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Clary listens to the clamor of pilots, gunners and R2 units as they scurry about the main hangar. She looks down from her position on the Millennium Falcon, lowering her tool, as she watches the urgency of the Rebel base. They had recently received news that Darth Vader and the Imperials were preparing to attack, and as seen from the undeniable haste, that was seeming to rise as a dark tension, weighing down on everyone's shoulders. Even Han was working diligently in the buzzing commotion; standing near the rear of the Millennium Falcon, Clary is able to spot him easily. She hears him curse when his tool flails out of his hand from the exertion he puts into his muscles. Chewbacca stands beside him, roaring out a comment that Han narrows his eyes at. A small smile finds its way onto Clary's lips, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

As if noticing her stare, Chewbacca and Han's gazes divert towards the younger Solo sibling. Upon meeting their looks, Clary forces another smile; it still doesn't reach her eyes. Han exchanges a silent look with Chewbacca before he turns, approaching a repair droid as he begins to explain the dilemma of the lifter. Clary sighs, feeling her chest ache, although she didn't know why.

Turning her attention back to her work, Clary grips her tool, attempting to pry at the loose, stubborn nail. Just when it's about to break loose, she hears a familiar voice call out to Chewbacca in the clamor of the hangar deck.

"Chewie, take care of yourself, okay?"

Clary looks up just in time to see Luke Skywalker pat the great Wookiee warrior on his arm, only to be pulled back as Chewbacca envelops him in a tight hug. Luke laughs, eyes bright and smile beaming, as the Wookiee finally releases him. Clary's chest still aches.

"Hey, kid," Han says suddenly, gaining both Clary and Luke's attention. Clary watches as Luke steps towards Han, who is now leaning against one of the rafters, discussing matters with the repair droid. Clary can't hear what he orders of the droid, but it no longer matters as it quickly scurries away. Han nods to Luke. "You all right?"

"Yeah." Clary watches as Luke's jaw clenches. She's hurt he hasn't noticed her yet, but ignores her bitter feelings as Han nods again, as if unsure of what else he could do.

"Be careful."

"You, too." Luke smiles, giving a small wave as he walks on. Clary continues to ignore the bitter, negative thoughts that threaten to overtake her mind as she shifts her position on the Millennium Falcon. Before she has the chance to turn back to her work, she looks up once again to meet Luke's gaze. He's stopped suddenly, remaining silent; his intense, nearly intoxicating eyes stays fixated on Clary. There seems to be more he wants to say than just that brief look—Clary can sense it. She can feel it.

The moment is short as Luke turns away once more, walking on towards the other Rebels and speeders. Clary finds herself watching after him before slipping off of the Millennium Falcon, landing on her feet. She starts after Luke, quickening her pace. Chewbacca calls out and she can feel Han's narrowed gaze following after her but she ignores them.

"Luke, wait!" she calls out, causing the young Skywalker to stop. He turns as she stops in front of him, inhaling sharply. She meets his gaze again and it's the same intoxicating blue eyes—a seeming abyss that she could find herself getting lost in forever. She notices a look of relief flash in them; had he wanted her to stop him? Had he wanted her to say something? His eyes search her curiously and Clary finds herself growing lost for words. She opens her mouth to say something but stops herself. Luke's familiar, naïve smile finds its way onto his lips. Clary feels as if it's only the two of them there.

Impulsively, she suddenly leans forward and quickly presses her lips against his cheek. It's an action that nearly startles the both of them, but when she pulls away, the warmth in Luke's gaze hadn't vanished; in fact, he seems almost elated. He watches her, waiting for her to say something.

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