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Head pounding and heart racing, Clary follows after the squad of six Stormtroopers as they lead Han, Leia, Dana, Chewie, and Clary herself, down the hall. She glances warily at the soldiers, then to her brother. He turns his head slightly, signaling that he knows she's looking, but doesn't turn it all the way; it won't matter. They can't say anything anyway.

C-3P0 remains the most animated of the group, continuously turning his head and muttering things as he waves his only arm that Chewbacca had managed to attach before they were dragged out of the prison, waving it intermittently and pointing, gesturing every now and then before covering his eyes with fright.

"If only you had attached my legs, I wouldn't be in this ridiculous position!" He finally voices out-loud. Clary glances up to look at the droid, attached to Chewbacca's back, the rest of his body dismembered and somewhere scattered in Chewbacca's pack. Chewie groans at C-3P0's statement as the droid continues, "Now, remember Chewbacca, you have a responsibility to me — so don't do anything foolish."

Clary snorts as the group is finally ushered into a chamber-like room. She sees Lando and Cal immediately, and at the sight of them Chewbacca begins growling dangerously. Clary walks up to the Wookiee, grabbing his paw reassuringly as she turns a hard stare on the two. Cal meets her gaze evenly before glancing to Han, who sneers in their direction. Lando glances at him, a look similar to guilt wracked upon his face.

"What's going on...buddy?"

Lando hesitates; his eyes flash in Clary's direction, looking fleetly and anxious, before glancing back at Han. "You're being put into carbon freeze."

"Carbon freeze?" Clary exclaims, eyes wide and body trembling with fear for the fate of her one and only brother. "He could die!"

Lando clenches his jaw, but doesn't say anything. Clary glowers at him angrily. So much for trust to an old friend, she thinks bitterly, her heart aching.

One of the bounty hunters, one Clary recognizes to be the legendary Boba Fett, nods in Darth Vader's direction. "What if he doesn't survive?" he adds on to Clary's concern. "He's worth a lot to me, him and his sister." He glances Clary's way, as if knowing she's staring. Chills rush up Clary's spine as Vader also turns his head to watch the younger Solo sibling.

"The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in!" Vader replies, turning away. Clary inhales sharply, feeling her eyes water. She feels her hands shake but not from fear, but anger. She feels angry at how the Empire — at how Vader — can easily disregard her brother's life as if it means nothing. His life means everything to her; his existence is her life.

She's brought out of her thoughts as Chewbacca howls wildly, attacking the Stormtroopers surrounding him and Han. Within seconds, reinforcements join the scuffle, clubbing the giant Wookiee with their laser weapons. Heart racing, Clary joins the epidemic, attempting to push her way through as the argument ensues.

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