Chapter Twenty Three

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

Some some how
It’s a little different when
I’m with you
You know what I really am
On the phone
You know how it really goes
Some some way
We’ll be getting out of this
Time one day
You’re the only that I
Want with me
You know how the story goes
Rock N Roll, Avril Lavigne

Chapter Twenty Two

The days had gone really fast, rather months. I only had two months to stay, I wonder where the three months had gone. I was nearing my point, the point where I had to leave Jace to Jordan. 

I had to leave, even if I didn’t want to.

“You’re utterly quite” my dad said. We were having some father and daughter bonding since it had been months since I had seen them, though for me it felt like years.

“Yeah. How’s mum?” I asked, changing the subject.

“She’s great. How are you and Jace?” he asked.

“Were okay. I am, anyway. I don’t know much about Jace because he’s out of town at the moment due to some meetings” that was what I figured anyway, but I’m sure he was only with Jordan.

We chose a seat for two, and ordered our meals. The waitress gladly took them and said she would be back soon. I enjoyed the warm breeze that went past us, blowing my hair. School had been hectic for me, and my exams had been nearing. I only had weeks to keep on studying and I didn’t want to add another worry on mine. I had plenty as it was.

“What about school? Are you doing okay? You know your exams are upcoming right, you can’t fail any of those honey” my dad said.

“Yeah” I smiled.

We sat there in silence as the lady came back with our food, and murmured our own thanks to her. We ate in silence, and I didn’t mind it one bit. The food had taken its way on me, letting me forget about my problems at that moment.

I managed to cope with the pain I was feeling inside whenever I see Jace looking so sweet and like a perfect boyfriend to Jordan, whom had enjoyed every part of the attention Jace was providing.

But it was always hard to put up a smile while I had to watch my husband flirt around with Jordan. The pain though, had never eased. My friends are a great distraction to me because they keep me active and gets me out of the house so that I wouldn’t look like a loser that no life rather than just wait around for my husband who never really went home.

They tried to make me laugh, and I always had gone along with it but sometimes it was just too hard. Vincent had visited me quite a few times and had apologized on what happened to him and his brother. He said that he didn’t meant to lose his temper, especially when he found out how Jace treated me. And I never really came around to ask him, on how he knew about it.

My father and I finished eating our meal, and were meant to go exploring but he was called to work for some important things. I told it was okay and that we could always do it next time.

“I’ll see you later, sweetheart” he said, and gave me a peck on the cheek.

I watched as he drove away, and decided to stay in town for a little while. Who I saw was not the person I was expecting to see. It was Jordan, striding towards my way.

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