Chapter 25:

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Zayn's Pov:

But now I got to find my own

My own

I scrolled down the page to the comments and likes.

Me singing At Last and Listen :)

ChloeMalik                8,774,804 views

804,589 subscribers          1,000,506 likes 140,000 dislikes

Published on the 23rd October 2013


All comments:

'You wrote that song yourself!! OMG your amazing!! Ily'

'Your voice is like an angel, I love it'

'Puh-lease you are so full of yourself you think you are amazing when really your quite shit'

'The comment above^^^ is complete bollocks your so talented!'

'You have to get signed you are a amazing songwriter/singer!'

'Please do another video'

'Simon Cowell has to sign you right now!

'You have to make YouTube videos to get famous and get noticed because you are really nothing'

'Zayn doesn't even love you! Go die.'

I read the last comment of many to come. Fans thought I hated my own sister!

Most of the comments made me smile while others brought a thrown to my face. When I found out Chloe posted the YouTube video it surprised me... a lot. I mean she has never done something like this before and I have never properly heard her sing.

She always wanted to be a singer, and I wanted to help her with that dream.

"Hey mate, what ya lookin' at?" Niall asked me plumping down on the couch next to me.

"Chloe's video on YouTube." I replied.

"Wait . . . Chloe has a video on YouTube? Since when?" he retorted confused.

 "Since Yesterday mate. She recorded herself singing a song she wrote and At Last by Etta James."

"Do the other lads know about this?" Niall asked getting excited about something.

I chuckled, scratching the back of my neck a bit. "I don't know mate, why don't you go ask them. I only just found out through twitter."

Niall's eye's lit up and he was up and jumping about like a little leprechaun.

"LADS!!!" Niall shouted at the top of his voice.

"What?" A faint noise came from the back of the bus.

"CMERE HERE!" Niall exclaimed.

"Jeez, Niall stop shouting." I scolded him.

He stopped jumping up and down and sat down cross legged, his arms folded across his chest and a pout on his lips.

Footsteps could be heard coming towards the front of the bus, revealing in three boys entering the room.

"What is it?" Liam asked me sitting on the other side of me.

"Watch this!" Niall ripped the laptop out of my hands and passed it towards the boys clicking play on the video.

We all circled around the laptop intrigued by what was on the screen. My baby sister singing her little heart out.

Chloe's Pov:

I bit the top of my fingernails nervously debating with myself.

Should I? Or not?

My phone was lying next to me on my bed. Staring at me.

"Just do it."

"What if he doesn't want me to"

"Don't be stupid Chloe, just do it!"

I sighed before picking the iPhone 4 up off the bed and scrolled through my contacts.

I clicked on his name.


I clicked on messages and the screen loaded.


I sent the text waiting for a reply.

'Hey Chloe ;)'

He put a winky face at the end. I smiled as I texted him back.

'How are you?'

'Gd thanks, you?'

'I'm good, thank you'

'That's cool, do you want to go to the cinema with me tomorrow by any chance?'

That text took me to another dimension. He wanted to see me. Actually see me. My heart fluttered inside causing butterflies to fly around.

"I would like that :)'

'Meet me at the local cinema tomorrow at lets say 10am?'

'Yeah sure.'

'Cool see you then beautiful :)'

I just got asked out on my first date, can this day get any better?


A/N Hope you liked it ;)

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