Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was sundown and I was walking along side the field. The sky had turned into a purple pink shade. Stars were starting to dot the sky. Today it felt different. More alive. Something happened to me when I used that.... Power?
How I miss that power now. I feel the need to you touch it again. To have it flow through me. To have on the tips of my fingers and bend it to my will. To make it bring destruction and repair. To turn it into a black hole and then make life again. To get every soul and then put it right back. To kill everything and then bringing it back to life.
But now it was gone. And when I tried to will it back to me it didn't come. While John and I stayed inside reading all I could do is think about the power. I couldn't read one single word without thinking about the power. And when John left I never noticed. Not until the room started to get dark and I could no longer see the words.
Up head ahead I saw the willow tree. I could see Max's figure pacing back and forth. He seemed anxious maybe even nervous. The closer I got to him the more I could feel what he was feeling.
How is that even possible? But what happened today isn't possible.
I stepped under the willow tree and Max didn't stop pacing.
"We need to leave now." He said more like giving me a command than giving me a choice.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." I crossed my arms and humphed.
"If I say we are leaving we are leaving." He said agitated at my stubbornness.
"I'm not going anywhere with you! Especially the way you've treated me since you've been here! I don't even know who the hell you are but a guy who lies under my roof and loves to be a hypocrite. So you can go stick it in the mud for all I care! You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled letting all the frustration come out. I've had a terrible day for having him demand me to leave with him.
"You don't understand anything!" He yelled back still pacing.
"Well I'll tell you something I understand. I understand your some crazy wacko who thinks he can get what he wants." He stopped right in front of me.
"I haven't gotten what I want for a long time. So don't tell me that again." The way he said that sounded like he spoke the truth. But I want going to let him get what he wanted.
"I'm leaving." I crossed my arms and started walking towards the house. He grabbed my arm and yanked me back.
"You can't go back. Not anymore it's too dangerous." He warned me.
I yanked my arm away from him and said,"I'm not going anywhere."
This time I ran home.
I didn't stop running until I was safely in my room. I slammed the door shut and locked the door as if like that I could lock everything away. I pressed my back against the door and closed my eyes. I could feel the tears burning behind my eye lids.
"Well didn't your parents make you a beauty." I sucked in my breath and grabbed the bat that was against the wall. Adrenaline started going through my veins I looked at the stranger that was sitting on the rocking chair. Her hair shined in the mood like gold. Her cheek bones were sharp. Her eyes were a dark green. Her lips were as red as roses and plump. She was tall and her shape was perfect. She looked to perfect to be real. I shook my head and looked at her again.
"Get out of my room or I'll break your head with this bat." I threatened sounding tougher than I felt.
"Oh honey if you want us out a bat isn't going to help much." Another girl came from the bathroom looking just like the one across from me. My shock burned on my face. I reach towards the door nob and tried to unlock it.
"Don't worry we aren't here to hurt you. But there are others who do." Chair girl said.
"You're like a living target." Bathroom girl said matter of fact.
"What? I don't know who you are or what you want but if you don't get out oh so help me I will hurt both of you faster than you can say mercy." I said between my teeth. These people are probably relatives of Max. What does he thing this place is? A hotel?
"Oh sorry that was rude of is. I'm Ir." Said chair girl.
"And I'm In." Bathroom girl said.
"And together we make Irin." They sang together in symphony.
"We are the angels who decided who goes to heaven, hell, or bound to earth." Ir said.
"Yeah and I'm the queen of Popsicle land and I got Popsicle men doing my command." I said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. Are all the people from Max's family retarded?
"I don't like that tone of attitude." In said.
"Me either. We are stating the truth and we have brought a message to you." Ir said getting to the point of what they were in my room for.
"You have a death sentence on the top of your head. And there are plenty who want to complete that sentence." In said.
"But there is also those who you can't trust because they want to use you. Now that you are vulnerable and you are moving into what you are. You are in more danger than you think." Ir said.
"We aren't going to sugar coat it because what's the point? Look ever since you were born we fell in love with you and we care to much for you. Your parents are in danger and are in hiding. They can't take care of you and you probably won't ever see them ever." In said.
"So we will be caring for you from afar. Please listen to us." Ir pleaded. She came and grabbed my hands. Sincerity shone in her eyes. I still felt skeptical but it all made sense.
My purple eyes. The fevers I ran because of the changes I've been experiencing in my body. The events today.... Or I'm just trying to listen to the easiest reason. I might just be crazy and all this is just my mind.
I pulled away and shook my head.
"No you're fake and this is probably and illusion of my mind. I'm running a fever. Yes I'm running a fever and that's why I see you." I said rejecting all of it.
"No this is no illusion this is real. Just like this is real." Ir said.
She shoved her hand in my chest and I started feeling the worst pain ever. I could feel my tissue splitting open letting her hand go to my heart. I could feel her fingers wiggle free through me. I could feel my life pouring out in waves. I could feel myself weaken but I wasn't going to fall on the floor. She reached my heart and she ran her fingers around it before she squeezed it. I knew I was going to die here and there. And I knew what they told me was true. But they weren't the good guys they were the bad guys. She yanked her hand out but I didn't die. I didn't float to the "white light". I was alive and breathing. I felt weak as a new born baby but I was alive. In her hands she cradled a ball of white light. The same light I had seen on my skin. The same light I reached for to save Silver.
"This is part of you. It isn't all your power but it's some. You are the most powerful one of us all. And this is what is going to save you and kill you. This will be your start and your ending. So listen to us." In said. I only nodded. I couldn't speak and I couldn't do anything.
"I'm going to put it back now but you have to accept it. It isn't going to hurt as much." Ir said. She pressed it on my chest and instead of pain I felt pleasure. It soothed all the aches I had seconds ago.
"We have to go now. We can't stay for long because if they see us with you. As you, we are too, in deep danger. The people you least expect will backstab you or help you. Take care of yourself honey." In said.
"We will see you soon." Ir said.
And with a bright burst of light they left.
As soon as they left I fell to the ground and I started sobbing and crying. I didn't know how to stop and I didn't want to either.
I stood up and changed into my night gown and crawled into bed. For the first time I cried myself to sleep with a feeling of lonesome.

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