Chaper 17

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Chapter 17

I opened my eyes to my surroundings. I didn't remember how I got here but I knew one thing. I wasn't home.
Tanned people walked around me. Women were draped in bright colored cloth. Their faces were covered with a shawl. The men wore two piece white suits.
I was in India.
I could hear a rush of water hitting the shore. I looked to my right and a few feet away was a river. Across the river men and women were gathered around. A man walked up to a pile of logs and set it on fire. I watched as the fire grew and I sat on the river side until it dimmed. I could hear the crackle of the body being chard. I watched as the family poured the ashes of their loved one in the Ganges River.
Memories flashed through my mind as I watched the ashes fall. Ironically I came out of an ocean of bodies and come to a river of bodies. Now the problem is, how do I go back home. My stomach rumbled in response.
I needed a plan. If I am going to survive this I would need a plan.
I stood up to roam around the market. The air was thick and humid. There was puddles everywhere. There was little room to walk in. Sellers threw jewels and fruits in my face. They ask if I was interest I assumed. All I could do is shake my head. I was pushed and pulled.
I stand on the tip of my toes and scan the crowd to find an open space. I see one a few feet away from a fountain. A man catches my eye. He stares at me with a heavy look. He is sitting next to the fountain. He wears tattered clothes and has his hands up begging for money.
I decide to turn back around and find another place. I was not in the mood for trouble. Nor do I want to look for it.
I maneuvered my way back to the river. All through the walk I couldn't help but feel like I was being followed. I didn't look back to check. I thought it would have went away but it didn't. I turn towards an alley. Women and men were yelling to one another. The deeper I went into the alley the more the feeling got stronger. I finally looked back and the man next to the fountain was following me.
I started to pick up my pace. Every step becoming faster and faster. I brushed people over and made my way through buckets. I wanted to be left alone but I see that wasn't going to happen.
I glances back and the man was gone. I stopped and turned around. I was sure he was following me. Could it have been my imagination. I'm being paranoid. I need to calm down.
I turned around and the man was standing in front of me. I opened my mouth to yell for help but he covered my mouth. He pressed me to his chest and dragged me into a narrow alley. I kicked and punch but he wouldn't budge. I just got out of Hell and now I'm going I die in a dirty alley. I was not going to let that happen. I've had it with getting kidnaped all the time. Being evil angel or human. I was going to put a stop to this.
His grip loosened and I pushed myself away. I was ready to shove my fist in his face when he said,"Wait I know what you are." I stopped mid flight and he continued,"Almost all angels are on high alert for you. They are looking for you and what they have planned is not good."
I stare at him in confusion. He opens his mouth to say more but I hold my hand up.
"Wait. Why should I trust you? So far you have not proven yourself. I don't even know your name. So tell me why should I trust you or I'm going to hit and run." I say. I didn't know who he was or what he wanted. I was not about to trust him.
"I'm Chakshu, the eye. I keep watch of the humans and report back to the gods. I overheard my Gods talk about you. They want to keep you away from the angels. They want you dead."
"Well you can tell your Gods they will have to wait in line. There is others ahead of them. Now I'm going to try to kill you and then I'll leave." I knew the killing part was not true but I needed to intimidate him.
"You're threats do not scare me, for I do not die. Plus you are too pure to kill."
"You seem so confident. I'll kill you no matter what you say." What would Max do in this situation?
"Look you are not letting me explain. You have to listen..." I stopped him mid sentence as I delivered a punch to his gut. He flew backwards and onto the alley wall. I walked to him and slammed him to the wall.
"No. You have to listen to me." I used my most aggressive tone I could come up with at the moment.
"I take that back. You could kill me." he said in his Indian accent.
"What do you want from me?"
"I want nothing."
"Liar. Everyone wants something. What do you want?"
"What I want right now is for you to listen."
"Okay, I'll listen but you have to promise me a few things."
"Whatever it take for you to listen I'll do."
"You have to promise me this is not a trap, I can trust you, and that I will get food as soon as we are done." My stomach starts to rumble in agreement.
"I promise all that. It is urgent for you to listen to me. You can only be safe with me for now. I could send you right now to my Gods but you are the key to ending evil on earth. They don't see that but I do. You have a choice to walk away from me and let the others get to you or you can stay with me and I will keep you safe."
"How do I know this is true?"
"You do not but you have to trust in me." I let go of him and retrieve. We stare at each other unsure what to do next. The silence becomes awkward and uncomfortable.
"So how about that food you promised me?" I say.
"Right this way my lady." Chakshu says.
I follow him out of the alley and we turn back to where we came from. From there it was a lot of turns and twists to remember. We walked to a temple. He bowed and to respect I did too.
Umm dear Gods don't kill me. Give me the benefit of the doubt.... Please?
We walked into the temple. He came up to a statue of a man. The man looked a lot like Chakshu.
"Isn't that you?" before he could answer my question he moved the statue and the floor swallowed me.
I should have not trusted him. You're so stupid. Why the hell would you trust someone you just met? Because you're so desperate. That's why.
Chakshu falls in next to me. He starts walking deeper into the dark whole. I walk after him not knowing what to do.
How am I going to get out of here?
I tried to feel around but there was empty space. How can he walk in this? I look to where he was standing and his figure was gone.
Oh god I'm lost.
Then in a blink of an eye the darkened came to life. If it wasn't for the nausea in my stomach I would have thought the darkness was never there.
Aromas started to fill the air. Cushions were thrown every where. Decorative carpet covered up the floor. Transparent colored fabric was attached to every wall. It was like a genie's lamp in here.
"The food will be ready in a minute. Nadia will bring it in and we can dine." Chakshu says in a polite voice.
I looked around in wonder. I touched all the fabrics. They were soft and cool to the touch. I was amazed how darkness can hide the beauty of something so big.
"Please, sit." Chakshu gestured at the pillow next to him. "We have a lot to discuss." he smiled at me knowingly.
For the first time I noticed his whole attire was changed. He was no longer the poor old man. He was the resemblance of a young god. A aura of white light surrounded him. His skin softened and was no longer wrinkly and rough. Every thing he did seemed perfect.
Nadia, a young beautiful Indian woman, came in and served us tea. She smiled and bowed at us.
"The food will be ready in five minutes Sir." Nadia says in a soft voice.
"Nadia please be a dear and not call me that. I told you what to call me."
"Sorry Chakshu. it won't happen again."
"It will be fine. When you are done, treat yourself to what you wish."
"Thank you Chakshu." She bowed once more and walked away.
We waited until her foot steps faded away and we took some tea.
"Now where to begin." I say and take a sip of my tea.
"That's quite a story you got there. You say this all started three months ago? It seems like all this would take years to make true." Chakshu says amused.
"I can't believe I lost a month in Hell. Max must be worried." I say in a desperate tone. I take a bite out of my pieta.
"You say you stayed in Hell for a month? Then only a week has passed since you were gone. Hell runs on a faster time."
"Are you serious? That bastard kept me in there for his entertainment."
"You got quite a language."
"Traitors do that to you." I say in a bitter tone.
"So what are you planning to do now?" Chakshu says changing the subject.
"I have no idea. Right now I just can't think straight. Everything is happening too fast. I thought all my problems would be solved when I come out of Hell but I guess not."
"You sound like you want to give up. You know what you need?"
I raised my eyebrows hoping he had the cure. I wanted it all to be over. Maybe today is going to be the day I have a breakdown.
"You need a shower and good night's rest. Then we can discuss about this tomorrow."
"Yes. Maybe you are right."
"Now go Esmeralda."
"How did you know my name? I never told you." I stare at him amused and angered.
"I am The Eye. Nadia will take you to your room and help you. I need to go back to the human world." he stood up and started walking away. I stared at his figure.
"Chakshu?" I yell. He paused and tilted his head toward me. "Thank you for not turning me in. Thank you for everything."
"The pleasure was all mine." He turned around and disappeared behind the shower of curtains.
Nadia appears next to me and says,"Right this way madam."
"Call me Esmeralda." I say in a soft tone.
"As you wish Esmeralda."
She opened the curtains and I walked through. Just as I did sharp pains went through my back At first I thought I was being attacked but then knew what was coming. I fell to the floor and let out a cry. I gripped a pillow as more pains washed over me. I let out a sharp scream. The pains were coming like waves. Another after another they were all getting even more painful. Until one last and final pain whet through my body. My body started shaking and I let out a scream. I heard my skin tear open and out came my wings. The last thing I remember is seeing Nadia's frightened face.

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