Chapter Two

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Our one month was in a couple days. It made me so sad that I couldn’t give him a gift. You see, my mom hated the idea of me dating anyone. She once told me that she'd do absolutely anything to break me and my boyfriend up. She didn't care how old I was, she just didn't want me to date. So I kept my relationship a secret from her. That meant I couldn't mail him any gifts. He kept telling me that it was fine because he didn’t want anything. It made him very mad when I told him I didn’t want a present either. It wouldn’t be fair is I got a present and he didn’t.

The day before our one month I called Tyler. After our normal greetings, I decided we should try something that I had been thinking about. “Okay Tyler, I have an idea.”

I knew he'd be curious at my randomness “What is it Babe?” He was falling right into my trap.

“Well, I've been thinking and.. Well I think you and I shouldn’t talk tonight. After we hang up the phone, I'm going to ignore all of your texts and phone calls.” And I waited.

Finally he asked, “Why? What did I do? What did I say? Do you know what tomorrow is?! I’m so sorry I --”

I couldn’t take it anymore. “Tyler! Baby, you didn’t do anything! I promise. It was an idea. Let me explain.” I waited for him to respond, but he kept quiet. So I continued, “Think about it, if we were to have a 'break' the day before our one month, its very possible that our relationship would improve even more. If you cant go twelve hours without talking to me, I’ll know that you love me.” I knew it’d be hard for me. I had to know if he could do it.

“So we're breaking up for the night?”

The question took me by surprise. I hadn’t thought of it that way. “No, of course not! I just want to test something. That’s all.”

I wasn't sure if it was my reply or the hurt in my voice, but he finally understood. “Alright Babe. I love you. I didn’t mean to jump to that conclusion. I’m sorry if I upset you.”

He had no right to apologize. I needed to, “Don’t apologize. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. i brought it up. That means I'm the one who should be blamed. So I'm sorry Baby.” I was hoping that Tyler wasn’t in the mood for a “sorry” competition.

Guess it was useless to hope. “Babe, if anyone should be sorry its me. You said you had an idea and instead of listening to your reasoning, I got mad. Its my fault so I'M sorry. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about.”

Sometimes he really drove me crazy. “Tyler, no I should've explained myself better. Quit apologizing. It makes me feel even worse that you’re trying to take the blame.”

I heard someone walking down the hallway towards my room.

“Okay Babe, you win this one. I'm sorry.”

I could hear him smiling when he said that. “Ya ya, I'm so--” Someone knocked on my door, “One sec,” I said to Tyler, “Come in!” I said to the person behind the door.

My mom opened the door with an angered look on her face. “Hey Mom. Whats up?”

She smiled a little, “Oh nothing, I thought you were staying the night across the street with EmmaLee? Did you change your mind?”

I had totally forgotten that I was going to stay the night with my best friend in the whole world! “Oh! I forgot! I'll head out in five minutes okay?”

Mom kinda sighed and said, “Alright, before you go, make sure you come and said good bye.” She turned around and walked away before I could even respond.

“Anyways Tyler, I'm sorry, but my idea starts now. I love you and goodnight!” I waited for him to respond.

“Alright, I'll play along. Goodnight Babe. I love you too.”

I couldn’t hang up yet, I just couldn’t “Its only twelve hours Tyler. We'll be alright.” Then I remembered something, “OH! And I win the competition. I just covered up the 'sorry' with my idea. I win again!” He chuckled, but let it go. I could tell he was upset. “Tyler, whats wrong?”

He gave a little laugh and sighed, “You know me too well.” He didn’t answer my question though.

“What is it Tyler?” I packed my bag as I waited for him to respond.

“Who's going to be there Keanah?”

I sat my bag on my bed and paused. Finally I said, “Just me, EmmaLee, Paige, Dacotta, and Jessie.” It took me a minute, but I added, “Why?”

There was a little relief in his voice when he replied, “So there wont be any guys there?”

My jaw dropped. He was jealous! Tyler was jealous that he couldn’t be there! I laughed, “Besides Paige's ten year old little brother, Zack, no. Are you really jealous?” I HAD to know.

“Yes I am. If there would’ve been guys there, I would’ve been horribly upset. Think about it Keanah! You could be with anyone! Yet, you chose me. When you hang around guys, I fear you might start to like them more than me. I’m jealous of all your ex-boyfriends because they got to hold you. They got to kiss you and hold your hand. I cant do that! It kills me when i--”

He had never mentioned any of this to me before. “Tyler! Stop! Don’t think about these things. Please. It KILLS me when you’re upset. Be happy tonight, and call me in the morning. I’ve gotta go. Promise me you wont think about these things any more tonight.” I knew that was asking a lot of him, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight if I didn’t have him promise me now.

“Okay Keanah. I promise I’ll stop thinking about it tonight. Happy?”

I half-smiled, “Yes I am. Thank you.”

He chuckled under his breath. “Okay, go on and have fun at your party. I love you baby girl.”

A smile spread across my face. It had been a long time since he called me 'baby girl'. “I love you too Hun. Sweet dreams.” We might as well go through our normal 'good night's.

“My sweetest dreams include you, so always. Goodnight Babe.”

I giggled, “Night Baby.” And I hung up the phone.

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