Chapter Eight

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby
Everytime, Britney Spears

Chapter Eight

The answer was yes. He left me that night, and he didn't came back for me the next day.

Today was the day I had to go back home, I shove my clothes inside my luggage. Tears pricked at my eyes, as I grabbed my other stuff and squeezed them inside. Why did I do to deserve this life? I thought.

I was only used as a weapon, a weapon that he could treat as badly as he wanted. I married because I thought he might change, and maybe get to know me better. Instead, he only hated me more when I agreed to his parents.

The tears I was holding back, started flowing down my face. I hadn't cried this much since I was a kid, when my grandpa died. I miss him still now, if he was still here he will surely comfort me straight away. Telling me that it wasn't my fault, that I deserve a lot better than this.

I finished packing and gave the whole cottage a one last glance, I will definitely miss this place. Maybe someday, I will get to go back here and maybe stay for vacations.

I handed the guest card to the counter and said goodbye to the staff. A plump lady called Amnesia who have known Jace since he was little, came over to me and gave me a massive bear hug. And tweaked my cheek, I smiled, tears formed in my eyes.

"You're a good kid, Amy. Jace doesn't realize that," she said, wiping the tears that escaped.

"Thank you, Amnesia" I said, through the tears.

She gave me a sad smile, a lot of people does that to me whenever they had to deliver a bad news. "I saw Jace the night he left, he didn't tell me where he was going but I saw a girl waiting for him outside. I didn't know where they went"

"What did the girl looked like, Amnesia?" I asked, broken hearted.

"She's got long blonde hair, tall and sexy" she described, her eyebrows bunched together in a frown.

So he left because of Jordan. He was with her, when I was sleeping alone in the cottage, cold and full of pain. What did Jordan have the I don't?

She's flawless, pretty and has got everything Jace will ever wanted in a girl. A voice inside me said, it didn't helped, not one bit.

I thanked her and met the driver outside. It was the man from the wedding, he was the one who drove us. "Hey, Miss" he greeted.

"Hello" I smiled, and hopped in.

"Mr Johnson said, he will come home, Miss. I'm sure he will be there when you flight back home" the driver tried to reassured me but it didn't seemed to work.

We drove to the airport, silently. I was glad for the silence, I needed time to think.

We got at the airport really quick and the driver took my stuff out. I murmured a thanks and went inside, I sat down on one of the plastic chairs that was stuck together.

I watched people as they walked past me, some talking on their phones in different languages. It had always fancied me to watch people talk in different languages, even if I couldn't understand them.

The plane ride was long and lonely, I was sitting alone when it was my flight time. Despite the loneliness I felt inside, I tried my best to busy myself. I read all the magazines and newspapers the flight attendant gave me, and ate my meal. But it didn't ease the pain inside me.

The flight had ended, and people was very keen to get out of the plane. I wonder why, no one recognized me when I got out which is really great since what Vincent had said before made me a little creeped out.

I waited for my stuff to arrive, and when it did, I took it and went outside to meet anyone I knew. Surely, there was Jace's mum waving at me, smiling. I grinned, glad I knew a familiar face to greet me home.

"Hey Mum!" I said, she hugged me.

"Hey, yourself, sweetheart. How was the trip?" She looked behind me, looking for Jace. "And where is Jace?"

"Uh," I didn't know what to say so I made something up, to cover up for Jace "He needed to leave early, there was something important he needed attending to"

"Oh, okay." We didn't say anything more as we made our way outside to get inside the limo.

Before we hopped in, Jace's mum came to a halt, and so I did too. There seemed something that was nagging her, and so I probed her.

"What is it?" I asked, a little concerned.

"I know marrying Jace is a tough decision, Amy" I opened my mouth to say something but she beat me to it "You don't have to say anything, sweetheart. I can see that you love him, I've seen it before"

I stared at her in shock, how could she knew all this? "You don't have to worry, I'll keep this a secret between us. I'm very glad you agreed to us, and you must know now that Jace had a fiancee before you guys got married. I didn't want him to marry Jordan because she wasn't right for the position, she just wasn't right for our Jace"

That was why she had so much hatred for me, that Jordan. I couldn't blame her, she had every right to hate me in every way.

I nodded, but didn't say anything. Mrs Johnson smiled, and patted my cheeck tenderly.

Will he ever love me?

Hey Lovies! :D Well, you see Mommy had uploaded, two days in a row! :D Anyway, I'm so sorry if my chapters are short...ideas sometimes are hard to come. Anyway, chapter eight! :) Don't forget to comment and vote my sweet lovies ;D


Nihca xx

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