shot," Han says into the headset. Clary smiles.

"I know."

Gaze flickering back to the window, Clary watches with tentative eyes as a ship to the left comes in range. She pushes the buttons on the control panel of the gun as she aims, firing. Three of the blasts miss before the fourth one nearly slams into the enemy ship, causing it to panic and plummet into the other one as they flip, slamming into the trench of the Death Star with a loud explosion. Luke's X-fighter is free to go.

"You're all clear, pretty boy!" Clary exclaims into the headset, watching with fervent eyes as Luke's X-fighter nears the target.

"Let's blow this thing and go home!" Han adds. Clary watches from her window as two shots aim into the small hole of the Death Star. Han quickly spins the Falcon out of the way, flying away from the huge space station. Clary can hear the quick hum of the rebel fighters as they quickly follow after, and the Death Star explodes into a million pieces.

"That was great, kid!" Han cheers through the transmission. Clary is grinning from ear to ear as he continues, "That was one in a million!"

Clary glances out of the window of the gun post; she spots one ship spinning, one of its wings defected. It continues to fly far from the destroyed Death Star, plummeting into the vastness of space. Her smile continues to stretch across her face as the Falcon follows the Rebel ships back to the fourth moon of Yavin. Clary feels a rush of adrenaline once they land, and she quickly climbs out of the port, racing out of the Falcon. Han and Chewbacca have already gotten out and are being greeted by shouts and people surrounding them.

"I knew you'd come back!" Luke exclaims as he escapes a hug from Leia, going towards Han. Han grins widely, hugging Luke tightly. He doesn't notice Clary until after Leia steps forward with her. She grabs a hold of the younger girl's arm, squeezing it affectionately. Luke turns, his blue eyes glittering and bright as he pulls Clary into a tight hug. She laughs, feeling her heart race, before wrapping her arms around him tightly, hugging him back with equal enthusiasm. His grip is gentle yet secure around her. She feels comforted. "I just knew it," she hears him whisper against her ear, making her face flush. She pulls away from Luke, meeting his gaze. His eyes search her and Clary blocks out all other sounds; the only people in the room are just her and Luke.

She's snapped out of her thoughts as Leia grabs onto Clary's other side, pulling Han in as well. Clary thinks this is the happiest she's seen both of them.

"We weren't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward, farm boy," Han states. Clary grins as Leia laughs loudly.

"I knew there was more to you two than money."

Clary finds her grin fade as her attention diverts towards Luke's X-wing. A fried R2-D2 is lifted off the back of the fighter and lowered onto the ground. Luke stares at the burned droid with wide eyes.

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