Chapter Eleven

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After Tyler left the party, he headed straight home. Of course the word 'home' didn’t quite do it justice. Tyler had sent me a few pictures of his house before, he lived on a beautiful farm. He had miles of open fields, a huge pond out behind his house, and the most beautiful farm house id ever seen. It was a two-story home that topped anything you could ever think of. He once told me that his father built it specifically for his mother when they were young.

We never talked about our parents, Tyler and I. When they did get brought up in the conversation, he seemed to hate it. He didn’t enjoy talking about his family, unless it was his little sister. He absolutely adored her.

We were talking about silly little things when he told me he was home. He told me that he was parked in front of the pond and sitting on the hood of Seth's truck.

“I wish your sister was around to take a picture of you right now.” My imagination was going crazy.

“Why does my sister need to?” He asked chuckling quietly “I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself.”

I shook my head like he was next to me and could see, “No. I want you and the pond and everything else too. I want your sister to take a picture on the passenger side of Seth's truck, even with the tailgate at an angle so the picture includes you, the truck, and the pond.” I laughed at how picky I sounded

He laughed “Wow, that's a bit much don't-cha think? Why does it have to be like that?”

“Because, I want to know what you look like right now. I want to see what you look like when we talk on the phone. Honestly, I just want to see you before I say this, and I want to see you right after I tell you.” I guess its time to be completely honest with him.

Although, he was very hesitant. “Wait, what are you talking about? What do you have to tell me?”

I chuckled a little, “There's no need to be scared, you'll enjoy this Tyler.”

I heard him exhale in relief. “Okay then, what do we need to talk about?”

I smiled, this was it. “Tyler, I love you. I’ve never cared this much for anyone, and its so hard for me to be in this relationship. Right now, I want nothing more than your arms around me, I want to feel your lips against mine, and I want to have you forever, but I cant.” I knew id start crying soon, so I took a deep breath. “I want you so much, but more than all that, I want you to be happy.” My throat got thick and I swallowed back tears.

Before I could continue Tyler cut me off and said “Stop it! I AM happy, and soon you'll be able to do all these things. We'll be together soon Keanah, I promise. Everything is almost ready, you just have to hang in there a little longer.”

I couldn’t take it anymore, I started crying. “I don’t want you to leave your family for me! I don’t want you to choose between me or your friends; me or your family! I CANT do that to you! PLEASE!” I didn’t even care if anyone in the hose woke up or not. Tyler HAD to understand this.

Tyler's voice sounded too thick, he had started crying, “No. Just stop Keanah, just listen, its my turn now.” He sounded so calm, I remained quiet and listened to him. “We've talked about this before, you know its not like that. Seth has begged me to bring along with me, and I think I'm going to. It'll be good for him, so my friends are taken care of. As for my family, yes I will miss my sister. I can always visit her though, or she can come visit us, it doesn’t matter to me. You are my family now Keanah, that’s why I'm leaving; to be with you. I’ve made my decision and I'm sticking to it.” He took a deep breath to compose himself, “If I'm choosing wrong, if you don’t want to spend forever with me, tell me now. If you don’t, we will always be the best of friends.”

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