Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I land hard on the dirt floor. A giant cloud of dust went up in the air. I stare up at the blue sky. The sun hits my eyes, making me squint. I try lifting myself up but every part of my body feels like a sack of potatoes.
"Get up!" A harsh voice commands me.
I let out a grown and roll over. I don't want to get up. Every time I do I find a new place that hurts. I get on my knees and stand up. It takes all my effort to get up and look at him in the face. He gives me a cold stare and all I can manage to do is frown at him.
"I call a time out." I say my voice hoarse.
"No. There is no time out in fights." Max says coldly.
"Drop the act will you. Or I'm going to start thinking you really want to kill me."
"What are you expecting from these people that are looking for you? A banquet of roses? A warm bed? Or perhaps fine dinning? Maybe some singing?"
"Fine dinning sounds like paradise. Do you think they will be serving stake?" I mock him. A smile creeps up to my face that probably looks like a grimace.
"Maybe. I think it would be made out of Esmeralda instead of a cow." He says back.
"Then it might be very delicious."
I walk up to him and get into fighting position like he taught me. For the past few weeks I've learned a lot from Max.
I ball up my hand and try to land a punch on Max's side. He blocks it by grabbing it and giving it a hard twist. He knocks my legs out from under me and picks me up. He then slams my body against the ground. I hear a couple of cracks from the inside and grimace.
Lesson #1 just because your opponent let's you win once doesn't mean he/she is going to let you win again.
Lesson #2 never show your full strength to your opponent.
Lesson #3 never underestimate your opponent.
Lesson #4 don't talk while fighting.
Lesson #5 don't get distracted.
Lesson #6 don't hesitate to punch.
Lesson #7 be quick to recover.
Lesson #8 don't stall.
Lesson #9 don't lose the fight.
And final lesson #10 stay alive.
Max comes up to me and gabs the collar of my my shirt. He stands me up and I sway on my feet.
"We will stop for the day if you can hit me." Max says seriously.
"Promise." I say weakly. He nods and I get back in a fighting stand.
By the tenth try I am about to give up. Again I'm staring up at the sky.My whole body aches and I'm sure I broke a few ribs. Every day he has battered me. Every day turning harsher and harsher. No matter what I do I can't throw a single punch. I rather let him kill me then having to go through this one more day.
"Get up and fight me." He growls already frustrated that I can't get it right.
"Just stop! I'm helpless. Let me just lay here and hope that whatever is going to get me gets me. I'm done." I huff out.
"Get up!" He grinds through his teeth.
"I said no!"
"Get up!" He stars nudging me with his shoe. Digging in harder every time.
"I said no! For the last time you dumb bastard. I'm done with you beating me up all the time. I'm done with everything you do." I stand up. Anger boils inside of me like hot iron. "I don't know what you're trying to pull off. But if you want to kill me off go ahead. I rather be dead then having to stand another day like this with you!" I yell into his face and give him a hard shove. He flies through the air and lands about 10 feet from me.
I look down at my hands. Horrified at what I just did. I look up at him with confusion written all over his face. He finally looks at me and smiles. He jumps up.
"You did it!" He shouts from afar. He wears a grin filled with pride.
He jogs over to me and grabs my hands. A blue glow comes from his hands and goes into my body. I can feel my body start to heal.
"I could have let you heal yourself but that would have taken a bunch of energy. This is a reward for being able to hit me." He says pridefully.
"Oh yeah? Well now that you got what you wanted I'm leaving. I'm done with you." I grown at him. I remove my hands from his and stomp away. My body didn't completely heal but I didn't want to stand there anymore then what I had to.
I went over to where my brothers were. While here they have been building a cabin for the three of us. We found the hut a little to hot for our liking. With the help of the other they had just finished building one room. We were staying there in the mean time while they build the rest.
The inside of the room is big enough to fit us three on the floor and a fireplace. We were hoping to go to town and see if we could find furniture but with Max training me there is no time. Now that I am done with him I can go. What would hurt to go other than my ankle.
I see Ezequel helping lift some planks of wood. Beads of sweat decorate his body as he helps my brothers attach it to the side of the next room. His dark hair glistens in the sun. I just want to go up to him and run my hands through it.
"Hey you guys. I just got done with Max. I was thinking why don't we head on to town and see some furniture?" I say as I approach them.
"Is Max okay with it?" Brian asks.
"Who cares what Max thinks? He can't keep us hold up in this place. It's wonderful and all but I need to get to a different place. Don't you guys get tired of being in here?" I point out.
"She is right brother. I'm getting tired of being stuck in here." Xavier supports my point. He gives us uncertain looks.
"Okay whatever. But if we get into trouble it's on you guys." Brian warns.
"We promise." I say for the both of us.
"You want to come Ezequel?" Xavier asks.
"I'd like to come very much. I'll get the wagon incase you guys find anything you need and we can bring it along." Ezequel says.
"Then let's get this show on the road." I say enthusiastically.
We walk over towards the horses that are next to the cabin. Silver nudges me and I land a kiss on his muzzle. I climb on him and wait for the others to attach the wagon to the horses.
We start to head just as Max blocks the path out.
"Where the hell are you all going." He asks obviously irritated at our actions.
"Nothing that involves you." I say.
"You're not going anywhere." Max says standing his ground.
"Just let us go. It's just going to be a while. It's not like all hell will break loose on the exact time we go there." Xavier points out.
"Are you on board with this?" Max asks Ezequel. Ezequel gives a nod as Max huffs. "I'll let you go but I'm coming."
I blink several times surprised that Max gave in so easily. I was expecting a fight. I looked around and they wore the same shocked expressions.
Max joins me and says,"Time to head to town."
When we arrive to town it was different. It felt foreign for staying cooped up in the tribe. People walked quickly from one place to another. They never stopped to see what was around them. They were to busy to acknowledge any of us. All peace was cut of the town.
We rode until we found a furniture shop and stopped. We tied up the horses and walked in.
"Welcome to Smith's furniture store. Where the furniture is the best." An old man greeted us. His gray hair was brushed back. His round glasses circled around his brown eyes. He wore a red velvet vest over a white shirt and brown pants.
We nodded in his direction and I looked around. The furniture was decorated with hand made decorations and painted with a light brown color. It was all beautiful.
I looked out the window observing the busy people walk up and down the streets. It was nice to see the sight again after a long time. I scan the crowd mesmerizing faces. I looked over to the bar a few stores always and I saw four familiar people. For the second time today I was taken by surprise.
My mother and father along with John and Heritage were sitting at an iron table. They all had a cup of tea. My mother and father looked ridged while John and Heritage looked like they were on any other day trip. What's going on with them? Are they in trouble? I need to talk to them.
I started to walk out the door but I was pulled back.
I turned around and Ezequel shook his head. He pulls me farther back into the store. I struggle against him but he held a strong grip on me. We found Max looking at a rocking chair along with my brothers.
"Mother, father, John, and Esmeralda are outside!" I blurt out before I can catch what I'm saying. They look at me surprised at what I said.
"What?" Max hisses.
Before they can say anything else I push Ezequel and start running back. I can hear footsteps behind me. I look back and Ezequel had Brian pinned to the ground. He grabbed Xavier's foot and Xavier fell to the floor. Max was just steps behind me. The door was at hands reach. My family was still sitting in at the restaurant. I knew in just a few seconds I could have them with me again. I could embrace them and show my affection. Before I knew it Max wraps an arm around my waist. He presses me against him and I struggle to get away from him. I was about to let out a scream but he covered my mouth.
"Not a good idea Esmeralda. Something is wrong with them. You will not go there. You will forget you ever saw them. Understood!" He said through his teeth. I didn't understand why he would be angry to wanting to see my family. I turn around and give him the most hate filled face I could master.
"You can't keep me from my family. And you can't make me do anything you say." I seethe and jab a finger into his chest. He grabs a hold of my shoulder and shakes me. Pain shoots up my shoulders and I wince.
"You aren't going anywhere." He let's go of me and takes a step away. I give him a hurt look and run towards my brothers. They embrace me and we walk to the the back of the store. I could hear from behind harsh hisses. I turn around and Ezequel and Max are in an intense hissing fight. Max's face was red and Ezequel's was his replica.
From the window I can still see my parents. A single tear falls out of my eye. My family has turned into a rare object I can never touch again.
When we reach the end of the shop there is nothing but a door. I give a tug at my brothers and point at the door. We turn around, Max and Ezequel are still fighting. We head towards the door and open it. Fresh air swoops in and we sprint out closing the door softly behind us.
We find ourselves in a dirty ally. A horrid smell penetrates our noses. Trash litters the floor in piles. A man lays on the floor covered with grime and a sack covering over him.
"Let's get out before they realize we left." Brian urges us.
We rush out the ally and hide in the shadows as good as possible. We run across the shop and try to blend in with the crowd. I glance back at the shop. The scene is still as we left it.
We enter a bar and try not to make an entrance. A few heads turn towards us but look back as if not interested in the strangers entering their bar. We sit near a window and watch our parents.
"Why do you think mother and father are so nervous?" Xavier asked.
"I don't know. I know we weren't followed and I know we didn't leave any tracks." I say. I knew for sure we didn't leave anything.
"Do you think it might be those people looking for you?" Brian asked. Anger rose in his eyes. I wasn't sure what the anger was for but I'm afraid to think it's anger towards me.
"I don't know, maybe." Xavier answers for me.
"Look for any people that look suspicious." Brian commanded.
I scan the crowed and the roof tops. I scan the tables around them and I don't find anything suspicious. I look at my brothers and they wear the same confused face as me.
"Today's news!! Get the latest news!!" A paperboy yells entering the bar. We turn our heads towards him. Our eyes sparkle with an idea.
The Paperboy walks over to the table that our parents and friends are sitting. They exchange a couple of words and my mothers skin turns pale. She looks at the bar and fear is written all over her eyes.
Why would she wear that expression? What is she worried about? I just want to hug her and see her one more time. I want to tell her I'm okay. That everything will be okay and wipe that expression off her face.
John says something and they stand up. They head towards the bar and then it hits me. I'm suppose to be dead. No wonder my mother had that expression. What am I going to say? Why didn't I think before we did this? Because you're a stubborn stupid girl that's why.
I look over at my brothers and they look at me with horror. They just thought up the same thing as I did. As we are about to get up and bolt, the bar doors open. My mother, father, John, and Heritage come in. All in one single line. John and Heritage wear an expression I've never seen before. An expression that runs shivers up and down my spin. The hairs on my body stick up and I get this gut wrenching feeling. They spot us and walk over to us. My mother's eyes are rimmed with tears. I run to her and burry my face in her chest. She embraces me and hugs me tight as a iron. I can feel her shaking with tears. I don't want her to ever let go.
I pull away even though I could have stayed that way forever. I look at John and he is still wearing that same expression. My father comes to my side and gets a hold of my arm. My brothers stand from behind me and my mother stands in front of me like a human shield.
"Everyone out of this building!" Heritage commands the people in the bar. Her voice is harsh and I wince at the sound of it.
People don't move they stay where they are. They look annoyed at Heritage's interruption. Heritage goes to a table and throws it across the room. She grabs a plate and throws it. The plate hits a man in the neck. Leaving him decapitated.
"I said out unless you want to go next." She says through her teeth. And just like that everyone leaves. Not a glance back.
My legs shake with fear. My mind erases and I can't think.
"Now let's get to business shall we?" John says.
I need to stop this. I can't let it happen. I can't let them hurt my family.
I step up, willing my legs to move. Each step feels like a mile.
"You're making a big mistake." I say my voice shaking.
"Are you sure it's us Esme?" Heritage says.
"Don't call me that."
"You know I thought this was going to be hard with your personal angel protecting you. But I guess he isn't all that bright." John says and his expression softens. "Come with us and we will protect you. We will not let anyone touch you. Together we will make these miserable humans bow." Then he wears a mask of pure evil.
"As if I have a choice." I say.
"Everyone has a choice. Just you might not like it."
"I'm not going with you." I spit out knowing my choice the second he asked.
"Wrong choice." Heritage says.
She disappears and appears back with my mother and father. I look to my sides and they are not there. I look at them with horror.
"Please stop!" I let out. My voice gets stuck in my throat. A sob comes out of me. My brothers launch themselves at John. John picks them up and slings them with a flick of his wrist. They fall opposite sides. I stare at them for any signs they are alive but they don't movie.
A ear pitching scream comes from somewhere. A voice calls out names but I can't find the source that its coming from. My throat starts to burn and I realize it was me.
I can't move or do anything. I just stay frozen at that spot. I can only see my mother and father. Tears fill my eyes. Heritage stands right behind them. I look over at John and try to plead with him using my eyes.
"I think you should rethink your choice Esme. I'm sure when you choose the right one you'll know." John says and disappears.
I look at Heritage and she pulls out a titanium black sword. She pulls back and jabs the sword into my father and mother before I can react. Then she disappears.
Seconds pass feeling like hours. Everything slows down around me. Then I recover and I run towards my parents. I fall to my knees and cradle their heads on my lap. My father stares up with a blank expression. I can feel his heart stop. A river of tears flow out of me. I look at my mother. Her lips movie and I close in my face to her.
"Esmeralda take the necklace from my neck." She whispers. She let's out a harsh cough. I remove the necklace carefully, afraid I might snap her neck.
"Put it on." She let's out a torrent of coughs. Tears blur my vision as I hook the necklace in my neck.
"Mommy please don't go yet. I can heal you. Please fight it." I plead.
"Esmeralda my dear child. That necklace.... Was with you when we...... Found you. Take care of yourself and your brothers.... Be a strong girl that you are...... I will be watching out for you....... I love you." She says in between coughs.
Movement stirs from some where. I can hear running towards me. I look up and my brothers look down on me. They fall to their knees. Brian let's out a cry. Xavier pounds at the floor. I can still feel my mothers heart beating. I try to collect all my power and will it but nothing comes.
"Mommy don't die. Please don't leave us." I plead her. She moves her hand and grasps my brothers hand.
"Take care of her...... I know you will my dear boys...... Whatever happens......... I will still love you. I will watch you from where I am.......... And so will your father......... Please don't let this change anything............ I love you all." She says. She takes one last breath before she dies. I hold her in my arms for a long time. I let out a river of tears flow. My brothers yell and scream. They hit and trash what is in their way. A plank of wood flies through the air only breaths from missing my face. It feels like an eternity till everything quiets down and we go through hard sobs. We embrace each other and cry into one another.
Moments later the bar doors swing open. Footsteps come toward us. I look up and Max wears a cold expression when he sees the bodies. He looks down at me and his expression changes into something of sorrow. He picks me up from the floor. I try protesting but I'm too tired to say anything. Any life I ever had in me left. Never to come come again. I just give into him and burry my face into him. Any comfort that he is willing to give I take. He sends a rush of heat into me and I start feeling sleepy. I try to fight the darkness. I'm afraid to see what my dreams have for me. Even though I try everything I have not to, I finally give in to the darkness.

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