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CERN Facility, Geneva, 8:45 pm

Dr.Andreas walked past his colleagues at the CERN lab. The 62 year old prayed that no one would ask him where he was headed, unfortunately for him, God didn't answer his prayer. An unfamiliar, hoarse voice called out to him. He stopped cold, bit his tongue and turned back.

The man introduced himself as Joseph Schneider. He continued "I have a little doubt and I was wondering if you could help me with it in your spare time." "Y-yes" The physicist struggled to get words off the tip of his tongue. Dammit! He cursed himself under his breath for failing to look inconspicuous. The German, who looked to be in his twenties, read the vague look on his face. Dr.Andreas pulled out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He finally spoke up "Yes, uh-just-uh pay me a visit in my office between three and-uh four in the afternoon" Seriously! Is that best I can do?! Joseph nodded his head in response. Somewhere in Dr.Andreas' head, lied suspicion; something didn't feel right about Joseph Schneider.

The Italian physicist began strolling down the corridor when he heard the sound of footsteps in the distance. He turned around. No one. Abruptly, the footsteps' sound disappeared. As soon as he reached the door of his office, he typed in a code into the security system which he set up in his office and entered the darkness.

It was only minutes after he took out his laptop the power went out. He breathed out heavily in disappointment. All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps returned, this time they were getting louder and louder, as if someone was approaching. Then, without a warning they stopped, followed by beeps, which indicated that someone was typing in the security code to his office. Is someone trying to break into my office?! The door swung open. He couldn't see it, but he could feel the gush of the wind from outside and could hear the creaking. The physicist's body went cold. He stopped breathing. The darkness around him was no longer empty.

I'm not alone.

Dr.Andreas pulled out his iphone and turned it on. The screen's light illuminated the face of his stalker. His suspicions were right. It was none other than Joseph Schneider. The grim look on his face sent a chill down Andreas' spine.

Who the hell is this guy?!

The physicist began barking at his stalker "Get out of my office!" This guy must be desperate to clear his doubt. "Didn't you hear me?! Out!"

Only silence replied the frightened up physicist's commands.

Dr.Andreas cautiously walked backwards, he was getting more terrified with each passing second. He slowly drew out his Magnum 22. He had never used it in a real life situation before. I'll finally get to use this thing on someone. Ever since he began his research he had always been calculating the risks. He recalled a meeting with his close friend, historian Professor Benjamin Sadowsky. He was the only who knew about his research, he hoped it wouldn't come to an end today.

Joseph began walking towards the physicist, Dr.Andreas heard a gunshot. His eyes were closed, he felt no pain. Am I dead? Slowly, he opened his eyelids and saw a body lying down.

The body of Joseph Schneider. He ran towards him, Schneider began to blurt something out that sounded like "Mess with one of us, mess with all of us."

Their eyes locked for one second before Schneider drifted into a sleep from which he would never wake up.

* * *

Francois Sauvage, the 32 year old chauffer of respected physicist Dr.Andreas Del Piero, was anxious to know the whereabouts Mr. Del Piero. He got a call from him only minutes ago, he was out of breath and there were police sirens blaring in the background. Jesus! What is it with this guy?! Can't he just stay in his office and work?!

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