Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Good fortune comes to good people." Maybe they should change that to "Good fortune comes to bad people because no matter how hard good people try, they will never get what they want." Okay I know it's long but it's better. At least it's not lying to good people like me.
"Esme, you're doing it again," Max grumbled.
"Sorry. I was thinking. Don't you think they should change the saying 'Good fortune comes to good people' into something more truthful," I asked Max.
"Good point but it's not the point here. A war has started and you need to be prepared for the worst."
"Don't remind me but you're right. I'm probably the only angel that can't fly."
"And you will continue being the flightless angel if you don't start paying attention."
Max and I were siting under a willow tree. A blanket was laying on the floor beneath us. Chakshu lent us his garden for practice. Off in the distance my brothers were fighting each other. Nothing out of the normal there. The only not normal thing here was two winged people sitting under a tree and Abby throwing knifes at a tree.
"Fine, I'll pay attention but you got to be a little more enthusiastic. You sound like an old man."
"I do not sound like an old man." Max said in defense.
"Oh but you do. Not even my father talked like you." Remembering my dad made my heart squeeze and for a second I couldn't breath. I can still remember it like it was yesterday.
"I beg I differ."
"So now you beg?" I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Only to you." He brought my hand to his lips and made love to my hand. My cheeks flushed so hot they could have fried an egg.
"Are you two making any progress?" Xavier yelled at us. Max dropped my hand and stood up. As soon as his skin left mine I was filled with emptiness.
"If only your sister would stop distracting herself maybe we could." Max yelled back.
"Well she is a little bad in the head." Brian said.
"Take that back!" I yelled at Brian. I stood up and headed over to him.
I playfully punched him on the arm and he fell to the floor.
"Oh my god are you okay?" I stuck out my hand for him. Brian pushed it away and stood up.
"You are getting your strength." Max said amused.
"Isn't that suppose to happen by now?" I asked.
"Not until your 18th birthday. They are coming too early." His brows furrowed. He started to rub his chin. "Do you have that necklace you found in your mother's stuff?" Max asked Brian.
"Yeah I do." Brian reached into his pocket and brought out a golden heart shaped necklace. It was a simple shape nothing more but it felt powerful. Max took it out of Brian's hands and examined it.
"This is Esme's. Her mother gave it to her." Max said staring at it intently.
"My mother?" I whispered.
"She was a good person. The last time I saw her she told me this would help you." He put it around my neck and I instantly felt a connection. "She said never to take it off at any moment."
"I won't take it off." I whispered. I grabbed the heart and rubbed it against my fingers.
A dark shadow fell upon us. Thunder rumbled above us. The universe seemed angry. I looked up to the skies and birds started to fly towards us. No they were not birds.
"Run!" Max yelled from the top of his lungs.
I couldn't move. I was frozen in time. Something in me started to stir. It felt like I was being sucked out of this world. Max ran to me and grabbed my face. He whispered I love you but I could not speak. I wanted to say I love you too but I couldn't. The world started to melt around me slowly. Then it went completely black.
I jerked up where I laid upon. Cold metal wrapped around my wrists and ankles. The room was pitch black. I felt around and the walls were made out of stone. My breathing started to get heavy and tried to calm it down.
I tried to remember what last happened. I was taken to hell and then I confronted John. After that I did not remember. Something cold laid on my chest and I reached to touch it. Then it all came to me.
All of it was just a dream. Me escaping, finally getting to my family. Getting to Max. It was all fake. All dreamt up by my mind. How did I get this necklace?
I heard footsteps from outside and the door opened to the room. Two figures stood by the door. It was Heritage and John.
"Good morning princess." Heritage said brightly.
"Or shall we say queen." John said.
"It's time for your training. We have a lot of work to do." Heritage said.
Two demons came in and took the chains off. I tried to fight against them but I was too weak. They dragged me to a different room. A room I never imagined I would ever see.
"Welcome to your torture room." Heritage said.
"When we are done with you, you will not even remember your past." John said in a bone chilling voice.
The two demons strapped me down to a chair. I tried kicking and biting but it didn't work. When they walked out I knew I wasn't going to leave here the same person as I once was.

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