Chapter 6:

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Paul's Pov:

I knocked on the door nervously waiting for the door to be opened by Trisha herself, but no instead Liam opened the door; making me feel even more pitiful. "Hey Paul, what are you doing here?" I stared straight ahead at Liam letting my bran rattle with thoughts and ideas on how I could break it to the boys and Chloe. The words were caught in my throat and my lungs felt like they were closing up the same for my diaphragm not letting any air come through my body. I opened my mouth wanting the words to flow naturally like they always do, but no this time it was different the words were stuck like prisoners in a jail cell for committing a crime. "C-can I um...c-come in" I finally managed to stutter out.

Liam opened the door unsure of what was going on and stepped to one side letting me enter the home which belong to Trisha, Zayn and Chloe and their late father//dad. Liam lead me to the living room giving me weary glances as my hands were shaking rapidly and my face was probably white as a ghost.

The boys laughter could be heard from far away, if only if they knew. If only Chloe knew. If only it didn't happen. "Hello boys I have something to tell you."  I sat down in-front of all the boys the letter in hand confirming her death. Her will and letters to her children.

Footsteps came bouncing down the stairs, Chloe appearing in the living-room shortly after. She smiled at me and continued into the kitchen disposing of her plate and glass. "Chloe sweetie, come sit down, you need to know this more than any one else does". Chloe did as I asked and sat down between Zayn and Louis.

"Paul do you know when Mum is coming back home?" Chloe asked me. Her voice so innocent. She didn't deserve this. Zayn didn't deserve this. The boys didn't deserve this. And most importantly Trisha didn't deserve this.

"I'm afraid she's not sweetheart." All the boys and Chloe had confusion written all over their faces. While my expression was probably sorrow and pity for them. "W-what do you mean she's not coming home?" Chloe was getting more anxious by each second. Zayn had a confused expression and worried the same as the other boys.

"Did any of you hear about the Spanish train crash?" I asked quickly. Everyone nodded their heads signalling me to continue. "Well Zayn, Chloe your mum was on that train on her way to the airport to come home, but unfortunately she didn't make it."

"Omg is she okay, can we go see her, is she hurt, did she break anything when the train crashed, when is she coming home?" Chloe trailed off with all these different questions thinking her mum was still alive.

Niall got what I was thinking and placed her hand on Chloe's shoulder and nodded towards me. Chloe's attention were staring right into mine, I could see that little glint of worry and misbelief in the corner of her eye.

"Chloe you can see her in a couple of days at her funeral..." Those were the only words I could get out before Chloe fell to the floor crying her eyes out, Zayn following soon after, the boys had shock and pettiness in them.

"NO NO YOUR LYING MY MUM ISEN'T DEAD. YOUR LYING TO ME AND ZAYN SHE'S NOT DEAD!" Chloe screamed at me trying to throw punches and kicks. Zayn soon held her into his chest. The boys surrounded Zayn and Chloe on the floor, hugging them.

"I'm sorry for you loss the both of you." I whispered into Chloe and Zayn's hair.

Zayn's Pov:

I was shocked, confused, mad, upset. I felt like my heart had just been ripped out of my chest and someone was crushing it right in front of me. When dad died, I cried for days upon days, Chloe was too young to know what was going on. But I guess this hit her harder, mum's gone and so is dad. We have no parents the only family we've got our the boys, Paul, Simon and the fans.

Chloe was crying into my chest, I could feel her heartbeat beating 100mpm against my arm. Here cries soon slowed down and breathing slowed down a bit. Tears were descending down my face now. Paul was still sitting in front of us a letter in his hand. Paul caught me looking at the letter and gave it to me. Chloe saw the pass over and looked at the letter also.

I opened the letter up and read out loud the contents;

Dear Zayn and Chloe and the boys,

I wrote this letter as time went on adding and changing things here and there as life went on. You'll all be reading this one day when I'm up above looking down on you all, watching you read this. Fifty things will be said in this letter and my wishes will be attached afterwards. First off Thank You. All of you changed my life each and every day you grew up, you made me proud and I was so grateful to be your mum. I have many memories I will keep of each and single one of you. Watching you all perform at one time or another has left feelings I will never regret. You made my life such a joy to live. You did indeed change my life since the day you were both born and then four more boys became my sons. I never went  a day without think of you and that is saying something since I'm a very forgetful person. I needed you in my life and you were always there. Please never forget you only have one life to live so make it great. My life may have ended early and I'm sorry I didn't get to see you before I passed. Make you life worth living, live your day like it's your last and enjoy every second you breathe. You made me love life and I want you to do the same.

You can change the world,

You will the change the world,

You have changed the world.

I'm now doing what I was meant to do looking over all of my little ducklings swimming in the pool of life, and soon at one at a time you will join me and your dad on the shore and watch as everyone swims from one side to the other again. I conquered my biggest fear and that was watching you guys grow up. I know that sounds wrong but I was always scared that you would soon be gone before I wanted you too. I'm listening to each thought and word you say and think so please do me proud and I can add it to the list of many things I can be proud of you for. I seriously can't thank you enough for everything you've all done for me. I love you so much my little ducklings. I'll see you once again so don't worry my baby boy and my little princess. Keep smiling, keep shining bright, keep dreaming. XxxxX

I love you all,

Mummy xx

I finished reading the letter and put it on the floor. Chloe was staring into space in my arms, no expression on her face, the same for the boys. They smiled at me reassuring I can do this. I kissed Chloe's head and held her closer to my chest.

I didn't want to read my mothers wishes because I knew they would be about her funeral right now I wanted to focus on the bundle in my arms, my sister Chloe. She needs me more than ever now, I'm going to be there for her every second of the matter what.



Hey, once again this is a filling chapter the next one well I'm going to keep that a surprise HAHA :D I think this had a bit of a cute ending, what do you think???

Can I get 5+ comment for the next chapter????

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--Obsessed1DFan  xoxoxo


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