Chapter Three

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico


The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town

I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

Big Girls Don't Cry, Fergie

Chapter Three

                Rising from my slumber, I saunter towards the fridge and retrieve a bottle of Pinot. I don't usually drink, but tonight, I find myself at the bottom of a bottle; whisking away to nothing. Repeatedly, I questioned why I was in this marriage--and if assisting Jace's parents was really worth it. He wasn't the same; I wasn't the same. Pouring some Pinot into the cup, I toss the glass onto the floor and it shatters. I collect the bottle of Pinot and tear off the golden covering, chugging the entire bottle down my throat. It burns, it stings, but I don't complain--the sensations make me human. After Jace left that night, I wrecked the house and sobbed, eventually crying myself to sleep; mascara smearing its way onto my face as I cleaned it.

                The scenes from earlier swiveled through my brain like a stream, and the migraine I had earlier hadn't gone away. I rubbed my temples and strolled back into my room, and touched the silky sheets gingerly. Jace wouldn't appreciate us sleeping in the same bed--hell, he didn't appreciate anything in general. My eyes were puffy as I touched them gingerly, before allowing them to flutter shut like butterfly as I drank the bottle dry. Tossing the bottle absently into the corner, the shatter resonated, and I crawled back into bed--attempting to sleep. But I couldn't. Deep chuckles and loud, incessant giggles resonated in the room. Tying a satiny blue pajama robe around my hourglass frame from the bedroom, I saunter back into the kitchen for food when I see Jace's sleek phone abandoned on the table. Frowning, I turn it on and witness that there are missed calls from his work.

                The giggles began once more and I gritted my teeth, stomping towards Jace's room. Sliding the glass encasement of the doors wide open, I am greeted by a deserted hallway that's empty. A fresh breeze slapped my face greedily and I sigh, strolling towards Jace's room. The balcony seems inviting, but I know Jace values his work. Sighing impatiently, I knock on the door and am greeted to silence. I knock again.

                "Jace?" I called, slamming my fists against the door repeatedly. "Your boss left you at least five messages. There's a crisis at work, or something."

                I'm greeted by dead silence once more, the only thing to shatter the silence were Jace's husky chuckles and feminine giggling. A frown overtook my face, my teeth clenched. I just wanted sleep, and I couldn't even get that.

                "Jace," I called in exasperation. "We can't avoid each other forever. We have to talk eventually."

                Jace laughed out loud, his laugh piercing my migraine like daggers. I massage my forehead, my fingers rolling against the creases. "Alright, Amy. Come in," he demanded.

                Twisting the golden knob, I tossed open the door, and my vision defied me. Beside Jace was a petite yet exquisitely divine blonde girl, the one from his photographs that gazed at him lustfully. Jace's fingers stroked her jawline, and pulled her ear close to his lips; his teeth and tongue teasing the shell as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She giggled straight away, and tipped her face up to kiss him longingly. The sight of them was disgusting; sweet and cute if anyone had known we weren't married, but the thought brought pain that sliced and diced my heart. I just wished that it were me.

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