Chapter Thirteen

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Tyler did tell his family that night about everything. He told them that he was planning to move to Indiana so he could marry the girl he loved. His family laughed at him and call him stupid. “You're young!” They would say, “There will always be someone else you will meet. Who knows? You might even like them more than you like Keanah!”

They didn’t believe him when he said he was leaving, not until he began to pack his bags. Seth was there too, helping Tyler with whatever he needed. Even if what he needed was a little reminder as to why he was leaving his family, Seth willingly helped his best friend.

Tyler's mind was completely made up when he walked downstairs to announce to them that he would be back as soon as he could for the rest of his stuff. He was going to wait as long as he could before he left them, but his parents had pushed him over the edge and he couldn’t stay any longer.

With suitcases in each of their hands, Tyler and Seth started to load up Seth's truck. Seth grabbed his bags from the front seat and put them in the back with Tyler's. His parents had kicked him out of the house already for planning on leaving in the first place. Tyler felt horrible for how this was starting off for his friend.

He didn’t have room for guilt or hurt though, he could already envision Keanah in a beautiful wedding dress, smiling up at him. His own smile spilled across his face and he looked over at Seth, “This is it Buddy. This is the true start of our future, you and me. Then later Keanah.” He took a deep breath and glanced back at what used to be his home. “I’m really gonna miss this place.”

Seth looked over at the front door of the house and stopped, “Uh, Tyler, you've got a visitor.” Seth nodded towards the front door.

Tyler looked over where Seth was talking about and saw his baby sister clinging to her favorite doll and crying on the front porch. He ran over to her and scooped her into his arms. “Shh! Don’t cry! Stop it.. I'll be back soon to visit you, but I’ll be with Keanah and you'll be able to meet her. Don’t cry Sweetpea, it'll be alright. Please stop crying Susie.”

The look that little girl gave him completely jumbled up every thought he ever had. It made him rethink everything he was so sure of. He saw complete heartbreak on his little sister's face. With a quivering lip Susie looked up at him beneath wet eyelashes, “Please don’t go. I know you love her, but don’t leave.”

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