Chapter 23

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Hermann-Gmeiner Park, Vienna, 10:12 am

They were going down, and there was no doubt about it.

After thousands of years the world was going to know the truth and it would send it spiralling into peril. And there was no way out, unless they could reverse time. But that strategy had its own weaknesses; it would be exactly what they were trying to prevent all along.

Mohammed thought of swerving to the right or left but they were both barricaded just like the route straight ahead. If they turned around they would have been caught by then.

An idea struck him. They could sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world, even though people thought of them as terrorists. They were actually doing a greater good. No matter how evil they were thought of as, he knew deep down under, that they were going to save the world.

You're going to do great things for this world Mohammed. Don't let anyone tell you different. That was what his mother had told him, just before the Americans had bombed their homes in a village in Iraq; he was the lone survivor. Although he was sure he was going to die, he lived; it seemed that fate had other plans for him.

"Don't," Subramanian said.

At first, Mohammed didn't know he was talking to him, but his gaze cleared up that doubt. "Why?"

"We can still fix this,"

Mohammed wore a puzzled look on his face, "how?"

Giggs spoke for the first since they had entered the SUV, ending his drought. "I think we have to do it,"

The entire colour was sucked away from Mohammed's face, he couldn't believe it. He refused to believe or even let it happen.

"No you can't," he rasped.

Subramanian and Giggs were now side by side. Now he had understood, the decision was made. And there was nothing he could do about it.

But Mohammed decided to give one last warning, "Just remember one thing: It was meant to be,"

* * *

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