Chapter 12: Story Time, I Guess♪♪♪♪♪ ♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(This chapter's kinda short. Next chapter WILL make up for it, I promise.)

♪♪ ♥♪♪ [MAIN POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪

      Biting my lip, I tried to focus my mind on something other than the burning sensation on my hand, but to no avail. Hearing footsteps approaching me, I looked up to see Ludwig coming over, a lokk of worry on his features.

      "You alright?" I nodded, wincing slightly. He hummed softly before going to where he had placed his wand, picked it up, and returned. Uhm... M-may I?" He muttered, his free hand outstretched. Nodding, I gingerly placed it in his, and hissed in pain when our hands made contact. Biting his lower lip slightly, he placed the wand's gem on the injury, causing a small, choked sound of pain to come from me. Sighing as he frowned apologetically, he took a deep breath before speaking. "Adolebit sanare." Feeling a cool, tingling sensation spread throughout the burned skin, a small sigh of relief made its way from my slightly parted lips as the pain quickly faded away. Letting go of my hand, he smiled gently at me.

      "Thanks, Ludwig.."

      "Don't worry about it." Placing the wand back to its original place, he turned back to me before running a hand through his hair slightly. My eyes quickly glanced over his bare torso, and I felt my cheeks heat up. Roughly biting the inside of my cheek, I tried to push those thoughts out of my head as I walked over. Feeling his eyes studying me, I gulped anxiously before sitting down on the stool, the muscles in my body slightly relaxing. Humming contentedly, I rolled my shoulders before sighing, feeling as if a weight had been removed from me.

      "You know, if you need help with that new piece, I could... possibly help? I'm no musical genius like you, but maybe I can give you ideas?"

      "You can if you want. It's a complicated piece I have to make, though." Letting out a small "oh", we fell silent once more. Sighing, I looked up at the ceining, feeling boredom encroah upon me. Sighinh again in exasperation, I groaned before getting a strange stare from Ludwig. "What the hell are you groaning about?"

      "I'm boooored." He sighed and facepalmed before sitting down on the floor. Biting the inside of my cheek, I got an idea and got up, walking over to him. Sitting down in front of him, I smiled before speaking. "Tell me about your family." He raised an eyebrow before speaking warily.

      "You sure? They're... interesting..." I nodded, smiling. Taking a deep breath, he thought for a moment before beginning. "I have six siblings: Lemmy, Iggy, Morton, Wendy, Roy, and Larry. All in that order too." I whistled, impressed at how many there were. "Lemmy is the second oldest, after me. He doesn't look like it, though. He enjoys anything having to do with circuses, and is like a little kid."

      "Awww. He sounds like an adorable little kid with that info."

      "Hush, I'm still talking. Iggy comes after him. He's the tallest one, and wears glasses due to being... near-sighted, I believe. He's really smart and likes to pull pranks, but is a bit... delusional."

      "So, like a mad scientist?"

      "That's exactly what he is. Anyways, Morton's next. You met him earlier. Large, dark, grey star over his eye?" I nodded, remembering him. "He's... complex, in a way. He can and will resort to brute force-he IS one of the strongest of our group, after all. But he prefers to think before acting, but can be angered easily with certain things." My brows furrowed slightly in worry, and noticing my expression, Ludwig chuckled. "Don't worry. You're on his good side."

      "That's good. I don't want to see his bad side."

      "Trust me, you don't. Next is Wendy, our only sister. She might seem like a stereotypical "girly girl", but she acts just like me and my brothers, and won't hesitate to scrape with us or anyone that she doesn't like."

      "Ohhh. That's who that was earlier." I muttered, remembering the female Koopa from a little while ago. He nodded before speaking once more.

      "Next is Roy. He's the other mass of muscles in our group. He likes to be the "cool guy" and tends to push everyone else around around, especially Iggy. And he NEVER takes his shades off. So when you knocked them off earlier, you immediately got on his bad side. Stay clear of him." I nodded, playing with the hem of my skirt anxiously. Feeling a hand gently placed on mine, I looked up and saw Ludwig staring at me, a reassuring smile on his lips. "Don't worry about him, though. Since he isn't a regular magic user, he can't break through any spells we put up. So, as long as you have a protection spell around you, you should be fine. Alright?" I nodded, feeling a bit of my previous worries disappear.

      "Yeah." Smiling a bit more, he moved his hand off of mine before speaking once more.

      "The last one is Larry. He likes to think that he's the leader of us, but we're more like a republic. Anyways, he's a bit stingy, and loves to play sports."

      "How old is everyone?"

      "I'm eighteen. Lemmy's seventeen and Larry's twelve. We're all about a year apart."

      "Wow. Your parents' must've liked getting busy, huh?" I said, smirking. His face turned dark red as his brows furrowed.

      "Shut up. I don't want to imagine that. EVER." Giggling, I rolled my eyes before trying to speak before he cut me off. "I think the cake's cooled by now." Standing up, he dusted off his pants before grabbing one of my hands and pulling me up. I landed, not surprisingly, onto his chest, my other hand spread across his chest. Looking up at him, I blushed as I noticed the smirk on his face. "How nice to see you here again." Without missing a beat, I replied with a neutral expression.

      "What can I say? This is one of my favourite places to be." Grinning, I watched as his blue-grey eyes widened, his jaw slackening slightly and his cheeks become covered with a pink dusting. Pulling away, I winked at him before going over to where the cake sat and lightly placed my hand on top and smiling as I noted that it was cool enough to put the icing on. Walking over to where the bowls sat, I picked up the large one and placed it on the counter before looking around the kitchen for a cake platter. Finding one, I placed it by the pan, grabbed a butter knife from the silverware drawer, and cut around the edges to loosen the cake up. After I finished, I picked the pan up and slowly placed the cake on the platter. Heaving a sigh as it fit perfectly, I went to dip the knife in the icing before a hand grasped my wrist. Looking up, I saw Ludwig staring down at me, his eyes lidded slightly and a frown on his face.

      "And exactly WHAT do you think you're doing?"

      "I-I was going to put the icing on the-"

      "No. You go sit down and rest. I'll put the icing on it."

      "But Ludwig-"

      "No buts. Now go sit down, or else I'll make you sit down." I frowned but didn't move. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Ludwig pulled the butter knife out of my hand, placed it on the counter, and quickly scooped me up in his arms. Squeaking in surprise, I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck in order to give myself more support. Hearing him chuckle nearby my ear, I shuddered and turned to glare at him and found myself nose to nose with him.

      "Oh.." His warm breath fanned across my face as my breath did the same to him, our eyes connected. Feeling something near my lips, I glanced down to see that our lips were extremely close and his mouth was just barely grazing against mine. Feeling my face heat up and my heart start pumping overtime, I gulped nervously before turning away. He cleared his throat before walking over to the stool and gently placing me down on it. Standing back up, he sighed before speaking.

      "Now stay here. I'll be done with it soon... hopefully. If I need help, I'll tell you." Saluting him, I sighed before speaking, a small smirk making its way onto my lips.

      "Whatever you say... Master." Laughing a bit at his shocked and embarrassed expression, I watched as he went back over to the cake and began to put the icing on top. Sighing, I looked up at the ceiling and soon became lost in thought. I thought about how interesting the rest of Ludwig's family was, and my mind soon drifted off onto my imprisonment here.

      How long would I be here?

      Would somebody come here to save me?

      And more importantly, do I actually want to return to a place where I was unhappy?

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