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Clary is not fond of Hoth.

Two years have passed since the Rebel Base had been rebuilt on the cold, snowy planet. She feels impatient—despite wanting to help aid the Rebels in whatever they ask, Clary feels the need to help her brother only. She has tried speaking to him about the debt they need to repay to Jabba, but Han always changes the subject or pushes her away. Clary wonders why he hasn't considered the idea, but she doesn't argue with him. She understands half the reason; helping with the Rebel Alliance has taken up most of their time, and when Clary thinks about it, she can't believe two years have flown by.

Despite the heavy coat that adorns her, Clary still feels herself shivering as she works beside Chewbacca on the Falcon. Han has gone off to who knows where with Luke Skywalker, out in the cold tundra of Hoth, and Clary feels as if now is the time to leave. She doesn't want to, of course, but the longer she thinks about her intensifying nightmares, an impending longing for the ancient Jedi weapon, and the debt hanging over her and Han's heads threatening to collapse at any second, Clary forgets about everything else.

Rebel troopers rush about, unloading supplies and securing the new base. Clary glances up at the sound of the doors opening and a gust of cool wind nipping at her cheeks before they close. She sees her brother riding on a Tauntaun, and the creature lets out a short yip as Han jumps off, making his way towards the Falcon. Clary turns her head away, adjusting her goggles as she deals with the wires near the wing. Chewbacca works beside her, lights and sparks flickering off his tool. She hears the clamor of other droids and mechanics working on the other side of the Falcon, and barely hears Han calling up to her until he tosses a tool her direction. It clangs against the wing and Clary looks down.

"Clary!" he shouts. "Chewie!"

He raises his hands as he waves at her. Clary peers at him curiously as she turns away from Chewbacca at work, lifting her goggles. Her heavy coat makes her feel stiff and large as she manages to face her brother. She looks down at him and sees white snow decorating his coat and hair.

"Clary, get that big oaf to turn around!" Han shouts over the sparks flying from Chewbacca's tool. Clary lets out a sigh, turning as she nudges the Wookie. He grunts, stopping from his work as he turns to face Han, lifting his face shield. He growls back at Han and the older Solo sibling scoffs.

"All right, don't lose your temper!" he calls. "I'll come right back and give you a hand."

Clary shoots Chewbacca a pointed look and the Wookie shrugs, roaring a reply.

"I know I'm not as good as Han, but Chewie—"

Chewbacca barks back, interrupting her. Clary, offended, opens her mouth to retort but Han calls back up to her, interrupting her once more.

"Clary, get down here!"

She glances back at him.

"I'm helping Chewie with the ship!"

"Yes, I can see that," he replies sarcastically. "But, sis, the only thing you know how to do with that ship is fly it!" Han snaps. "Get down."

Swallowing a stinging retort and some of her pride, Clary reluctantly pulls off her goggles and tosses them to the side, jumping off the Falcon. She lands with a huff on the ground and Han barely waits for her as he turns quickly, making his way towards the makeshift command center the Rebel base had managed to scavenge through the ice. The low-ceiling of the room is buzzing with activity as Clary and Han duck their way into it. Controllers, troops and droids move about, setting up electronic equipment and monitoring radar signals. Clary's eyes lock with Leia, sitting on the farther end of the equipment, and the princess gives her a pretty smile. Clary returns it quickly before turning as her brother nears the console General Rieekan is peering over.

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