Chapter 22

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Hermann-Gmeiner Park, Vienna, 10:09 am

LaRusso and Broderick sat on the hard, cold metal bench, waiting for the terrorists to arrive. The whole place was full of greenery but the all the armed men gave it an unnatural look, like the whole place was about to turn into a full-scale battle zone. The terrorists were only minutes away; nothing would stop him from getting his hands on them now. The driver was shot dead but another one of them took control of the wheel. Children were playing here only hours ago, it had been cordoned off for the sake of their safety.

Broderick's iphone pinged, notifying him of a crucial update.


"Whoa what?" LaRusso grumbled.

Broderick flashed his iphone in LaRusso's face. He narrowed his eyes down trying to decipher the minute font of the screen's text.

"We've caught Gerard Silvestre," Broderick answered for him.

LaRusso didn't know what to say, for the moment these people were their number one priority, but he needed answers and he needed them desperately.

"Don't let any interrogation take place without me. He stays in complete isolation. Got that?" Silvestre was their man; no one could lay a finger on him. Also, he would love to see Krieg's face in despair.

They had just received an update that the terrorists were only a block away. They were falling like flies into a web woven by them, straight into a trap. The barricade was impenetrable; there was no way out, except for killing themselves but that scenario wasn't likely to happen.


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