Chapter 11: I'll Show You!♪♪♪♪♪ ♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(Whoops a terrible baking scene. Sorry.)

♪♪ ♥♪♪ [LUDWIG'S POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪

      Reaching the kitchen door, I let go of (F/n)'s hand and began to test each key, searching for the right one. Finally unlocking the door with a black key, I swung the door in and held it open for her. After she entered, I shut the door and re-locked it. Shutting the front shutters, I turned to her before speaking.

      "Well, we're here. Let's get this done and over with." She nodded before looking around for something. Finding some large bowls, she let out a small "ah-ha!" and pulled them out, setting them on the counter.

      "Ludwig, can you help me find some ingredients?" I nodded, taking my coat off and, after removing my wand, draped it over the back of a stool. "Okay, I need you to find me the... Flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and vanilla extract. Alright?" Nodding, I memorized the list as I began to search around the kitchen for the ingredients. Finding the flour and sugar on a shelf, I pulled the containers down and set them down before beginning to look for the rest. Finding the baking powder and salt in a cupboard, I removed them and set them down with the flour and sugar. Humming, I began to look in a spice cabinet for the vanilla extract before finding it near the back, in between cinnamon and thyme. Grabbing the small, dark bottle, I placed it down with the rest of the ingredients as (F/n) set milk, eggs, and butter down next to them. "Alright. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and get me a cake pan, please." Going over to the oven, I set the oven to the correct temperature before finding and getting a cake pan out and placing it on a counter. Coming over with a spray can, she picked up the pan and sprayed the inside of it with a clear, oily looking substance before taking her hand and rubbing it along the sides and bottom. Seeing my confused expression, she giggled before speaking. "This'll help to keep the cake from sticking to the pan." Placing the pan down, she put the lid on the can before setting it down and walking over to where the bowl and ingredients were. "Oh! Can you find (favourite flavour) for me? It's what makes the cake so good. " Nodding, I began to look around in different cabinets and cupboards until finding some in a small container. Going back over, I handed it to her. "Thanks, Ludwig." Setting it down, she began to organize everything.

      "Is there anything else you want me to help with?"

      "Not really. I'll just need you to get me some small things like measuring spoons and cups. Now," She began, picking up an egg. "Let's get cracking," She finished as she cracked open the first egg.


      Sitting down on the stool after I threw my jacket into the floor, I popped open a few buttons on my dress shirt, feeling a few beads of sweat beginning to form.

      "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?" I joked before chuckling and fanning myself with my hand. "But seriously though, it's hot in here. How the hell can Chef handle this?"

      "A better question to ask is how you're bothered by this heat. This place is probably surrounded by hot lava!"

      "It is! We just don't really go near it. Plus, there's plenty of open air, unlike in this small room." Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair before speaking up. "Aren't you hot?" She raised her eyebrows and smirked before replying.

      "Why yes, yes I am quite good looking. Thanks for noticing for me, Luddy~" Scowling, I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I crossed my arms over my chest.

      "You know what I meant, (F/n)." She nodded before wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

      "You bet I am. God, this dress is SOO heavy! And there's nothing I can do about it!" She frowned, her brows furrowing. Going over to the sink, she turned on the cold water and ran a hand under the running liquid before turning it off. Lifting the wet hand up carefully, she placed it, along with the water that she had managed to hold, onto her forehead, a sigh of relief coming from her as the water began to drip down her face. Letting out a small growl as I felt sweat begin to drip down my back, I undid the rest of the buttons on my dress shirt and threw it onto the floor with my coat, letting out a small sigh due to the small but noticeable decrease in heat around me.

Human! Ludwig von Koopa X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz