Chapter Twenty

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{ Party Outfits in Mm}

Kayla POV

We arrived back at the dorms and the campus was busy busy the same way it always is after a game. Summer went to her dorm and me and Leeyah went to ours we decided we would meet back at Summers car in like 2 hours gave us time to rest and prep. I wanted to lay down for a second and wrap my head around my day but clearly Leeyah had other plans for me. I laid in my bed to snap for the game win and Leeyah had to jump in my snap of course, when we finished I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes Leeyah hoped on my bed.

" Nope no you don't cause you are not going to back out of this party you sleep and you'll be late and then you just going to be like never mind I'm not going to go. I know you Kay get up !"

I laughed because she was absolutely right that's exactly what I was going to do. I sat up and dragged myself into the bathroom to shower and wash my hair. Once I was finished we snapped and Leeyah went and got herself together I couldn't decided what I was going to wear so I threw on the first thing that popped in my head and then I looked in the mirror at my hair and groaned I didn't feel like it but I didn't like the curly hair with the outfit so ponytail it is I started tying my hair up and Leeyah smacked my hands

" No Kayla gawd you always wanna wear a ponytail stop it ! I'll do it just sit down ! " she had some nerve seeing as how she had her hair pulled into a ponytail. I sat down and waited for her she started doing my hair and finally finished about an hour later ! I was ready for bed at this point I needed a pick me up so me and Leeyah decided to pre game with a couple of shots. After that we headed out to Summer's car she was already there waiting

" We said 2 hours that was 30 minutes ago like what took y'all so long ?"

" Blame Leeyah she wouldn't let me wear a ponytail and both of y'all bitches got your hair tied up."

" Well then I'll accept the 30 minutes you are the ponytail queen now come on let's go I need to see my baby ! "

Xavier had been away for a few days because his dad hurt himself at work but he was finally back and Summer hadn't seen him yet. We got in the car and drove off , Future came on the radio and I already knew how my night was going to go I started dancing and singing in the backseat Leeyah snapped me from the front seat but I didn't care I was feeling it! We pulled up to the boys house and it was jumping already. I am convinced that the neighbors are payed to leave when the boys party cause otherwise the Feds would always be here. We walked into the party and Xavier grabbed Summer from behind and picked her up she squealed and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Me and Leeyah smiled and let them have their moment I scanned the room for familiar faces and saw the regulars and a few new faces but I didn't see Jacc i saw Brandon though Aaleeyah grabbed my hand and we walked through the crowd over to B he smiled and greeted us kissing Leeyah and hugging me.

" So glad your are here can you go get lover boy to stop moping someone should tell him that he won the game today."

" Where is he B ? "

" Out back and he won't let anyone come out there with him I mean the niggas was just back there smoking with him but I seen two or three girls come in all sour faced."

What's wrong with him turning down females something must be bothering him.

" Okay I'll go check , get me something to drink please ? Strawberry Henny if you have it."

I walked out back and Jacc was sitting on the table bobbing his head to the music , I closed the door behind me quietly and walked over to him.

" Mind if I seat here with you ?"

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