Chapter 27:

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-Chloe's Pov-

I don't know why but I was in a spooky mood. I guess as it was near Halloween one of my favourite holidays.

The boys were sound asleep and I was wide awake. I had sharpie marker in my left hand as I walked into Harry and Niall's room. They were the heaviest sleepers out of all the boys.

I kneeled down by Harry and popped open the sharpie marker lid. Sometimes I could be a little devil.

I drew a moustache above his lip, filled in his eyebrows, drew devil horns on his forehead and two lines underneath them to make them look real. After that there was still a massive space left on his forehead.

'WOMANIZER' was now written in capital letter in the middle of his forehead. I couldn't keep myself from laughing so I quickly got up and walked back into my room. I hid the sharpie in my closet and went back to sleep.

Hopefully I wouldn't get into trouble for it. But I was wrong.



I awoke suddenly from someone shouting my name. Harry burst into my room steaming with anger. Liam and Louis behind him.

I laughed at my 'artwork' on his face, causing Harry to get more angry.

"Chloe, this isn't acceptable plus you used a permanent marker!" Liam confronted me.

Now I just feel bad.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Harry shouted at me, coming closer to me.

"Sorry" I muttered looking down at my hands.


I kept staring at my lap, guilty coming over me.

"Chloe this isn't going to go by with out you being punished for your actions." Louis said sitting on my bed next to me.

I nodded knowing what I did was wrong and stupid and un-called for.

"Harry go take a shower and try it to get it all off. Louis go get Lou to see what she can do about it later for the interview while I'll deal with Chloe."

Harry and Louis both exited the room leaving me and Liam together, alone with one another. Liam sighed running his hand through his hair, walking over to my bedside table and picking up my hair brush. I was scared when Liam did it with his hand, he hits hard like fuck, but with a hair brush my ass was going to get a fucking belting.

"Let's make this quick, yeah?" Liam asked me calmly sitting down next to me.

I nodded knowing the sooner we get it over and done with it the better. Liam guided me over his lap making sure my butt was in the right position so he could aim better. His fingers hooked in my pg. bottoms tugging them down to my knees along with my panties.

"I'm going to give you thirty ok. I want you to count them for me as well Chloe."

"Why?" I asked sheepishly.

"Because I said so." Liam retorted.

I wasn't going to start an argument with him now when he was about to flicking spank me, was I?


The first one came as a surprise to me. Making me jolt forwards.




Zayn Malik's Little Sister (Spanking story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora