Chapter Six.

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* Kayla and Desean in MM*
{ Kayla POV }

I woke up with the worst headache ever I rolled over and I wasn't in my dorm room I looked next to me and Desean was still sleeping. What did I do last night why am I still in this apartment, i pulled the covers back and climbed out of the bed slowly, I had on one of Desean's t-shirts and my socks from last night my hair was still pulled back and my panties where still on maybe I just got too tired and fell asleep, but who changed my clothes? I wanted to wake De up and ask him for medicine but right now I couldn't deal with his antics, I grabbed my phone I had 30 missed calls from Darius and several unhappy text messages, I couldn't deal with that right now I had to find Aaleeyah or Summer even B right now I needed answers. I walked out into the living room and Aaleeyah was on the couch with B eating, they both looked towards me and smiled.

" Good Morning Sunshine how did you sleep?"

" Aaleeyah kitchen now I need to talk to you."

" Well good morning to you to Smalls damn we ain't sleep together last night" I cut my eyes at B and smiled he laughed and went back to eating his food. Leeyah got up and followed me into the kitchen.

" What's wrong Kay?" she looked at me with a worried look

" What happened last night ? I told you and B not to give me strong alcohol, please tell me everything that happened last night."

" Kay calm down relax okay everything was perfectly fine. You danced with that one guy do you remember that ?"

" I remember dancing with that guy , I remember making out with Desean but everything after that's a blur."

" Okay well after that we came back in you had one more drink you and De were all cuddled up all night well not exactly cuddled up but like all over each other it was just harmless flirting you did post quite a few snaps with him but I think I got to them before anyone could see them, once everyone left the boys didn't want us walking home that late alone so we stayed ! I helped you change your clothes while the boys cleaned up and then you laid in the bed and fell asleep nothing happened I promise you I wouldn't have let anything happen to you Kayla."

I hugged her so tight and let out small silent tears she pulled away and wiped my face.

" Cheer up Babygirl I got you i promise , now get some juice and take those two Tylenol right there it'll clear up your headache."

I took the medicine and walked back into the living room with her and B , Desean came out of the bedroom with his shirt of running his fingers through his hair , he looked over at me and smiled my insides quivered and my legs started to shake. I bit down on my bottom lip and smiled back at him
He walked into the kitchen and I stood up and followed him. He was bending over in the fridge looking for something to eat and sat up on the counter and watched him he was beautiful even first thing in the morning. My phone vibrated and a picture of me and Darius showed on my screen

So you haven't seen me calling you all night Kay?
Darius it's too early in the morning for arguing.
I'm your dude your king remember but you out all night on snapchat twerking all over some OTHER nigga like that ain't gone have me looking dumb.
It was a dance D you are trippin over a fucking dance you act like I was sucking his dick you are being ridiculous.
Kayla who ? You never talk like this you been gone a week and you changed that much already ? Some nigga must be filling your head with some bullshit cause you talking crazy to me.
Darius listen to what you just said and remember who you are talking to and try again.
I don't even recognize who I'm talking to remember
Goodbye Darius.

I hung up the phone and looked at it I couldn't believe he just talked to me like that he's never talked to me like that I took a deep breathe, closed my eyes and wiped my tears. I looked up and Desean was looking me dead in my face. He walked over to me and stood between my legs, him being this close to me made me nervous and I didn't understand why.

" You okay Ms.Independent? Sounds like trouble in paradise."

" I'm fine thank you Mr Jackson, think you could move back a bit I don't think you brushed your teeth yet this morning" I laughed and pushed him back a little bit, he moved closer and squeezed my thighs I could feel my pussy muscles tighten he knew exactly what he was doing. He was inches away from my mouth and he bit my bottom lip gently, I moaned in his mouth softly and pulled him closer I kissed him passionately running my fingers through his curls our tongues danced together and he ran his hands up my legs to my waist his touch had my skin on fire, I've never wanted something so bad in my life I'm not a virgin but the only person I've ever been with is Darius so me feeling like this about anyone else was new.

" UHMMMM" Brandon and Leeyah cleared their throats watching us from the kitchen entrance " Well you know I am so sorry for interrupting but I have to cook in this kitchen and people have to eat the food produced in this kitchen so you think you could come down from there Smalls?"

Desean laughed and pulled me down off the counter top, my face flushed a bright red and I hid my face in Desean's chest. He kissed my forehead and pulled me out of the kitchen, I sat on the couch and he sat beside me resting his head in my lap. He looked up at me and I played in his hair he smiled and closed his eyes, all of this made me realize I am in a relationship Darius has every right to be upset about my behavior but why don't I feel bad about it? Darius is making it so easy for me to fall into Desean's trap , he's been such an asshole lately we haven't even talked much.

" What's on your mind Kayla you deep in thought tell me what's up it's written all over your face that something is bothering you, is it lover boy? I promise you he's going to find anyway to argue with you so that he can do what he wants and blame it on you fighting with him, I was the same way coming into college with my girl right out of high school." I scrunched up my face at him and moved his head he grabbed my hands to stop me " Stop chill I didn't mean it like that I am just saying I'm a dude I play football I know the kind of girls that throw themselves at Football players on a daily basis Kayla."

I didn't want to hear anymore of what he was saying I moved his head and stood up I walked into his bedroom to change my clothes I wanted to go back to my room, I needed to clear my head and being here wasn't helping. I folded his shirt and left it on his bed I walked back out into the living room Leeyah was sitting on the couch waiting for me she stood up leaned over and kissed Brandon and waved to Desean, he waved back and looked over at B, who stood up and grabbed Leeyah's hand and walked her towards the door. Desean stood up and walked towards me I chewed the inside of my lip.

" Kayla I didn't mean to upset you I am just being real with you, i could be wrong your dude could be the total opposite but you can't tell me that you didn't feel it here in your stomach, and down there between your legs when I kissed you" he traced from my lips down to my stomach and between my legs with his finger, I twitched slightly and moved away from him.

" I did feel it and that's why I have to stay away from you Desean because you are bad you are going to cause trouble in my life and that's not me I'm not that girl that gets in trouble, I'm a " he stopped my sentence by grabbing my face and kissing me he wrapped his hands in my hair and kissed me harder my heart sank into my stomach as the heat rose in my body I lost complete control.. Darius who?


Well things are heating up between Kay and De.

Should Kayla tell Darius or leave him in the dark ?

Is she gonna break up with Darius or take a walk on the dark side and be the bad girl for once ?

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