Chapter One

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I'm sure you've tried it. Whether your parents cared or not, you've gone to a dating website. That's where my story begins, on a dating website called myyearbook. It was just a joke at first. My friend had an account and told me how entertaining it was. I was at her house when i decided to create my account. That's how we met.

Tyler and I started to talk for a few days, and we found we had a lot in common. We talked for months about us and a relationship. There was one problem to all of this though: We had never met in person. I didn’t want to have a long distance relationship, but what could I do? I thought i was falling in love.

After three months of talking almost nonstop, Tyler called my cellphone for the first time. It had been a few days since we had talked on the phone. I was so eager to talk to him!

Tyler's voice only added to his appearance. His velvet voice his beautiful blue eyes always pulled me back to him. His physical appearance was just as amazing as his personality. His dark brown hair that he always kept short and his crystal blue eyes were perfect. All around, Tyler Goodmen was perfect. He was about 5'11" and played football. He was well built and very strong. He was so handsome! His sweet and caring personality made my heart soar. Of course, he was a guy; sometimes he could be a complete jerk to me and expect everything to be okay between us. Those moments were few and far between though, most of the time he was a total sweetheart.

Tyler was nervous about something, I could hear it in his voice. It was so unlike his usual "can do" attitude. Something was on his mind, and I was going to get it out of him. He started off our conversation just like always.

“Hey Babe. How are you today?”

I played along.

“Hey Hun. I’m doing fine. How 'bout you?”

He cleared his throat and continued, “So I've been wanting to talk to you about something,” I held my breath. “We've been talking for quite awhile now right?”

Cautiously I said, “Well yeah, its been somewhere between three and three in a half months now. If you think that’s a long time.” I had no clue where he was going with this. It worried me.

He was silent for a few minutes then said, “In comparison to some, that’s not that long. To me though Keanah, that’s a pretty long time. I know that you don’t want to date me Keanah. That’s fine, I understand.”

My heart screamed in protest. I wanted to hug him and tell him it wasn’t true. I wanted him to know how much I really did love him. This couldn’t be what he wanted to say! It couldn’t be!

He remained silent and I wanted to cry. If I didn’t fix this now, it’d all be over. “Please Tyler, don’t say that. That’s not even true!” I bit my tongue. I couldn’t tell him that I loved him. If he didn’t love me back I would cry. No, I would die.

I heard Tyler sigh in relief at my outburst. I could imagine the smile spreading across his face. “Keanah, you have no clue how happy you make me. I think about you all the time. I always look at my cell phone to make sure you haven’t text me yet. I watch the clock while the time passes when we don’t talk. When we have an argument ad you don’t reply to me texts or phone calls, I want to curl in a ball and cry for upsetting you. Keanah, I love you.”

I hadn’t noticed how thick my throat had gotten until I tried to reply, “I love you too Tyler. With my whole heart. You’re the only person who can bring a smile to my face. Your name makes my heart skip a beat. I always think about you. I fight myself all the time about texting you at school or every five minutes. I know I shouldn’t do it, but your name is the one I whisper at night when I'm all alone. Tyler, you’re my everything.” I had a knot the size of my fist stuck in my throat. It was hard to speak clearly.

“Keanah, please don’t make me wait until its too late. Keanah, if you were to date me now, I promise that nothing bad will come out of it. I promise I’ll prove you wrong about your issue with long distance relationships. Keanah please! Will you go out with me?”

A wave of tears came over me as my joy reached a new level. “Tyler, I'm going to hold you to everyone of those promises. I'll date you if you promise me right now that I’ll be your ONLY girl in your life while we're together”

There wasn’t even a pause before he said, “Keanah, I’d give you the world if it were possible.” From that point on, I believed that I could trust him with my life.

Tyler and I's relationship kept getting better. It seemed as if nothing could go wrong. All of his promises had been kept so far and we hardly argued. I continued to fall even deeper in love with him. But of course, every good thing must eventually come to an end, right? That was the big question: Will it end? I feared the answer often. Sometimes it even kept me up at night as I wondered if it’d be soon.

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