Chapter 32

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Justizanstalt Josefstadt Prison, Vienna, 12: 32 pm

Giggs couldn't explain the urge boiling up within him; it was like a parasite taking over his mind. Only, this parasite was taking him over to the good side.

But the damage had been done, there was nothing he could do alone to change anything. Now, another two more innocent lives were about to get extinguished like a petty flame.

Silvestre sat gagged and tied to a chair, tears that were streaming down his cheeks tried hard to wash away the dirt on his visage, but all attempts were futile. A Dell was placed on a table right in front of him, displaying the live feed of two females who were in a similar state as him, gagged and tied up to chairs.

His daughter and wife.

Giggs felt like regretting every breath he had taken after that fateful day, which made him who he was.

The cassette in the attic...the flight of United 93...

His position here was because of his father, he could not trace the roots of the reason any further than that. The Sagan family had mysterious pasts, pasts so mysterious that none of his ancestors even wanted to mention it.

For Christ's sake! Giggs isn't even my real name!

The plan was prepared and ready for execution.

He tiptoed towards Silvestre and stood right behind him. The daughter looked to be around 17 years old.


That's what Subramanian would have thought at least. Just because he lost his mother, he felt that others deserved the same.

That's when the Indian spoke up, "This is what happens when you defy orders,"

The camera focused on the wife, who had some sort of device lodged in her mouth, it was beeping and blinking red.

A miniature bomb. It was small enough not to harm the daughter but also effective enough to blow the skull to smithereens.

"No...No...Please no..." pleaded Silvestre in vain.

Subramanian smiled cunningly, "You should have thought of that before you double-crossed us," he was holding a remote-like device in his hand.

Without hesitation his thumb thrust itself into the button, almost immediately the wife's head disappeared in a violent but small explosion. Blood sprayed all over and covered the screen.


Giggs was probably wrong, the death was too quick for any pain to be registered and felt by the brain. But it must have definitely caused pain to Silvestre and his teenage girl.

"Please...leave her alone...kill me!"

Subramanian gave that cruel smile once again, "Now that wouldn't be fun, wouldn't it?"

The camera shifted its focus to the 17 year old, her messed up brown hair tried to cover the tears running down her cheeks which were covered in her mother's blood.

A blast took her head as well.

Silvestre stopped breathing. Subramanian held up the exact same bomb in his hands, "Look on the bright side! It's your turn!"

Giggs was sure that Silvestre must have been thinking, what do I have to live for anyway?

Giggs' heart sunk into regret and remorse. But his expression did well to mask it, especially in front of Subramanian. He took a look at Mohammed, who was chatting away with the assassin, possibly discussing Sadowsky's whereabouts.

That brought him back to his plan. He was the betrayer of the brotherhood. But it made him feel better.

No regrets, not for this.

Silvestre went the same way as his wife and daughter did. Quick but not so clean or precise. Everybody walked away, leaving a headless corpse tied up to a chair. Another figure of the episode had died. Too bad, too sad.

Giggs dubbed the current age of the brotherhood the 'dark ages', where they had executed multiple assassinations all over the globe. Previously, the objective was simple: Don't let the secret fall into anybody's hands. Since the secret was a scientific one, there was a high possibility that someone would eventually find out about it through their individual research. Subramanian was so obsessed with keeping it a secret that he began killing for it. All, in order to prevent the destruction of the planet and the human species.

That was when things spun out of control, horribly out of control.

He began killing anybody who was doing research that could cause potential harm. From those who were developing A.I to those modifying the human genome. Hampering development to save the world.

He wants to save the world, but he doesn't want it to change...What a bloody idiot.

Everybody was murdered according to plan. No witnesses, no clues. All of their tracks brilliantly were covered. That was, until recently, when Sadowsky came along.

Giggs saw something within him. His desperation, his willpower. That sparked the flame of hope; a hint to the key that would unlock his shackles and allow him to be free.

At first he considered quitting, but he would have to die for that. Not an option he would enjoy considering.

He took in a deep breath, and let it all out.

"Here I go..."

* * *

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