Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

May 1, 1817.

"Who said a girl can't play baseball?" I questioned my brothers. I had my arms crossed over my chest as I stood in protest.
My brothers were standing on the field, behind the house. Their auburn hair glistened in the sun. Their deep green eyes shown like fireflies. Brian is 19, the eldest of us. Xavier is 18, the middle child. Xavier was my favorite out of both them. I still loved Brian but I liked Xavier more. I related to him more than anything.
They exchanged looks and smiled. I knew that look. And I was ready for the challenge they were thinking of.
"Okay we will let you play. But if you loose..." Brian stopped to think.
"You will have to do our bidding. Whatever we say, you have to do. Understood?" Xavier finished with an evil smile plastered on his face.
"For how long?" I questioned and raised my eyebrow. Daring him and like a mouse, he took the bate in the cage.
"For a month." Brian said; his arms crossed daringly.
"A week." I said. "A month is a ridiculous amount of time."
"Half a month." Xavier dared back.
"A week take it or leave it." I dared stepping forward. The sound of determination was hanging onto my words.
"Fine a week." Brian said. Xavier looked at Brian in disbelief. I was a little caught of guard myself as well. Usually it wasn't so easy to break any of them. Xavier didn't protest but he grumbled under his breath to one of the bases of the field.
Behind me I could hear multiple voices. Brian's and Xavier's friends had come. Brian ran towards them and Xavier waved at them. I turned around and gazed at the group of guys in front of me.
There is only one girl amping the group and o could easily spot her. Her name is Heritage and is my best friend. She has straight blonde hair. Unlike mine that was curled and a raven black. Her eyes are a deep blue. And mine are a deep violet. She has a small figure that reminded me of a fairy. I was taller than her by a few inches.
I walked over towards them, in time to hear Brian say "My dear sister wants to join us in our game. How about it boys? If she loses she gets to do all our needs." The guys had a look of disapproval at first but then their faces turned to grins as they considered his last words.
"Whoa! hold it there a second. We never agreed for them to join this. And we never agreed for what I get if I win." I said raising my hands up.
"Hmm I didn't think of that. You would lose so I didn't give a single thought." Brian teased.
"Umm may I remind you who won at the wrestling match." I said in defense.
"It's because you're a girl that's why. But if you were a boy, it would have been a different story." Brian defended himself with a smug grin. The group of guys tried to hide their smiles but it was obvious they wanted to laugh.
"My dear brother we all know that my sister can beat you. Being a guy or not. Did you not say that night she also destroyed your arm?"Xavier said behind me. I didn't even notice when he started coming towards me.
"Isn't that the truth." Heritage agreed. Then the group of guys started to laugh. Brian turned scarlet red out of embarrassment as he remembered the moment he lost his manhood.
"So what am I going to get hmm?" I questioned.
"Don't you mean what you won't get?" Xavier teased.
"Nope I'm positive she meant what she will get." Heritage answered for me.
I smiled at her and said "so whats it going to be."
"We do what you say for a week." Xavier said.
"Even the group of boys?" I questioned and crossed my arms ready to give a fight if Brian and Xavier decided against it.
"Yes even them." Brian agreed. For the second time in the day he surprised me and Xavier. So were the others.
What is going on with him today?
"Okay, I'm team captain." Xavier and I said at the same time; recovering faster than the others. We were both used to Brian's random acts of kindness.
We chose teams. There was six in mine and seven in Xavier's, because for sure I didn't need the extra. Regardless of how many people I had on my team, I was determined to win.
I chose outfield and Xavier was infield. Xavier stepped to home base. I grabbed the ball ready to pitch. He grabbed the bat. I looked him in the eyes waiting for his approval that he was ready. Xavier nodded and I threw the ball with full force. The ball went flying in the air lightning speed. Xavier swung at it and made contact with the ball. The ball and the bat made a loud crashing sound that split the air. Everyone looked at the ball flying through the air in a daze. I ran for it following it. It made it out of the base. Now I knew I had to catch it or it would be a home run. People were now trying to catch it. The ball was losing altitude fast. I was right under it. It was so close it was just above my head if I jumped I could have caught it. It flew over my head. It was just down to me knee. I dove down towards it. I almost caught it. I Almost have it. Come on! Caught it!
I looked at the ball in my hands, adrenaline running through me. Excitement in me that I was one strike closer to victory. Just as heavy footsteps came rushing to me I stood up and waved the ball in the air. My team erupted into cheers. Xavier threw the bat and stomped to the end of the line.
The sun was beating down hard on me. Good thing I changed into one of Xavier's old baseball clothes. If I were in a dress this would have been the hardest thing ever. Heritage came and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"You know that if I win you have to do as I say?" I asked her.
"No I don't. You said the group of guys. last time I remembered I'm not a boy." she said with a wink. Of course leave it up to her to have a loop hole.
I walked over to the pitchers base. Two more strikes and we would go to infield. Brian stepped up to home base. He grabbed the bat. He had a look of determination in his eyes. I gave him a small evil smile. He nodded in approval. I threw the ball and it flew in the air just as fast as the last one. Brian hit the ball. Making a fainter noise than the first one. It flew toward Heritage and John, her brother, who were standing in the back of the field. They both raced toward it. They jumped at the same time. Their bodies crashed against each other. They fell back wards, letting the ball fall. Brian took off running.
"Heritage get the ball! Get it!" I yelled at her. She raced to the ball. Picked it up and and threw it at the first bace catcher, Robert, since he was the closest to Brian. By the time Robert caught the ball Brian sped past and had reached second base. Brian kept running and stopped at third base as he saw that the ball was in hands reach to the third base catcher, Micheal. The next batter, Alanzo, stepped up. I looked at him with a steady gaze. I was determined to strike him out. He grabbed the bat in his hands. He tested it out and nodded. I threw the ball harder this time.
The ball fell and the catcher behind him, Caleb, yelled "strike one." Caleb threw the ball back. I winked at Alonzo and threw the ball again. It fell to the ground again. Caleb yelled "strike two." I threw the ball one last time and Alonzo hit it. One center fielder began to run for it.
"Damn it!" I muttered.
The center fielder caught the ball and cheers erupted behind me as Brian got home. Alonzo stopped at second base, with a cocky grin. I grated my teeth. Damn it this bloody game! I turned around. My gaze was filled with war. Guy after guy I threw the ball full force. When they reach their third strike they had five points. We switched sides. I was ready to beat theses people. I stepped up to home base. I grabbed the bat. Xavier stepped up to the pitcher base. He looked at me in the eyes. I made a you're going down sign. He shook his head and threw the ball at me. I hit it with all the force I had left. Sweat was running down my face. I started running full speed. Not looking back. Cheers erupted from my team as I reached third base. I looked back and I had made a home run.
Never under estimate a girls strength and determination. I stopped running and walked the rest of the way. I looked back at Xavier and Brian. They looked angry but it only made me laugh. I got to home base and it all flew by from there. When we had reached three strikes we had 5 points.
Xavier walked towards me. He stopped right in front of me.
"I thought you said you were going to win." Xavier said in an intimidating voice.
"The game is not over yet." I said in a confident tone, letting him know I wasn't intimidated.
"We will see about that."
"Xavier what are you telling your sister?" We turned towards the person that spoke; startled by her tone.
My mother was standing on the porch with her arms crossed. Staring at Xavier and I.

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