Chapter 9:

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Zayn's Pov:

Chloe pulled away from Liam and stood up. I pulled her into a hug and held her tight against my chest. I nuzzled my face into her hair and kissed her head. I breathed in her scent; vanilla and coconut. We both pulled away from each other and I took her hand and gave her a squeeze.

I walked upstairs, Chloe in tow.  I led her to her bedroom and opened her bedroom door. Clothes were scatted across the floor, her bed was un-made and her make up table had old used make--up containers thrown on it and stains on the wood covering the table.

"Tomorrow your cleaning this up" Chloe groaned and I smiled at her laughing at her ignorance.  We both sat down on her bed. Chloe had her legs folded up in front of her, her hands in her lap. "Chloe what's wrong?"

Chloe shrugged her shoulders and kept on staring at her fingers. "Nothing" I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Chloe I know I wasn't there for the most important time of your life and we have discussed that. But please, tell me what else happened that you haven't told me?" I asked out of pure curiosity.  "You know everything Zayn so what is the point of asking me." Chloe retorted.

"There has to be something Chloe, I have known you for all your life and I know when something is wrong with you. You know you can tell me anything. I won't judge you for it because I love you."

"Whatever" Chloe mumbled.

My jaw clenched and my hands balled into fists. "Excuse me Chloe? Did you even just listen to me what so ever a minute ago? I'm trying to be a big brother right now but all your doing is pushing me away and everyone else around you. How am I supposed to help you when you don't even acknowledge me trying to help you?"

Chloe just looked the other way from me, making my temper rise. I know I had to do something that I should have done a long time ago to be honest.

"Chloe your obviously not wanting to talk to me right now so I think it's time for your punishment don't ya think Chloe? After all what have you done today to me and the boys, huh? Your swore repeatedly, back talked to me, Harry and Liam. You didn't respect any of us and you fought with me and Harry. So that is a total of, 60, 13 with the brush, 17 with my hand, 20 with the wooden spoon and 10 with my belt, plus a mouth washing for twenty minutes and a time out in the living room."

"N-no Zayn I'm sorry please don't spank me" Chloe babbled.

"Chloe you can't do things like that and suspect to get away with it willy dilly, you did the crime and you can do the time"  I said.

I grabbed Chloe's upper arm and pulled her over my knee. Chloe kicked her legs protesting against me, kicking away. I trapped her legs in-between mine and leaned over her small frame and picked the brush off of the floor. 

I pulled down her black jeans and they fell down to her ankles.

Chloe's soft sobs echoed around her room, I sighed knowing that I wasn't going to enjoy it one bit.

Chloe's Pov:

I was crying already and my punishment hasn't even started yet. How sad. I gripped Zayn's leg's with all my might trying so hard not to fall off his lap right now, as much as I wanted to.

"Your getting 13 with the brush first" Zayn said to me.

I didn't bother replying to him as I knew it wasn't going to make much of a difference in this situation at this very moment, and like Zayn would care if I nodded or not.

I knew Zayn was lifting his arm into the air above his head at the moment and I closed my eyes shut not wanting them to open until the very end.


I gritted my teeth together, not letting my cries be heard. The pain was bearable right now but I knew soon it wouldn't be.


Those five had more force applied to them and hurt more than the last set.


Soon Zayn's hand was coming in contact with my bum all on my sit spots. My teeth clenched together and a sob escaped my lips. I wasn't going to give in just yet I kept repeating it inside my head. Over and over again.

{ S K I P P I N G  T H E  R E S T  O F  T H E  S P A N K I N G  A S  I  A M  T O O  L A Z Y  T O      W R I T E  I T  A L L }

Zayn picked me up and carried me into the bathroom connecting to my room. He looked through the bathroom cupboards and after a few minutes he found what he was looking for. He turned around and said "Open up Chloe"

I reluctantly opened my mouth and let Zayn put the soap in my mouth. He made me swish the soap around my mouth so there wasn't one area left in my mouth that hadn't be covered in soap. I knew I had to stay like this for twenty minutes at the minimum.

Zayn led me downstairs to the living-room where the boys were watching TV, more preciously a football match. I wasn't a big fan on football even though I watched it time to time like every one else in the world.

Zayn put me in the corner and pulled down my jeans again and my underwear showing my, what it feels like, purple bum. I knew I wouldn't be able to sit down for at least a month properly now, considering how hard Zayn went and how much force he put into the hits.

"You can stand there for twenty minutes while we watch the football game, remember no touching and keep the soap in your mouth."  I nodded my head and stared at the wall in front of me.

20 minutes later...


The game had just finished after the final goal had been made, with the boys screaming like maniacs at the TV. I heard movement and someone pull up my jeans and underwear yet again. I turned around and was met by Zayn who gave me a small smile. He took me back upstairs, which seemed to me like forever, but really was only a few minutes.

Once in the bathroom I spat out the soap and rinsed out my mouth hoping to get rid of the horrible, disgusting taste.

"Learned your lesson?" Zayn asked.

I nodded my head and hugged him tightly. For once I felt safe in my brothers arms. And I...

Liked it.




I finally updated sorry for the wait. I have nearly finished the next chapter so that may be up tonight if I finish it or tomorrow morning. :)

Please request some one-shots for me to do for you in my One Shot--Book.

DEDICATED TO @jordan553 as she was the first to comment. If you want the next DEDICATION comment your answer to this question below;

Was Zayn born in either

a) Bradford

b) Wolverhampton

c) London

Good luck :)

Comment, vote, follow meh if you please and add to yr reading list :P


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