Chapter 10:

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I walked through the cold dark hallways of my school; that gave me chills as coldness crept onto my spine. A bile rose in my throat and sweats started to form on my forehead. I felt gravity pulling me down as if strong invisible gazes stared at me. A little light was visible at the end of the hallway and I pushed myself farther and farther into the endless path. Shadows of the unknown become visible or it just my imagination?

The endless darkness once held happy students, giggling and passing notes in between classes. Now, with the students gone, like everyone had disappeared over the edge of the earth. Video game worthy monsters seemed to be lurking behind the doors and around corners. Only this time, quitting the game isn't an option. It was a battle between life and death, an endless war.

Lurking shadows passed me. Advancing down the cracked tile floor and hid behind doors to classrooms and lockers. Waiting for their pray.

The end of the hallway came in sight as I descended further towards the old broken, brown doors. The gold handles illuminating the light further around the hallway. The lights flickered above my head as I walked underneath them, turning off again as I approached the next one.

It felt strange to see a place that was usually always busy so...empty, deserted, abandoned. The energy that once bounced off the walls of the hallway had been drained away. Bit by bit until it was all gone.

My footsteps echoed around me, making me feel uneasy. I felt exposed, with no room to duck into to, no stairs to take to my escape. All my concentration was on the two door's at the end of the hallway.

My hand touched the brown doors and I was sucked into another world. My head spun around in circles as I was thrown into a dark room.

The light circled around the room flickering spits of light, lit up. Showing me a cafeteria.

A long row of chairs, set in such a discipline you might have mistaken it for an army camp cafeteria. The thin ray of light that illuminated this sad, narrow, room. During use of the cafeteria students would be lining up around the outskirt's of the room in the lunch queue. The smell of freshly baked food would fill your nose and make your taste buds crave for the smell. 

Laughter of teens of all ages would fill your ears, talking about what they had recently done, their favourite member from their favourite band, singing those song lyrics every one knows, talking about those teachers they hate so much, how to do your recent set homework and most importantly what they were going to have for lunch.

But this room was the complete opposite right now. The blue table's had no one sitting around them, everything was quite.

Deadly Quiet...

Like in a graveyard when the only sound known is the wind blowing against your ears. As people stood and remembered their loved ones.

Voices filled the air around me;

'Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice'

'Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?'

'Don't you need a license to be that ugly?'

'Every girl has the right to be ugly, but you abused the privilege!'

'If we were to kill everybody who hates you, it wouldn't be murder; it would be genocide!'

'Your mum left because she didn't love you'

'Your mum wanted to get a abortion but she was too far in to do so'


"STOPPPP STOP" I shouted at no one.

Tears fell down my cheeks as the voices kept talking on. A sudden erg came across myself. I scratched at my wrists, my nails digging into my skin.

Blood seeped through the cuts my nails had made and on the dress I was wearing.

White laced floral dress, ruffles at the end cutting above just before the knee.

Blackness effulged me and pulled me into the darkness. That was once light.

***Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”***---Martin Luther King Jr.





Hello. This chapter is based on one of Chloe's dream's which you will see throughout the book at certain times. So yeah, just before any confusion comes up about that.

Sorry if this Is really short, I wrote this in about 30 minutes listening to One Direction. I'm in LONDON right now at the This Is Us 1D Film Premiere at Leicester Square. :D And I'm right near the red carpet strip where you see the boys walking down the red carpet. :DDD

Hopefully I'll see them and die...not literally but yeah :P

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I might update in the next couple of days If I get the chance too. :P :) :D :) :P :) :D

And do you want to see a picture of me???? If so can this chapter get


>>>>>Picture of dress on the side>>>>>

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