Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Like an instinct I fixed my lousy posture, put my knees together, and sat my hands on my lap. Lady Temple could be very obnoxious and judge every single one of us in a blink of an eye. No one could escape her scrutiny. I looked around and every one else did the exact same thing. They dusted off their pants and tried to clean as well as they could. I looked down at myself.
Of course just my luck. I wasn't wearing what "proper" ladies should wear. At the same time Heritage and I locked eyes. Horror was evident as fear began to creep in. She also was wearing simple pants and a buttoned up white shirt. I looked over at my brothers for help and all they did was mouth a good luck. Isn't it just nice that your brothers have your back?
"Dear Lord Esmeralda I see you haven't changed your ways! And you as well Heritage!" of course the old hag wouldn't stop judging even though her husband is dead. Maybe he really is resting in peace.
"I beg your pardon Lady Temple but it isn't worrisome of our attire. What is more worrisome is that it is so rude to not introduce us to your friend." I said. With an hint of annoyance in my voice. I'm not about to play her victim. She was taken aback and a frown spreader across her face. My brothers chuckled at the sound of my voice.
Nevertheless, she introduced us to the man standing next to her. "Oh goodness I'm so very sorry. Everyone meet Maximilian Temple. My nephew. He will be staying with me for a while." she said with an overly cheerful voice. My mother shot a glare at my father.
"Charles we will talk later." my mom said a sharp edge at the end of her voice.
Up close Maximilian had sharp handsome futures. He had black raven disheveled hair. I wanted to run my hands through his hair and see it ruffle under my fingers or if it glistened the same way in different angles. His eyes were a crystal blue. I could feel myself falling into his eyes. His skin was a creamy color that matched his complexion. The smile he gave everyone was one of the brightest I've seen. His pearly white teeth shone in the light. Everything about him was perfect.
He turned towards my direction locking eyes with me. Great! He probably thinks I'm a creep! look away Esmeralda!
I started to turn around but his lips changed. He was no longer wearing his perfect smile. His lips turned into a thin line. I returned the frown and rolled my eyes. I acted as if I wasn't mesmerized with him just moments ago.
What in the world did I do to him? Ha! Here I thought I was going to make an idiot out of myself for him! He already considered me an idiot!
He turned away from me as if my existence didn't matter. Sensing the tension, my father cleared his throat.
"Hello Maximilian. I'm Charles and this is my wife Evelyn De La Dollores. These are my sons Xavier and Brian De La Dollores." My brothers stood up and bowed. "and this is my daughter Esmeralda De La Dollores." I stood up and curtsied. Mr I-don't-like-you-for-some-reason-guy gave me a grim nod.
"Please Mr. De La Dollores, call me Max." Mr. Judger said.
"Very well Max. Call me Charles." My father said.
"Alright, Charles."
Brian stood up and said "Call me Brian and call my brother and sister over there Mr. and Ms. Hotheads." My brother teased. Xavier and I stood up and I punched Brian in the arm. Xavier shot a look at him.
"Don't listen to my brother he isn't right in the head. Call me Xavier."
"Yeah he was dropped on his head." I teased Brian. Brian frowned at me. Max gave me a look. A look I've seen so many times. Given by the people in this town. A look filled with pure weariness, and disgust. Just because my father and mother never raised us "properly".
I can't stand this bastard anymore. Who does he think he is to judge people. He probably thinks of himself as the king of the world. Ha! What did I see in this stuck up guy?
"Esmeralda can you come with me? it's getting pretty late and my coach is going to come soon for my brother and I." Heritage said to me. While I was blabbing in my head the others had introduced themselves quietly.
"I think that would be very fine Heritage. let's hurry up so we can be out here in time to say goodbye to the others."
Just than one of the maids came in and said "Sir Robert your coach is here to pick you up." she bowed her head as she left.
"Well isn't that a pity. Well boys it was nice having you here with us once again. please drop by more." my mother said before they walked down the porch and went on their to the front of the house. At the same time Heritage and I ran upstairs to my room and changed.
We ended up having to take a bath. While heritage was in one of the guests rooms dressing, I took the chance to read part of the novel I was reading. I have always loved to read books. They were my passion and they were my friends.
When I was half way through the book Heritage came through the door. she was wearing a flowered light pink dress that matched her fair skin and blond hair. I wore a simple lilac dress that was scrunched up in parts of the skirt.
She sat on my bed and said "My brother said that the coach is here for us. He keeps pestering me about that." She sighed.
I laughed and said "what are brothers there for? Other than pestering you." I leaned against the headboard of my bed. She followed my actions.
"Hmm I don't know. So what do you think of the new guy?"
"The I-am-the-world guy?" I asked with a frown.
"Yeah that guy. Anyways what did you do to him? Have you guys met before?"
"I didn't do nothing to that bastard! And I've never met him in my life!"
"Well that explains how you feel about the guy." She mumbled.
"What about you? What do you think about him?" I questioned, turning the tables on her. She stay quiet and I looked over to her. Her face was scarlet red and she had the look. "No! Oh My God no! You like that jerk?"
"Well he didn't seem like one when he talked to me. I mean just because he doesn't like you doesn't mean he doesn't like me." She defended herself.
"Okay, maybe I'm over reacting. But if you get hurt I'm going to say I told you so before I comfort you. Then after that we will beat the poop out of him. Okay?" I said.
"Okay. Now come on let's go before my pesky brother comes to get me." she stood up and walked out the door. I set down my book on the bed side table and went out. I locked the room after me because then when I come back I could find myself with Lady Temple commenting on my stuff.
I climbed down the stairs and John was there with Heritage. I smiled brightly at them and rushed down the rest of the stairs. Not caring how clumsy I looked. I hugged both tightly and they hugged me back. behind them their coach, Alfred, was standing there. He nodded his head at me. I smiled at him and pulled away from my two friends.
"Come here as soon as possible. Okay? I don't think I will be able to stand the two guests that we have here. Only a miracle can keep me alive." I whispered the last part for only them to hear.
John laughed softly and said "If the new guy gives you trouble, you tell me and me and we could teach him a lesson."
"You'll be the first to know." I smiled and reached out for his hand. He gave my hand a light squeeze and put my hand to his lips. They brushed lightly against my skin. It sent tingly sensations through my body. It took everything I had not to jump back. He let go and my arm fell by my side.
"Goodbye Esmeralda."
"Goodbye John." He started to turn around and walk out the door. Heritage gave me a questioning look and I shrugged. She shook her head and hugged me one last time.
"Goodbye. next time you're coming to my house." She said before she left.
"That next time might be sooner than later." I said before she walked out the door.
Through out the afternoon I did all that was possible to avoid Mr. On-Top-Of-World.
I ate dinner in my room because of the "illness" that came to me out of nowhere. I didn't go to the family room to hear my father tell us stories. All the things that I normally did, I stopped because of him. I hate him so much I can't stand being in the same room with him.
On the other hand while I was alone I started thinking about Brian's and John's strange behavior. Usually Brian would give a fight before he even said yes. And well John.... John never ever kissed my hand. Not even when we were little.
Maybe it's one of those changes that boys go through, that my mother told me about. Maybe they are turning nice.
Ha! Good one. I need to find out what those two have going on.
I looked out the window and the moon was shining bright. I was sitting on a bench brushing through my hair. I had put on a white night gown that flowed down to my ankles. I was staring at my reflection from my mirror.
My hair reflected against the moon's light giving it a blue shade. My pale skin glowed. My skin never tanned and it angered me from time to time. I wanted to be a beautiful sun kissed girl but I couldn't. My eyes reflected back a deep violet. That's why some of the people gave us looks.
I really wasn't born to my mother and father. My birth parents left me on the stairs after a harsh storm. I was found exactly at one in the morning on the first day of January. After they found me, they took me in as their child. Ever since I've lived with them. And ever since people have given us looks. My parents told me never to pay attention to them.
"They are ignorant people Esmeralda and you should never let them get to you." My mother always said.
"That's a sign of weakness. You don't want to show that do you?" my father would say.
Ever since then I didn't pay attention to them.
I put my hair brush up and walked over to my bed. I snuggled into my bed and blew out the candle. It was time to sleep and wake up to another tomorrow.

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