Chapter 43: Here Comes Morton!

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(Yoyoyo, guess who's back, hos?! Jk, you all are very lovely. ❤ I'm back with not just one, but TWO new chapters for all of you that have been waiting! I'm so sorry for not updating. Life's getting hectic because I'm getting ready to go to college! I plan to study 2D art so maybe I'll make some cute animations for all of us Koopaling losers! 😂😂😂 Enough about me, though. I bet you all are saying "GIMME MY LUDDY!!!" And don't fret. Ludwig will be brought back soon with a small segment and will be brought back after....5 or 6 chapters??? We still have A WHILE to go, and reuniting with Ludwig isn't even the end. If you enjoy this, vote for it and comment some shit, lol. I'll respond back too! Without further ado, here's the new part!)

Slowly waking up, I look around while yawning. Seeing that I wasn't in the bunk bed, I sit up and rub my eyes, confused and still a bit tired. I was now in a monochromatic themed bedroom, with simple decorations and a few tea candles glowing softly. Hearing a knock from the door, I glance at it sleepily.

"Come in?..." The door swings open, revealing Morton. Smiling slightly, he stands in the door frame before speaking.

"Good morning, miss (F/n). How did you sleep?"

"I slept good, thanks. And there's no need to be so formal, Morton." He nods, his smile warm and nervous.

"That's good to hear. Would you like to have breakfast downstairs with me?" I nod and yawn before standing. Stepping over to him, I follow as he heads downstairs. Reaching the main floor, I continue to follow the bulky male as he heads through a set of doors. The room smelled delicious from all of the different foods and drinks being made, and it brought a smile to my face as I began to wake up.

"This is a very lovely room, Morton." I give him a warm smile, and he beams happily at that.

"Why, thank you mi-(F/n). This, along with my library, is my favorite room. I love coffee, especially with an amazing novel. Err, a-anyways, is there anything in particular you would like to eat?"

"Not really. Why don't you surprise me?" He nods, smiling.

"Would you like to come see how I make everything for a little bit before you find a seat?"

"Ah, sure!" He nods and leads me back to the kitchen, which is warm in a pleasant way. Grabbing an apron, he puts it on and smiles before turning to me.

"Would you like for me to alter your outfit with my wand?" I nod, curious to see how I would be dressed here. Nodding, Morton pulls out his wand, which has an onyx gem, and gently taps the top of my head with it. Black smoke surrounds me, and I feel my clothes warp and change before the smoke fades. I am now in a knee-length, black pencil skirt and a white dress shirt. A forest green apron covers my front, and on my feet are black flats. Seeing a hair tie on my wrist, I tug it off and put my hair up in a bun before giving the male a smile.

"Alright, shall we get started?"

~Time Skip~

As we finish eating, he stands up and hands all of the dirty dishes to a Shy Guy wearing an apron, who carries everything to the kitchen to be washed. Turning to me, he smiles and helps me out of my seat.

"Now, I would like to show you my library. It is not as large as the one in my main castle, but I believe that it is still quite impressive. Do you wish to join me?" I nod, smiling. He heads out with me in tow, and we begin to head upstairs. However, once we've reached the next floor, alarms go off and I can't help but groan in annoyance.

"Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?!" He huffs, his bushy brows furrowed, before he leads me up to the the top level. Seeing Peach exiting her room, he grabs her by the wrist and tugs her along despite her protests. We reach the battle room, and the bay doors open. Morton takes Peach and I to the ship, but I move back to him. "Let me help."

"But, (F/n), I do not wish for you to get injured by them."

"I'll be fine, Morton. I don't want you to fight against them by yourself. Besides, 2 against 1 isn't really fair, is it?" He shakes his head and I nod. "Then you don't have a choice. Lead the way, big guy." He nods and heads inside, an unusually serious look on his face. I stand a bit behind him and watch as a familiar duo enters the area.

"Well, well, well....I see you punks decided to show up after all. He grins, folding his arms across his chest. "I must apologize beforehand, but you two aren't going to get out of here alive." Luigi gulps and looks at his older brother worriedly at that. Not noticing, Mario's hands curl into fists as he huffs.

"Shut it, Big Mouth. I just wanna get this over with." Morton's grin immediately disappeared, and his expression turned to one of ferocity.

"Don' me...BIG MOUTH!!!" He quickly shoots some smoky grey fireballs at the two before charging at them. He quickly leaps above them before swinging himself downward at them, planning to send his fists straight onto their skulls. "MORTON SMASH!!!" They roll out of the way before he can deal damage. Rushing towards him, Mario springs up and lands on top of his head. Yelling in pain, he grips his head and roars before firing multiple bursts of dark flames at the duo.

The two dodge, and Luigi fires more fireballs at him. Morton slams his fists on the ground, sending a shockwave zooming towards them. Mario easily dodges by leaping into the air, and Luigi barely manages to follow. The elder lands on top of Morton's head and Luigi does the same, landing next to his older brother. Morton sways uneasily before landing on the ground, unconscious. Gasping, I rush over and help him up before grabbing his wand. Barely managing to get a few feet, I freeze up as a gloved hand is placed on my shoulder. Scowling, I turn to see Mario and Luigi staring back at me, confusion and worry on their faces.

"(F/n), why are you on their side? They only wish to use you like they've been trying to use Peach."

" many people miss you. Your parents miss you-"


"The Mushroom Kingdom misses you..."

"Only because I used to be friends with Peach." Suddenly, Luigi pushes Mario aside and grips my shoulders, eyes wide and filled with tears.

"I miss you. So very much. I just want to end all this and bring you back home. Reverse everything to the way it was before Bowser attacked. Because I care for you." I pull myself away, a stoic expression on my features.

"Stop trying to make me come back with you guys! After all that has happened, you all think I want to go back?! You all are nuts." Tucking a strand of my hair back, I give the two a cold glare before grabbing Morton.

"(F/n), I don't know what has happened, but there ARE people back home that care! W-what about your kingdom? Surely your citizens are-"

"The citizens of the (Kingdom Name) Kingdom have always hated me. Plain and simple. My elder sibling is back. They can rule since everyone loves them so much." I continue to slowly carry Morton towards the ship. Before I could get onboard, a pair of hands pulled me away and turned me around. Seeing that it was Luigi once more, I shove him off of me and finally get on board. "IF YOU TRY TO GET ON HERE, I WILL PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASSES!" The duo watched as the crew began to get the ship sailing. As we were finally flying off, my ears picked up on the three words I never thought I'd hear from anyone.

"...I love you!"

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