Chapter 5:

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[A/N: I'm skipping to 7 months later. This chapter is in memory of who died in the Spanish train crash on the 25/7/13 over 80 people died and 120 people were injured. The story of the train crash inspired me to write this.]

LOCATION: Spain written in the Point Of View of Trisha Malik (Zayn and Chloe's Mum)

I was sitting on the train surrounded my fellow passengers. I had earphones in listening to my son's band's music. The sound of my little boy singing filled my ears bringing back many memories from when he was just a little boy. I remember him singing at 3am in the morning cause he couldn't sleep singing his little heart out.

I've always loved Zayn's singing so it never bothered me when he did sing at 3am in the morning waking people up from their peaceful slumbers. I never got complaints I always got compliments instead. All our neighbours loved his singing, I wasn't surprised when he got put into a band. My boy's face is now all over the world, on girls bedroom walls and all on their phones and t-shirts.

I haven't seen my baby boy or girl in now eight months. I was on my way home to them. Zayn would soon be leaving for tour with his band-mates. Me and Chloe will be alone again, supporting the only boy in our life, Zayn.

I smelt a strange aroma fill my nostrils and my system. Terror. My stomach locked together as the smell turned out to be burning. I looked outside the window of the train I was sitting by. The scenery was flying by my eyes. Trees were a blur to my vision and the train track was racing by like it was never there. My head became to become dizzier as I continued looking at the window.

We were approaching the north-western city of Santiago de Compostela the time was approaching 9pm only half an hour away making it 8:30pm. I was supposed to get off the train in the next thirty minutes and make my way to the airport to fly home. Little did I know, that will never happen.

I took my earphones out of my ears, but another sound soon filled them. The sound of shrieks and screams. People around me were on their phones calling frantically in Spanish. I could understand little sentences making me aware something bad was going to happen.

But I didn't know what.

I was in the third carriage. People always say 'three' is a unlucky number. Yet again, three had good purposes as well.

A sharp noise of metal grinding together echoed over the screams and shrieks. An  explosion went off sounding like a bomb going off. Like when you watch TV and it sounds like a bomb went off but it was the sound effect of a crash.

The carriage went lob-sided. I felt like I was slipping off of my seat. I gripped my phone in my hand tighter than I already was. My pulse was racing 100 miles a minute inside my chest. A creaking sound filled my ears and the carriage flew off the tracks and hit the wall beside the track.

Windows smashed.

People fell to one side.


A sharp pain rippled through my body as I fell from one side of the carriage to the other. The train's roof above me caved in on top of my immobilised body, crushing me in the process. I laid there. My phone still in my right hand. I moved my head to face my right side. Wincing at the pounding heart beat I could hear in my ears. A metal structure was pinning me down making me not able to move. 

My finger typed the last text I would ever send.

To: Zayn<3

I love you sweetheart, don't ever forget that. I will always be with you looking over you from above with your dad. Look after Chloe. I love you both with all my heart. <3 xxxxxxxxxxx

My finger pressed 'Send' just in time. Another piece of metal came falling down on me. Sending my body into another world.

Everything around me was peaceful and so quiet nothing stirring with awe and amazement. My handsome husband walked into sight of my eyes. Dressed in a white suit, tie in tow. "Hello sweetheart." A smile spread across my face from ear to ear.

"It's been a while. Hasn't it?" My husbands smooth voice filled my ears. "It sure has" I replied. My husband pulled me into a warm embrace his muscular arms wrapping around my skinny waist, and my arms wrapping around his neck.

Our hands in- -twined with each other as we walked into the distance together.

As death do us apart, we will re unite in eternity together as one...

I just wanted
you to know
how much I wanted to be there to watch
you grow.
Do the things a daddy
does with you,
But God had other plans
I am so sorry I was so sick
the last ..........

When these graven lines you see,
Traveller, do not pity me;
Though I be among the dead,
Let no mournful word be said.

Children that I leave behind,
And their children, all were ..........

And there we sat staring down, once again, on our children all alone, with no parents to grieve upon, but they we are up above, staring down on the ones we loved. We promise to watch you both grow up, making sure you live a happy life, and we will soon be reunited but until that day. Enjoy the life your living now, and we'll see you once again. Sleep tight, don't let the bug bugs bight, were watching over you now so don't fret. Our angel wings have grown once again.


On the 25/7/13 we lost 83 people in a tragic accident, over 117 people injured and scared for life. 83 people grew their angel wings and now there are 83 more stars in the sky. While writing this chapter I cried a lot. It touched my heart quite a bit, so I hope it touched yours.

This is a filling chapter. And spanking will be in three chapters time. I'm not going to put a chapter goal on this chapter as it doesn't really have a cliff-hanger.

IMPORTANT: I have a new book called One Direction One-Shots. Please request either a personal one shot with you being one of the main characters or one of the boys. :-)

Dedicated to @Glafabicorn if you want the next DEDICATION tell me your;

Favourite One Direction music video?

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